Hi There,
This past weekend, I started conducting a survey
about my FIRST ever Licensing Master Mind.
If you missed it (this was a long holiday weekend
in the U.S.), here's that email again...
Over the past year, I've been receiving a steady
and growing stream of emails from people asking
me to do a Master Mind group on licensing.
Now, I'm all for Master Minds. In fact, I've been
participating in Master Mind groups of my own
for nearly 15 years. So I know how productive
they can be.
But since I've been involved in a "rolling launch"
of MDL for the past four months, I really didn't
have the time that's required to run a Master Mind
group with the level of service I want to devote
to it. Now that's all changed.
You see, MDL sales are shutting down at the
end of May, so there's really nothing left for me
to do - and that finally frees up a significant
block of time I can devote to a Master Mind
BUT - at this point, I'm not offering a Master
Mind, I'm simply taking a survey to see how
many people are interested. So let me tell
you a bit more about my truly unique version
of the Master Mind concept, then at the end,
you can register your "yes" vote if you like
what you've heard.
With that in mind, take a look at my...
Licensing Master Class/Master Mind
WHY should you join my Licensing
Master Mind?
In order to understand the immense power of
my Licensing Master Class/Master Mind, you
need to understand a powerful lesson from two
separate situations.
Master Mind Lesson #1: Mark Victor Hansen,
co-author of the famous "Chicken Soup for the
Soul" series, tells a story of an experience he had
sharing the speaking platform with Tony Robbins.
When they were done speaking, Mark pulled
Tony aside and asked him a question that had
been gnawing at him for years, "You know, we
both sell very similar information to the same
market, but you make 100 times what I'm
making. What could possibly be your secret?"
Tony asked him, "Tell me about your master
mind group. Who are the other members?"
"They're all millionaires", Mark replied proudly.
Tony Robbins' answer was somewhat shocking.
"That's your problem", he stated matter of factly.
Everyone in the master mind group I belong to
makes over 100 million dollars".
No dummy, the next day Mark Victor Hansen
set to work getting a number of billionaires to
join his master mind group.
Master Mind Lesson #2: Late last year, I
received a call from one of my most successful
licensing students asking for advice on how to
close a deal that had been hanging around for
months. For an odd reason that I won't go into
here, his client just would not pull the trigger.
We spent about 20 minutes on the phone and
I master minded what he should say to his client
word for word. A couple of weeks later, I
received an email from this student - Peter
Parks. You may already know Peter's story,
but in case you don't, here's what he reported
was the result of our session:
"Using nothing more than your advice and Google
as my prospecting tool, I was able to close this
deal. As a result of that, last week - in the middle
of this terrible recession - I received a wire transfer
to my bank account for a heart-stopping $828,517.
As a beginner to licensing, I can't tell you how happy
I am to have discovered your licensing strategies."
- Peter Parks, Hamilton, ON
Both of these lessons underscore WHY you should
be in this small group I'm forming if you truly want
to take your licensing game to the next level and
make six or seven figures a year with licensing.
The real measure of a Master Mind group's ability
to deliver results is the level of success of the person
running the group and the members. And one of
the key advantages you get in my program is direct
access to me - as well as a "dream team" of other
experts I've lined up who you could never get
personal access to on your own.
Who will these experts be? Some of them will be
my most successful licensing students sharing
their own experiences with you. Some of them
will be the best known marketing experts
you hear about every week, but can't get to
unless you have "insider" access. And all of them
will be the kind of sources who give you
powerful advice that can immediately make the
difference between grinding out a living with
licensing or making a small fortune.
With that in mind, let me give you an overview
of both unique components of this program
The Licensing Master Class/Master Mind uses
a unique hybrid model I've just developed.
You see, most master mind groups assume you
already have all the material you need and focus
on master minding the best ways to use and apply
But not here.
My hybrid model starts with a powerful Master
Class that I'll personally teach you - here in person
in beautiful San Diego (some time in July or August).
During the Master Class I'll reveal a ton of advanced
but highly practical strategies for prospecting
more effectively... closing more deals more quickly
and easily... and giving you more proven campaigns
you can license to your clients.
Now, because I carefully guard this material, I'm
NOT going to give you more details about these
strategies at this time. But I can assure you that the
majority of them are completely new and have
never been presented anywhere else.
Bottom line, I'm going to pull out all the stops to
personally give you the most powerful (and most
profitable) licensing techniques I know of. We'll
spend a weekend together in San Diego where
I'll personally lay out "the keys to the vault" and
show you how to use them in step-by-step detail.
Some of these strategies I've just developed and
and thoroughly tested recently. Others are too
advanced for the basic MDL course. But all are
extremely powerful and easy to use strategies that
will jump you up to the next level - or up many
levels - when you use them.
What's in the Master Mind portion
As I've already shown you, the true measure
of a highly effective master mind group is the
people who are in it. To make sure your mind
gets stretched and filled to capacity, I'm lining
up my most successful students and calling
on my "household name" experts to make this
a Master Mind beyond any you've ever seen.
Here are just some of the things you can expect
to get during our Master Mind sessions:
> You'll be able to learn from and model other
successful people's success. This is the fastest,
surest, safest route to ramping up your own
success immediately.
> You'll be exposed to new ideas - a broad range
and variety of ideas you would never know about
without this.
> The real secret - faster time to implementation.
Having participated in many Master Mind groups
of my own over the years, I can tell you the most
valuable benefit you get is powerful advice for
getting your licensing deals signed and implemented
more quickly. You'll discover dozens of concrete
ways to take your licensing deals from a glimmer of
an idea to a profitable reality in the shortest time
> Advanced problem solving. There is no other
resource that even comes close to the Master
Mind for getting brilliant solutions to whatever
problems you're encountering. And with the
"top gun" experts I have lined up to assist me,
the solutions you'll get are going to blow you
> True "where the rubber meets the road"
accountability. This group is designed to give
you all the help you need - and equally
important - to make sure you take action
on the help you're given. I've built in a number
of accountability tools that will keep you on
the fast track to licensing success.
> No more trial and error. With a powerful
group of advisors who have encountered
every situation you need advice on, and a
group of like-minded entrepreneurs who are
totally dedicated to success, you'll finally be
able to stop spinning your wheels, get help
with your blind spots, and make the kind
of money you've seen others making with
> The Bottom Line. This is just a "starter list"
for what we'll be covering and the kind of help
you'll get. The bottom line is, all this adds up
to MORE deals for you, MORE money, and
the ability to finally take complete control
of your financial future.
Is my Licensing Master Class/Master Mind
right for you?
What if you could start closing 2-5 licensing
deals per month like my top performing
students do? Would $20k to $60k per month
give you the lifestyle you've always wanted?
Or imagine what it would feel like to get a
wire transfer for $828,517 into YOUR bank
account like Peter Parks did. Think that would
get your blood pumping?
While I can't guarantee this, these are very
real possibilities. I have a tremendous number
of students who are "serial licensors" closing
deal after deal almost effortlessly.
And I know of at least two other students
who have pocketed even more than the
$828,517 that Peter did.
So why not you? The exact same opportunities,
with even more advanced material and a wealth
of support are now available for you.
So what's the catch?
The only catch is the limited number of people
I can work with personally. Because of the time
it takes to deliver the kind of program and support
that will give you the results you really want, I have
to limit the membership to no more than 24 people.
Also, the fee will be $12,500 for this six-month
program. There will be 12 meetings during this
six months, including two live weekends here in
San Diego. The remaining meetings will be
twice per week by phone and will run for two
So this will obviously require a commitment
on your part.
OK, all of this brings me back to what I said
at the beginning of this email. At this point, I
am not offering the program or accepting
I'm simply conducting a survey to see how
many people would like to take advantage
of this. If you'd like to be included if I decide
to move forward with my Licensing Master
Class/Master Mind, just click this link to
register your vote:
Voting at this point does not commit you to
anything. But I do ask that you only answer
"yes" if you seriously think you'll participate
in this program.
Also, by indicating your interest now, you'll
get priority enrollment if I do decide to go
forward and present the program. That's
important, because with just 24 spots
available, it will fill up fast.
So thanks for taking the time to read this,
and if you're interested, please register your
"yes" vote here (it only takes a second):
Bob Serling
2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA
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