The Veretekk Bully Pulpit Newsletter
"The launches are coming."
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The GodFather Speaks The Little Guy The Little Guy and Gal, that is who we are.
There are millions of us. We are taken for granted and blend into the fabric of our culture and life. Most of us want to raise our children well, pay our bills, make a better life for our family and have great hope for the future.
Greed is not often found in the hearts of the little guy and gal, but you will find charity in most of us. We are family oriented; most of us have children and some of us grand and great grand children. We as a whole want a world that is peaceful and prosperous so we may prosper.
Give us this day our daily bread is the prayer you will often hear among these masses.
The last two years We The People have been through tremendous hardships and financial struggles as we have watched our nation and around the world struggle with the results of greed within the systems. Greed kills and the average person, the little guy and gal are the usual victims of greed.
But this article is not about greed, it is about the undeniable spirit that is found in each and everyone of us. That spirit or calling waiting to be tapped and to reveal that greatness each and every one of you possess. This is the ultimate calling of what Veretekk is all about. Your success.
As we gather in the halls of Veretekk you will see greatness in many of her subscribers. You will notice many acts of kindness. Trainers that volunteer their time to help you succeed. Fellow members reaching out to help one another.
I am no different than you. I am of humble origin and have struggled most of my life to achieve any of the goals I have accomplished and that leads me to the purpose of this article.
About six months ago I found myself realizing that some of the core elements in Veretekk, mostly the email system, were not sufficient for the vision I have for Veretekk. The only part of Veretekk not built by Mike Darling and myself, the email system was failing to fulfill the dream. That dream being the launching of a new Veretekk look and process called V2, a more social networked and much more powerful automated marketing and SEO system all for the purpose of building you a system that would be instrumental in helping you achieve your dreams.
At that point I made the decision to stop all other work on Veretekk and get this core issue resolved even if it meant rebuilding the mail system from scratch.
At that time the Bully Pulpit broadcasting system only allowed you to email once a week. Now you can broadcast once a day. A major undertaking costing time and money to accomplish. At that time we had a database full of toxic email addresses from capturing all the incoming email. These databases dated back over 4 years. This issue has been eliminated. Now incoming email will forward to your POP account and will only be found in your Web based email Bully Pulpit broadcast system for 30 days. After that they get removed.
We have also opened up the Veremail email data uploads from one 10,000 list file to unlimited uploads. This also required new programming and is now processing quickly and efficiently.
We are also completing automation on removing, not blacklisting, all undeliverable email addresses from our databases. This is being done to speed up our systems and to make them friendly to the issues of email that is no longer relevant (email address come and go as we all know)
I put a halt on all other development within Veretekk until these new upgrades were installed and tested and found reliable. This has been achieved.
Now, I am doing this to deliver to you the best system to market online on the Internet. We have been building Veretekk for over 12 years now, and what is about to come in the next few months is going to make the last 12 years pale in comparison. We are also making the system so you can make more income as well. We are covering all the bases for you the little guy and gal.
Hey, I use Veretekk and tonight I am going to share some things with you that will show you how powerful Veretekk is and how we at Veretekk put your interests first, not ours.
We are here for you. I built Veretekk for the little guy and gal. We have kept our prices low and have consistently added value for your benefit over the past 12 years and we are dedicated to continue delivering the best value to you.
See you tonight,
Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.
Automated Marketing Systems! A Special Guest! Veretekk defined the whole Automated Marketing System revolution. We were there first, before Aweber, before Getresponse, before them all.
Every few years Veretekk goes through a metamorphosis and that stands as true today as ever.
Tonight we have a very special guest and he will reveal how the new Platinum Control Panel has increased his yearly income over $40,000 per year abd even more substantial, how he has developed clients that are experience significant real results from using the Platinum Control Panel. I mean results you can take to the bank.
The Platinum Control Panel will launch October 01, 2009
Veretekk V2 will go into full time development right after the Platinum Control Panel is released on Oct 01, 2009.
Do not miss tonight's meeting. You will discover why the Platinum Control Panel is going to be the most power Automated Marketing System online for many years to come. Marketing at the speed of thought is back!
Find out why this Google listing is related to the above article and what it means to you. "Automated Marketing Systems".
Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.
NOTE: Glenn Beck's book "Common Sense" have been shipped to the winners. You should have received them by now. The website, is still being developed.
The Flood Of Testimonials Continues... Real People With Real Results!
Tom and Mike!
I wrote this hopefully in the simplest fashion for non-Veretekk people to understand. Also if one would like to"lead" with Veremail, like I'm doing. Thank you.
Gary Cooper here and welcome to Veremail. You may have gotten here by clicking some bold letters that said "Envision the life you seek!" What I meant by that statement is if you're seeking the home based income lifestyle then you're at the right place. Because this is what Veretekk is all about! Veremail is the autoresponders, follow-up emails and email broadcasting part of the Veretekk system.
Veretekk is also about building more leads for your online business whatever that may be. So again, what is Veretekk? It's a verified lead generation company. Also called permission based emailing. Meaning not Spam! The only way to get an email from the Veretekk system is by permission. There are no buying and selling of leads here.
Once again Veretekk is a free verified lead generation company. It consists of over 50 portals, webpages or splash pages. They collect permission based information, in exchange for something you can use in your home business. This comes to you in the form of a down load, e-book or training or free leads.
You also, get the opportunity to sign-up for a free Silver membership in Veretekk. You can upgrade to a Gold membership later, which offers more benefits. Veretekk has free internet marketing training via web conference rooms from some of the best trainers the business "from around the globe." They donate their time to teach you cutting edge solutions to user internet marketing. Envision the life you seek, the work at home lifestyle and the internet is here to stay!
If you're not currently making an income from the internet, there is no problem with that for you are encouraged to promote the Veretekk system itself. Subscribers receive the finest state-of-the-art technology to work with. You must become more vested in the ways and means of the 21st century and that is the internet. Learn what some of this stuff is! Lead generation, verification, traffic initiation, link integration and custom configuration.
Gary Cooper II
Irving, TX
Dear Tom and Mike,
I have been using Veretekk to help promote my home business for over 4 years now....
Here's the bottom line... Veretekk just plain WORKS for me.
I have generated Thousands of Premium Leads with my Veretekk systems PLUS Hundreds of Thousands of Email Leads, and have also, most important, learned more about marketing on the Internet than I have anywhere else.
Veretekk is (by far) the most powerful tool in my online marketing arsenal.
That's my experience with Veretekk over the past 4 years, all positive.
I am really excited by what Tom and Mike(s) are putting together for the launch of V2. Count on me to be right there and back to training as well!
Paul Stanton
Host of Home Business Radio
This is James Johnson and I just wanted to say thank you to Tom and Mike for all of the hard work they have put into veretekk. My testimony is that with out this system I would not know what I know about the internet, im not making the big money YET, but with Tom's help and this veretekk system Im well on my way. Thanks again guys for all that you do.
James Johnson
Richmond, VA
Monday! Monday! Monday! LETS PACK THE HOUSE! To join the conference, just login to your Veretekk™ system and go to Veretraining™, then just click on the Calendar. The web conference begins at 6pm Pacific on Monday.
Veretekk™ State of the System Address
Monday, September 14, 2009 6pm PST
Mike Darling, President
Thomas Prendergast, CEO, Inc. (Veretekk™)