Friday, May 28, 2010

why products sell online (and why some don't)

Just in time for your weekend, I have some great
training about "perceived value".

Perceived value, when it comes to your information
products, is the difference between selling plenty
or selling none.

If you want to know how to RAISE the perceived
value of any information you sell online,
regardless of format, then you need to do two
things -

1. Read my latest blog post:

How To Raise The Perceived Value Of Your Information Products 

2. Watch Eben Pagan's latest video:

Content is CASH (New Video)

(Name and email required to access the video.)

This is some absolutely solid marketing psychology
that will give you the exact language to use to
help you sell more stuff online.

Here's to your success,

Yaro Starak


Follow Yaro on Twitter:

Have you seen Yaro's training programs?

Make $5,000 to $30,000 a month blogging.

Learn how to plan, create and launch your own
successful membership site or information product.

Step-by-step video training to set-up and profit
from your very own blog. If you like video teaching,
this is the course for you.

If you're serious and committed to growing your
business, Yaro offers an elite, one-on-one
coaching program -


This email is sent to you because you
subscribed to Yaro Starak's email
newsletter at one of his websites.

Here is your subscription information:

Name: There
Subscribe Date: February 13, 2009

Sometimes I send affiliate links in emails, which
means I may earn a commission if you click a link
and make a purchase. Thank you for supporting
my hard work :-)

Full Disclaimer:


GPO Box 2679, Brisbane, QLD 4001, AUSTRALIA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

RE: FAP Turbo News & Ron Carters Secret Exposed

Every now and then even we make mistakes! I got responses
right away about the missing link in the HTML format

Here ya go!


Sorry About That!

FAP Turbo Team,
Mike, Steve, Uli & Steffan

ForexKiller, wilhelm greilstr 14, innsbruck, tirol 6020, Austria

To unsubscribe visit:

To change your contact details visit:

Friday, May 21, 2010

This goes live next week...

Hi There,

For the past couple of weeks, I've been conducting
a survey for the "Big"Master Mind group I'm
forming. This is an executive level master mind for
companies with revenue of $1 million per year or
more. It's going live next week and if you missed
this email or are new to this list, I don't want you
to miss out.

If your business meets thes revenue requirement,
here's a very compelling reason why you should
seriously consider being part of this. In fact, a
couple of friends have even told me this is the
most outrageous (in a good way) offer they've
ever seen.

The original email that I sent out on the "Big"
Master Mind is pasted in below. You can read
that to get more details in a minute. But before you
do, I know that a major consideration for you is
going to be the enrollment fee.

But here's where my "outrageous" offer comes
into play. You see, while the enrollment fee for
the "Big" Master Mind is $25,000, I only want
you to join if I make you at least $50,000 in profit
BEFORE the program even begins.

You see, my format for this Master Mind is very
different than anything you've ever experienced.
And while I could give you examples and
testimonials to prove this, the only way for you
to truly understand the power of this program is
to let you experience part of it for yourself.

So if you're serious about enrolling in the Big
Master Mind, I plan to give you three quick
Master Mind strategies you can use to
immediately produce a very real gain of at
least $50,000 in profits. In addition to giving
you a taste of what's to come, this will also
pay for your entire enrollment fee.

Here's an example of the kind of techniques
I'll give you right up front

The other day, while I was on the phone with my
friend, Mike Koenigs, Co-Founder of Traffic Geyser,
I gave him one of the Master Mind techniques we'll
be using in this group. It's called the "Opportunity
Gap Identifier" and it helps you instantly spot gaps
in your marketing or business strategies that you
aren't taking full advantage of.

Here's what happened next - in a matter of minutes
while we were still on the phone - according to

"That tactic you gave me was crazy. It's a very
simple, elegant question that makes you look
at your business in a very different way. For
me, it was like getting whacked in the head
with a brick, but I mean that in the best way
possible. Instantly, it shifted me into seeing
a much broader and very practical way to
market one of my products. This will easily be
worth six figures to my business in the next 90
days. Very impressive!"
- Mike Koenigs, Co-founder
Traffic Geyser

In addition to this technique, I'll also give you
two more strategies you can use to ramp up
your profits right away. And if you aren't
thoroughly convinced they'll immediately be
worth at least $50,000 to your business, I don't
want you to even consider enrolling in the
"Big" Master Mind.

Alright, so that's my outrageous offer. And with
that in mind, I want to remind you that this survey
is shutting down in 48 hours. So here's the original
email again with the details on the program and
how you can put your name on the early notice

Fasten your seat belt, because this is going to be
one BIG email - not in length, but in potential
value to your business.

After many years of people asking me to create
an executive level Master Mind group, I've finally
agreed to possibly do this and I want to measure
how much interest there is.

Let's cut to the BIG chase

In my career, I've been fortunate to have some big
ideas that let me catapult past my competition - rather
than trying to catch up with them a step at a time.

I've also been fortunate to have the opportunity to
partner with some brilliant people who stretched the
boundaries of how I thought about things.

Together, these two forces have done more for my
business than anything else.

Let me give you a few examples.

As you may know, I created an idea for a new form
of lead generation letter that many people now refer
to as "The $25 Million Letter". That's because this
one and a half page letter landed my client an agreement
for a $25 million deal the first time he used it - mailing
it to just one prospect.

I also invented a very popular skateboard toy that had
the logo of Tony Hawk and many more professional
skateboarders on it, which sold in Toys R Us, Wal-Mart,
Kaybee Toys, Target and hundreds of other stores.

And I was a co-inventor of a software suite for advanced
testing and assessment that's still being sold and used by
companies like General Electric, Johnson & Johnson,
Pioneer, Kaiser Permanente, and more.

So as I mentioned, I've been fortunate to be able to
create some big ideas that produced massive results.

But equally important, I've always recognized the immense
value of working with the right people. For example, my
partner on the Tony Hawk skateboard toy was a
commentator for ESPN and ABC for the X-Games.
And he was definitely connected in the skateboarding

One of my partners in the software company was a
professor in the Graduate School of Education at UCLA,
and my other partner had just sold his previous business
to Bill Gates. You can believe that they both brought
impressive skills to the table.

Great ideas + great people = quantum leaps in success

My formula for success is simple: if you can improve the
quality of your ideas AND improve the quality of people
you associate with, partner with, brainstorm with and
do business with - your success will grow exponentially.

Or put another way, without this, success will come
much more slowly. And sometimes you'll miss the boat
altogether because of opportunities you missed by going
it alone.

With that in mind, let me give you some more details
on what could be one of the most unique and most
profitable opportunities you'll ever be presented with.

My executive level "Big" Master Mind

My idea of a great Master Mind is to focus on three

1. Big marketing, product and business building
ideas that produce quantum leaps in success

2. Solving big problems on the spot

3. Associating and partnering with other people
who think big and take big action

As for the big marketing and product ideas, every major
breakthrough I've ever created, including the few I listed
above, came from an "idea inventing" process I developed
many years ago. Essentially, it consists of a series of
eye opening, mind opening questions. And the results
are often huge, hairy, massively successful ideas.

So this Master Mind group will rely heavily on that
process to create breakthrough ideas at a stunningly
rapid pace. And we'll also use this process, plus the
hard-earned experience of the group members, to
solve problems quickly that otherwise might grow
to the point where they seriously endanger your business.

Finally, the "big people" component comes from you.
And from other like-minded, successful people like
you who can truly carry their weight when it comes to
giving and receiving advice. Even if that advice causes
you to have to stretch beyond your normal boundaries.

Sound like something you'd be interested in? Not so
fast, because there are some strong qualifications you
must meet to even be considered.

Who this group is for - and how to register your

Because the "Big" Master Mind will cover all these
bases, it definitely is not for everyone.

To even be considered, your business must be bringing
in a minimum of $1 million per year in revenue. And you
must be the kind of person who is open to giving and
receiving big ideas. If you're stingy or feel threatened
being in the company of other very successful people,
this definitely will not work for you.

Finally, the annual membership fee is not cheap - but
will easily be one of the best investments you could
ever make in your career. Membership will be in the
neighborhood of $25,000 per year.

So those are some pretty strong qualifications you'll
need to just get past the starting gate.

However, if you're the kind of person that understands
the power of a group of like-minded, highly successful
individuals to leap past problems... create big, powerful,
breakthrough quality ideas... and enjoy the company
and potential deals and partnerships with the other
group members, then I'd like to hear from you.

You can let me know you're interested by clicking

All it takes is about 5 seconds, so you can do
this quickly.

Registering your interest at this point does not obligate
you to apply for membership if I decide to move
forward with this program. But I'd appreciate it if
you'd only register if you're seriously considering
joining. That way, I'll be able to determine whether
there's enough interest in this to move to the next

So thanks for taking the time to read this. And I
look forward to hearing from you if this seems like
a good fit:


Bob Serling

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

how to identify money making niches

This is some GOOD stuff.

Go to this link, enter your name and email and
then watch the video from Eben Pagan -

Watch Video: How to identify money making niches

Absolutely everyone who wants to make a living
from selling information on the Internet needs to
watch this, because it clarifies what is at the
heart of how to find money making topics online.

I've made the mistake before of thinking that you
can turn your passion into something you make
money from - and you can - but I went about it the
wrong way, as so many people do.

I thought about it based on *my* point of view,
what I assumed people wanted from me and what I
could give them.

I had smart and helpful suggestions, which is
great, but NOT the right way to make money from my

If you want to make money selling info products,
you have to offer SOLUTIONS, not suggestions.

You can bend your knowledge into solutions, but
first you must know what people want solving -
what is at the heart of their pain or motivation
to change?

Once you know this, then you can present your
knowledge as the solution to their problem, and
that is how you make money.


Don't worry, Eben explains it all in very
clear language right here in this video -  

Video: How to find profitable niches

(Enter your name and email to watch.)

If you're still trying to choose a niche for your
business, or your current angle isn't working
(and this includes if your blog topic isn't
working either), then this video is for you.

Eben also gives you a 25-page downloadable PDF on
niche intelligence, to go with the video, plus
there is an exercise sheet you can print out to
help you follow Eben's method to find your

It's the ultimate guide to find out how your
knowledge can make you money online...

...and all of this won't cost you anything but
your email, available from this link:  

The Ultimate Money Making Niche Identification Guide


Yaro Starak


Follow Yaro on Twitter:

Have you seen Yaro's training programs?

Make $5,000 to $30,000 a month blogging.

Learn how to plan, create and launch your own
successful membership site or information product.

Step-by-step video training to set-up and profit
from your very own blog. If you like video teaching,
this is the course for you.

If you're serious and committed to growing your
business, Yaro offers an elite, one-on-one
coaching program -


This email is sent to you because you
subscribed to Yaro Starak's email
newsletter at one of his websites.

Here is your subscription information:

Name: There
Subscribe Date: February 13, 2009

Sometimes I send affiliate links in emails, which
means I may earn a commission if you click a link
and make a purchase. Thank you for supporting
my hard work :-)

Full Disclaimer:


GPO Box 2679, Brisbane, QLD 4001, AUSTRALIA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Forex UPDATE: 50 copies of this course released on...


Heads up...

If you missed out on the release of Gary Albrecht's Forex
Mastery 2.0 last week, pay close attention.

Gary & co. will be releasing an additional 50 copies of this
course tomorrow night, Thursday, May 20th.

After this, it looks like he'll be pulling it off the market.

So, if you want "in", go ahead & register for his final training
session here:

It's your last chance to see Gary's Forex "magic" in action.

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Monday, May 17, 2010

There's "strange" stock trading story?

Dear There,

I have to admit, this is a little strange.

It's a video that reveals a story about the #1 reason why most
people lose money trading stocks...

...and how I was ultimately able to help those people make a
life-altering "shift" in their trading.

WARNING: It may require you to leave your "comfort zone", kind
of like the fish in the pic below:

Why do I say it's "strange"? Maybe because it's about stuff most
people are afraid to admit about themselves & their trading.

Check out this "strange" stock trading story here...

As you immerse yourself in the story, see how close it is to
YOUR trading story...

(pay close attention)

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

p.s. Do you think it's "strange"? Watch it here...

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

There's "strange" stock trading story?

Dear There,

I have to admit, this is a little strange.

It's a video that reveals a story about the #1 reason why most
people lose money trading stocks...

...and how I was ultimately able to help those people make a
life-altering "shift" in their trading.

WARNING: It may require you to leave your "comfort zone", kind
of like the fish in the pic below:

Why do I say it's "strange"? Maybe because it's about stuff most
people are afraid to admit about themselves & their trading.

Check out this "strange" stock trading story here...

As you immerse yourself in the story, see how close it is to
YOUR trading story...

(pay close attention)

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

p.s. Do you think it's "strange"? Watch it here...

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

is outsourcing exploitation?

Hi There,

I have some "light" reading for you at the start
of a new week in my latest blog post, which asks a
challenging question -

Is Outsourcing Exploitation?

I spent much of the last two weeks raving about
outsourcing, how good it is, how I am doing it and
you should too, etc.

However there's a potential dark side to this
issue, and it's something I decided I needed
to address.

If you outsource to cheap labor, ask yourself, is
it exploitation?

Read on here...

Here's to your success,

Yaro Starak
P.S. I'd love your opinion on this one, so 
please leave a comment reply to the article.

Follow Yaro on Twitter:

Have you seen Yaro's training programs?

Make $5,000 to $30,000 a month blogging.

Learn how to plan, create and launch your own
successful membership site or information product.

Step-by-step video training to set-up and profit
from your very own blog. If you like video teaching,
this is the course for you.

If you're serious and committed to growing your
business, Yaro offers an elite, one-on-one
coaching program -


This email is sent to you because you
subscribed to Yaro Starak's email
newsletter at one of his websites.

Here is your subscription information:

Name: There
Subscribe Date: February 13, 2009

Sometimes I send affiliate links in emails, which
means I may earn a commission if you click a link
and make a purchase. Thank you for supporting
my hard work :-)

Full Disclaimer:


GPO Box 2679, Brisbane, QLD 4001, AUSTRALIA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Friday, May 14, 2010

outsource force closing

Hi There,

It's the weekend here in Brisbane, so I'm about
to head out and meet some friends for lunch.

Before I do, I just got an email from John Reese
explaining that he is closing his Outsource Force
program today, so I thought I would bug you about
it one last time :-)

If you are still fence sitting about this one,
make sure you decide by Saturday US time so you
don't miss out.

This is my link -

Outsource Force Order Page

If you order through that link please email with your receipt to
get my bonuses.

If you can't remember what my bonuses are,
read this -

Yaro's bonuses for Outsource Force

Enjoy your weekend!

Here's to your success,

Yaro Starak


Follow Yaro on Twitter:

Have you seen Yaro's training programs?

Make $5,000 to $30,000 a month blogging.

Learn how to plan, create and launch your own
successful membership site or information product.

Step-by-step video training to set-up and profit
from your very own blog. If you like video teaching,
this is the course for you.

If you're serious and committed to growing your
business, Yaro offers an elite, one-on-one
coaching program -


This email is sent to you because you
subscribed to Yaro Starak's email
newsletter at one of his websites.

Here is your subscription information:

Name: There
Subscribe Date: February 13, 2009

Sometimes I send affiliate links in emails, which
means I may earn a commission if you click a link
and make a purchase. Thank you for supporting
my hard work :-)

Full Disclaimer:


GPO Box 2679, Brisbane, QLD 4001, AUSTRALIA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Thursday, May 13, 2010


If you're interested in making money with video in
your home town, Mike Koenigs just let me know
that he's re-opened orders for his Main Street
Marketing Machines.

This is a really sweet system, even if you've never
done a thing with video:

Check it out. I've seen the program work first hand
and I give it my highest endorsement. Move quickly
though, because this is coming down within 24 hours.


Bob Serling

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

bonus Forex training TONIGHT (Thu)

Dear There,

Gary Albrecht - the "trading geek" behind the Forex M3 Navigator
software is doing a LIVE DEMO tonight at 9pm Eastern:

Register here:

He's also going to demo his Forex Mastery 2.0 program.

Here are some tips to consider while watching Gary's
complimentary demo tonight:

* Can you see yourself trading in the same fashion he does?

* How does he handle risk?

* How much time is involved?

Get your seat here:

See you tonight.

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Survey - My most outrageous offer ever

Hi There,

I'm about to wrap up the survey for the "Big"Master
Mind group I'm considering forming for companies
with revenue of $1 million per year or more.

If your business meets this revenue requirement,
here's a very compelling reason I haven't disclosed
that may make you want to consider this. A couple
of friends have even told me this is the most
outrageous (in a good way) offer they've ever seen.

The original email that I sent out on the "Big"
Master Mind is pasted in below. You can read
that to get more details in a minute. But before you
do, I know that a major consideration for you is
going to be the enrollment fee.

But here's where my "outrageous" offer comes
into play. You see, while the enrollment fee for
the "Big" Master Mind is $25,000, I only want
you to join if I make you at least $50,000 in profit
BEFORE the program even begins.

You see, my format for this Master Mind is very
different than anything you've ever experienced.
And while I could give you examples and
testimonials to prove this, the only way for you
to truly understand the power of this program is
to let you experience part of it for yourself.

So if you're serious about enrolling in the Big
Master Mind, I plan to give you three quick
Master Mind strategies you can use to
immediately produce a very real gain of at
least $50,000 in profits. In addition to giving
you a taste of what's to come, this will also
pay for your entire enrollment fee.

Here's an example of the kind of techniques
I'll give you right up front

The other day, while I was on the phone with my
friend, Mike Koenigs, Co-Founder of Traffic Geyser,
I gave him one of the Master Mind techniques we'll
be using in this group. It's called the "Opportunity
Gap Identifier" and it helps you instantly spot gaps
in your marketing or business strategies that you
aren't taking full advantage of.

Here's what happened next - in a matter of minutes
while we were still on the phone - according to

"That tactic you gave me was crazy. It's a very
simple, elegant question that makes you look
at your business in a very different way. For
me, it was like getting whacked in the head
with a brick, but I mean that in the best way
possible. Instantly, it shifted me into seeing
a much broader and very practical way to
market one of my products. This will easily be
worth six figures to my business in the next 90
days. Very impressive!"
- Mike Koenigs, Co-founder
Traffic Geyser

In addition to this technique, I'll also give you
two more strategies you can use to ramp up
your profits right away. And if you aren't
thoroughly convinced they'll immediately be
worth at least $50,000 to your business, I don't
want you to even consider enrolling in the
"Big" Master Mind.

Alright, so that's my outrageous offer. And with
that in mind, I want to remind you that this survey
is shutting down in 48 hours. So here's the original
email again with the details on the program and
how you can put your name on the early notice

Fasten your seat belt, because this is going to be
one BIG email - not in length, but in potential
value to your business.

After many years of people asking me to create
an executive level Master Mind group, I've finally
agreed to possibly do this and I want to measure
how much interest there is.

Let's cut to the BIG chase

In my career, I've been fortunate to have some big
ideas that let me catapult past my competition - rather
than trying to catch up with them a step at a time.

I've also been fortunate to have the opportunity to
partner with some brilliant people who stretched the
boundaries of how I thought about things.

Together, these two forces have done more for my
business than anything else.

Let me give you a few examples.

As you may know, I created an idea for a new form
of lead generation letter that many people now refer
to as "The $25 Million Letter". That's because this
one and a half page letter landed my client an agreement
for a $25 million deal the first time he used it - mailing
it to just one prospect.

I also invented a very popular skateboard toy that had
the logo of Tony Hawk and many more professional
skateboarders on it, which sold in Toys R Us, Wal-Mart,
Kaybee Toys, Target and hundreds of other stores.

And I was a co-inventor of a software suite for advanced
testing and assessment that's still being sold and used by
companies like General Electric, Johnson & Johnson,
Pioneer, Kaiser Permanente, and more.

So as I mentioned, I've been fortunate to be able to
create some big ideas that produced massive results.

But equally important, I've always recognized the immense
value of working with the right people. For example, my
partner on the Tony Hawk skateboard toy was a
commentator for ESPN and ABC for the X-Games.
And he was definitely connected in the skateboarding

One of my partners in the software company was a
professor in the Graduate School of Education at UCLA,
and my other partner had just sold his previous business
to Bill Gates. You can believe that they both brought
impressive skills to the table.

Great ideas + great people = quantum leaps in success

My formula for success is simple: if you can improve the
quality of your ideas AND improve the quality of people
you associate with, partner with, brainstorm with and
do business with - your success will grow exponentially.

Or put another way, without this, success will come
much more slowly. And sometimes you'll miss the boat
altogether because of opportunities you missed by going
it alone.

With that in mind, let me give you some more details
on what could be one of the most unique and most
profitable opportunities you'll ever be presented with.

My executive level "Big" Master Mind

My idea of a great Master Mind is to focus on three

1. Big marketing, product and business building
ideas that produce quantum leaps in success

2. Solving big problems on the spot

3. Associating and partnering with other people
who think big and take big action

As for the big marketing and product ideas, every major
breakthrough I've ever created, including the few I listed
above, came from an "idea inventing" process I developed
many years ago. Essentially, it consists of a series of
eye opening, mind opening questions. And the results
are often huge, hairy, massively successful ideas.

So this Master Mind group will rely heavily on that
process to create breakthrough ideas at a stunningly
rapid pace. And we'll also use this process, plus the
hard-earned experience of the group members, to
solve problems quickly that otherwise might grow
to the point where they seriously endanger your business.

Finally, the "big people" component comes from you.
And from other like-minded, successful people like
you who can truly carry their weight when it comes to
giving and receiving advice. Even if that advice causes
you to have to stretch beyond your normal boundaries.

Sound like something you'd be interested in? Not so
fast, because there are some strong qualifications you
must meet to even be considered.

Who this group is for - and how to register your

Because the "Big" Master Mind will cover all these
bases, it definitely is not for everyone.

To even be considered, your business must be bringing
in a minimum of $1 million per year in revenue. And you
must be the kind of person who is open to giving and
receiving big ideas. If you're stingy or feel threatened
being in the company of other very successful people,
this definitely will not work for you.

Finally, the annual membership fee is not cheap - but
will easily be one of the best investments you could
ever make in your career. Membership will be in the
neighborhood of $25,000 per year.

So those are some pretty strong qualifications you'll
need to just get past the starting gate.

However, if you're the kind of person that understands
the power of a group of like-minded, highly successful
individuals to leap past problems... create big, powerful,
breakthrough quality ideas... and enjoy the company
and potential deals and partnerships with the other
group members, then I'd like to hear from you.

You can let me know you're interested by clicking

All it takes is about 5 seconds, so you can do
this quickly.

Registering your interest at this point does not obligate
you to apply for membership if I decide to move
forward with this program. But I'd appreciate it if
you'd only register if you're seriously considering
joining. That way, I'll be able to determine whether
there's enough interest in this to move to the next

So thanks for taking the time to read this. And I
look forward to hearing from you if this seems like
a good fit:


Bob Serling, Founder
Power8 Marketing, Inc.

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

my bonuses for John Reese's outsource force


John Reese's Outsource Force program is LIVE
and you can join here -

Details about the bonuses I'm offering if you
order through my link are below.


As I write this email my assistant Angela is in
the process of hiring two Filipino staff, who are
going to help develop websites and graphics for my

I'm taking on board this idea of outsourcing and
building a real team of full-time and committed
staff, and at $300 a month for full time helpers,
this is something every entrepreneur should try.

I watched all four of John Reese's Outsource
Force prelaunch videos over the previous week. I
hope you had a chance to watch some of them as
well so you can see what's possible with

I've also been blogging like crazy on this topic,
so as you can tell, I'm excited, and I REALLY
want this excitement to rub off on you. I know how
vital it is to your online business that you get


What bonuses am I offering if you order John's

Let me say first that I'm so keen on this one, I
want a copy myself, and I don't say that about
most launches in our industry.

However, Outsource Force is not for everyone for
one fairly obvious reason - the price.

If you have a couple of thousand dollars to spend
on hiring full time staff, this course is the
perfect investment to learn how to NOT STUFF IT UP
and hire bad people.

Hence it could save you money, but most people
only look at what they are spending, not what they
are saving.

Regardless, you know if you are right for this
program, and I have the following enticements to
order via my link...

NOTE: Bonus qualification is based on the timestamp
of emails sent to me claiming the bonus.

1. For the first 5 people: I'm offering a 30
minute private consultation call with me to talk
about your business, valued at $500 (yes my
private time is expensive - and yours should be

2. For the first 10 people: A copy of my
soon-to-be-released "Ultimate Guide To SEO
For Bloggers" - over 100 pages of my words
on how to optimize your blog to bring in
massive amounts of search engine traffic.

3. For the first 20 people: My mega-bonus pack,

- Two live presentations from me about buying and
selling websites for profit, and making money from

- Ten incredible videos where I talk about all the
aspects of building a profitable authority blog

- Two powerful interviews, one with Gideon
Shalwick on video marketing, and another with Will
Swayne on testing and conversion for bloggers


1. To qualify for these bonuses order Outsource
Force from John Reese via my link here -

Outsource Force by John Reese (Yaro's Link)

2. Then email through your receipt to and my assistant Angela
will confirm your order was credited to me.

If it wasn't then you will need to email John's
support staff and request that your order is
credited to me to qualify for the bonuses.

That's it!

I hope you enjoyed the videos that I sent you from
John and the blog posts I wrote about outsourcing
in the last couple of weeks.

This is a real opportunity available to every
online entrepreneur, so don't ignore the
potential. It could make your life a whole lot

Here's to your success,

Yaro Starak


Follow Yaro on Twitter:

Have you seen Yaro's training programs?

Make $5,000 to $30,000 a month blogging.

Learn how to plan, create and launch your own
successful membership site or information product.

Step-by-step video training to set-up and profit
from your very own blog. If you like video teaching,
this is the course for you.

If you're serious and committed to growing your
business, Yaro offers an elite, one-on-one
coaching program -


This email is sent to you because you
subscribed to Yaro Starak's email
newsletter at one of his websites.

Here is your subscription information:

Name: There
Subscribe Date: February 13, 2009

Sometimes I send affiliate links in emails, which
means I may earn a commission if you click a link
and make a purchase. Thank you for supporting
my hard work :-)

Full Disclaimer:


GPO Box 2679, Brisbane, QLD 4001, AUSTRALIA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Forex Mastery 2.0 is OPEN (There's link)


Gary Albrecht (the guy with 9 trading monitors) just opened up
his "Forex Mastery 2.0" program here:

Click to see "Forex Mastery 2.0"

There's a LOT to check out on that web page, so take your time
before you decide to take up Gary on his generous offer.

If you want the "cheat sheet" to his offer, here's what I would
focus on:

* Check out the details behind the 6 modules so you know what
you're getting...

* Check out the 7 bonuses he's throwing in if you reserve a copy
of the program today...

* Check out the 60 day refund period he gives you...

Bottom line for me is that Gary's "Forex Mastery 2.0" looks very
solid and if you've been looking for some big "training wheels"
to help you with your Forex trading, this might be exactly what
you've been looking for...

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

p.s. Like previously, the "Forex Mastery 2.0" program will come
off the market once the allotted number of new students snap up
the remaining copies, so if you're interested and don't want to
risk missing out, at the very least you should reserve a copy
today here:

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Predicted DOW crumble?


This is getting interesting...

Last Thursday's market drop shocked a lot of traders, no doubt.

If you saw my 2 prior messages this weekend from Gary Albrecht
(the "guy with 9 trading monitors"), then you might want to
watch this new one ASAP, because:

* It shows Gary calling the DOW as a SHORT pre-market on
Thursday, based on his "M3 Forex Navigator" software...

-just before it tanked and lost over 1,000 points in one day.

Watch it here...

(The video is actually a preview of the Forex Mastery system
and the M3 Forex Navigator system, which he gave during a
Non-Farm Payroll class.)

True, Forex Mastery is primarily a Forex Trading system...

But he was showcasing one of the NEW features of the system, a
Dow Index he's created using his proprietary indicators.

So now even STOCK and OPTION traders can benefit as well.

Gary's call on the DOW was uncanny (maybe even a little SCARY).

Watch the recording on the video link here...

(If you want to skip to the part specifically, just fast forward
until you see the DOW chart less than 1/3 of the way into it.)

Anyway, this shows you the importance of knowledge and
experience when trading.

I'll let you know if I get anything interesting from Gary.

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Oops, the guy with 9 trading monitors actually has...


Did you check out the Forex video I sent you yesterday from the
guy with 9 trading monitors?

I actually just realized he has 4 training videos on his website
(3 are "live" now and 1 is forthcoming), so if you missed the
first 2, you can see them by tapping on the links at the top of
the page, as seen here:

What he's doing is really interesting, especially if you like
all the "heavy lifting" of Forex trading done for you.

See what I mean and check out his unique "angle" on these
volatile markets here...

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Survey - A very different kind of Master Mind

Hi There,

A couple of days ago, I sent out the email below
about a new Master Mind group I'm considering
forming for companies with revenue of $1 million
per year or more.

I realize that only a small segment of the people
on this list will meet that qualification, but if you
do and didn't see my earlier email, I want to make
sure you have the chance to consider this.

Why? Because my format for this Master Mind
is very different than anything you've ever
experienced. To put it bluntly, it can ramp up
your sales and profits at warp speed.

Here's an example of what I mean. The other
day, while I was on the phone with friend,
Mike Koenigs, Co-Founder of Traffic Geyser,
I gave him one of the Master Mind techniques
we'll be using in this group. It's called the
"Opportunity Gap Identifier" and it helps you
instantly identify gaps in your marketing or business
strategies that you aren't taking full advantage of.

Here's what happened next - in a matter of
minutes while we were still on the phone,
according to Mike:

"That tactic you gave me was crazy. It's a very
simple, elegant question that makes you look
at your business in a very different way. For
me, it was like getting whacked in the head
with a brick, but I mean that in the best way
possible. Instantly, it shifted me into seeing
a much broader and very practical way to
market one of my products. This will easily be
worth six figures to my business in the next 90
days. Very impressive!"
- Mike Koenigs, Co-founder
Traffic Geyser

By the way, if the response to this survey is
strong enough to warrant moving ahead with
the Master Mind, I'll be giving you the same
technique I gave Mike BEFORE the Master
Mind ever begins. This alone should more
than pay for your enrollment fee.

Alright, with that in mind, here's the original
email again...

Fasten your seat belt, because this is going to be
one BIG email - not in length, but in potential
value to your business.

After many years of people asking me to create
an executive level Master Mind group, I've finally
agreed to possibly do this and I want to measure
how much interest there is.

Let's cut to the BIG chase

In my career, I've been fortunate to have some big
ideas that let me catapult past my competition - rather
than trying to catch up with them a step at a time.

I've also been fortunate to have the opportunity to
partner with some brilliant people who stretched the
boundaries of how I thought about things.

Together, these two forces have done more for my
business than anything else.

Let me give you a few examples.

As you may know, I created an idea for a new form
of lead generation letter that many people now refer
to as "The $25 Million Letter". That's because this
one and a half page letter landed my client an agreement
for a $25 million deal the first time he used it - mailing
it to just one prospect.

I also invented a very popular skateboard toy that had
the logo of Tony Hawk and many more professional
skateboarders on it, which sold in Toys R Us, Wal-Mart,
Kaybee Toys, Target and hundreds of other stores.

And I was a co-inventor of a software suite for advanced
testing and assessment that's still being sold and used by
companies like General Electric, Johnson & Johnson,
Pioneer, Kaiser Permanente, and more.

So as I mentioned, I've been fortunate to be able to
create some big ideas that produced massive results.

But equally important, I've always recognized the immense
value of working with the right people. For example, my
partner on the Tony Hawk skateboard toy was a
commentator for ESPN and ABC for the X-Games.
And he was definitely connected in the skateboarding

One of my partners in the software company was a
professor in the Graduate School of Education at UCLA,
and my other partner had just sold his previous business
to Bill Gates. You can believe that they both brought
impressive skills to the table.

Great ideas + great people = quantum leaps in success

My formula for success is simple: if you can improve the
quality of your ideas AND improve the quality of people
you associate with, partner with, brainstorm with and
do business with - your success will grow exponentially.

Or put another way, without this, success will come
much more slowly. And sometimes you'll miss the boat
altogether because of opportunities you missed by going
it alone.

With that in mind, let me give you some more details
on what could be one of the most unique and most
profitable opportunities you'll ever be presented with.

My executive level "Big" Master Mind

My idea of a great Master Mind is to focus on three

1. Big marketing, product and business building
ideas that produce quantum leaps in success

2. Solving big problems on the spot

3. Associating and partnering with other people
who think big and take big action

As for the big marketing and product ideas, every major
breakthrough I've ever created, including the few I listed
above, came from an "idea inventing" process I developed
many years ago. Essentially, it consists of a series of
eye opening, mind opening questions. And the results
are often huge, hairy, massively successful ideas.

So this Master Mind group will rely heavily on that
process to create breakthrough ideas at a stunningly
rapid pace. And we'll also use this process, plus the
hard-earned experience of the group members, to
solve problems quickly that otherwise might grow
to the point where they seriously endanger your business.

Finally, the "big people" component comes from you.
And from other like-minded, successful people like
you who can truly carry their weight when it comes to
giving and receiving advice. Even if that advice causes
you to have to stretch beyond your normal boundaries.

Sound like something you'd be interested in? Not so
fast, because there are some strong qualifications you
must meet to even be considered.

Who this group is for - and how to register your

Because the "Big" Master Mind will cover all these
bases, it definitely is not for everyone.

To even be considered, your business must be bringing
in a minimum of $1 million per year in revenue. And you
must be the kind of person who is open to giving and
receiving big ideas. If you're stingy or feel threatened
being in the company of other very successful people,
this definitely will not work for you.

Finally, the annual membership fee is not cheap - but
will easily be one of the best investments you could
ever make in your career. Membership will be in the
neighborhood of $25,000 per year.

So those are some pretty strong qualifications you'll
need to just get past the starting gate.

However, if you're the kind of person that understands
the power of a group of like-minded, highly successful
individuals to leap past problems... create big, powerful,
breakthrough quality ideas... and enjoy the company
and potential deals and partnerships with the other
group members, then I'd like to hear from you.

You can let me know you're interested by clicking

All it takes is about 5 seconds, so you can do
this quickly.

Registering your interest at this point does not obligate
you to apply for membership if I decide to move
forward with this program. But I'd appreciate it if
you'd only register if you're seriously considering
joining. That way, I'll be able to determine whether
there's enough interest in this to move to the next

So thanks for taking the time to read this. And I
look forward to hearing from you if this seems like
a good fit:


Bob Serling, Founder
Power8 Marketing, Inc.

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Friday, May 7, 2010

There's Forex Slingshot with "Mojo"?

Hey There...

OK, what the heck's going on - Forex "Slingshot" with "Mojo"?

Here's what's up:

I just watched a 7 minute, 5 second video from a guy who
developed some pretty interesting Forex software:

He uses some pretty wild names to describe his analysis methods,
like "Forex Slingshot with Mojo", but don't let that throw you

His approach is sound, and I thought you may find it

See his video here...

Let me know what you think.

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

p.s. It might be worth watching the video just to see this guy's
literal WALL of trading monitors. I counted 9 of them, and I'm
jealous ;-)

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

The 'High Income Alert' online training REPLAY

Dear There,

If you missed my online training session with Dr. Mark Skousen
yesterday, the replay video is online here...

Mark Skousen Webinar

In this exclusive training session, Mark and I explore and

  • The dangers and opportunities you need to pay attention to in
    2010 to beat the markets
  • The one strategy that has beat out all others for the past 30

  • How Mark supercharged this strategy to pocket gains of 65%,
    93%, 103%, 136%, 167%, 176% and 304% already in 2010!

  • How YOU can use this powerful strategy to profit from the best
    opportunities in the markets -- starting TODAY!

The replay video will only be online for a few days, so make
sure you watch it here before it's gone...

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

The 'High Income Alert' online training REPLAY

Dear There,

If you missed my online training session with Dr. Mark Skousen
yesterday, the replay video is online here...

Mark Skousen Webinar

In this exclusive training session, Mark and I explore and

  • The dangers and opportunities you need to pay attention to in
    2010 to beat the markets
  • The one strategy that has beat out all others for the past 30

  • How Mark supercharged this strategy to pocket gains of 65%,
    93%, 103%, 136%, 167%, 176% and 304% already in 2010!

  • How YOU can use this powerful strategy to profit from the best
    opportunities in the markets -- starting TODAY!

The replay video will only be online for a few days, so make
sure you watch it here before it's gone...

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Thursday, May 6, 2010

RE: Last call for Mark Skousen online training

Dear There,

This is your last call for the big online training session I'm
hosting TODAY, May 6th, at 4pm Eastern with Dr. Mark Skousen,
editor of the popular award-winning investment
newsletter, Forecasts & Strategies.

In this exclusive training session, Mark and I will explore and

  • The dangers and opportunities you need to pay attention to in
    2010 to beat the markets

  • The one strategy that has beat out all others for the past 30

  • How Mark supercharged this strategy to pocket gains of 65%,
    93%, 103%, 136%, 167%, 176% and 304% already in 2010!

  • How YOU can use this powerful strategy to profit from the best
    opportunities in the markets -- starting TODAY!

Make sure you register now and plan on showing up about 15
minutes early to ensure you can get into the training room
before it "caps out".

Register here...

See you in a few hours!

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

RE: Last call for Mark Skousen online training

Dear There,

This is your last call for the big online training session I'm
hosting TODAY, May 6th, at 4pm Eastern with Dr. Mark Skousen,
editor of the popular award-winning investment
newsletter, Forecasts & Strategies.

In this exclusive training session, Mark and I will explore and

  • The dangers and opportunities you need to pay attention to in
    2010 to beat the markets

  • The one strategy that has beat out all others for the past 30

  • How Mark supercharged this strategy to pocket gains of 65%,
    93%, 103%, 136%, 167%, 176% and 304% already in 2010!

  • How YOU can use this powerful strategy to profit from the best
    opportunities in the markets -- starting TODAY!

Make sure you register now and plan on showing up about 15
minutes early to ensure you can get into the training room
before it "caps out".

Register here...

See you in a few hours!

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

social media solution discount ends today

Hi There,

Just a heads-up email to let you know that today,
Thursday May 6th, is the last day you can join
Katie Freiling's "The Unified Tribe" at the $25
grand opening price.

After tonight at 9pm PST/12am EST USA time, the
price will be $67.

Sign Up For The Unified Tribe

The Unified Tribe is definitely something new to
our industry, and I'm impressed by how many
people are resonating with Katie's message (she
already has 1200+ paying members in the tribe).

If you are interested in capturing lots of traffic
from social media and gaining the benefits of
membership with a tribe of people who want the
same, this is worth looking into.

Katie describes the whole concept in her offer
video, which I recommend you watch here - 

Join The Unified Tribe

I'll see you inside the tribe,

Yaro Starak

Follow Yaro on Twitter:

Have you seen Yaro's training programs?

Make $5,000 to $30,000 a month blogging.

Learn how to plan, create and launch your own
successful membership site or information product.

Step-by-step video training to set-up and profit
from your very own blog. If you like video teaching,
this is the course for you.

If you're serious and committed to growing your
business, Yaro offers an elite, one-on-one
coaching program -


This email is sent to you because you
subscribed to Yaro Starak's email
newsletter at one of his websites.

Here is your subscription information:

Name: There
Subscribe Date: February 13, 2009

Sometimes I send affiliate links in emails, which
means I may earn a commission if you click a link
and make a purchase. Thank you for supporting
my hard work :-)

Full Disclaimer:

GPO Box 2679, Brisbane, QLD 4001, AUSTRALIA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

RE: Skousen online training reminder

Dear There,

We've had an unusually huge response to my invite yesterday for
the special online training I'm hosting tomorrow with Dr. Mark
Skousen, editor of the popular award-winning investment
newsletter, Forecasts & Strategies.

We've technically exceeded our cap for the training room, but
what usually happens is that not everyone shows up who
registered, so there's probably still a way for you to attend if
you register right now here...

It all happens tomorrow, Thursday, May 6th, at 4pm Eastern (New
York time).

In this exclusive training session, Mark and I will explore and

  • The dangers and opportunities you need to pay attention to in
    2010 to beat the markets

  • The one strategy that has beat out all others for the past 30

  • How Mark supercharged this strategy to pocket gains of 65%,
    93%, 103%, 136%, 167%, 176% and 304% already in 2010!

  • How YOU can use this powerful strategy to profit from the best
    opportunities in the markets -- starting TODAY!

Make sure you register now and plan on showing up about 15
minutes early to ensure you can get into the training room
before it "caps out".

Register here...

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

RE: Skousen online training reminder

Dear There,

We've had an unusually huge response to my invite yesterday for
the special online training I'm hosting tomorrow with Dr. Mark
Skousen, editor of the popular award-winning investment
newsletter, Forecasts & Strategies.

We've technically exceeded our cap for the training room, but
what usually happens is that not everyone shows up who
registered, so there's probably still a way for you to attend if
you register right now here...

It all happens tomorrow, Thursday, May 6th, at 4pm Eastern (New
York time).

In this exclusive training session, Mark and I will explore and

  • The dangers and opportunities you need to pay attention to in
    2010 to beat the markets

  • The one strategy that has beat out all others for the past 30

  • How Mark supercharged this strategy to pocket gains of 65%,
    93%, 103%, 136%, 167%, 176% and 304% already in 2010!

  • How YOU can use this powerful strategy to profit from the best
    opportunities in the markets -- starting TODAY!

Make sure you register now and plan on showing up about 15
minutes early to ensure you can get into the training room
before it "caps out".

Register here...

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The One Strategy That Has Outperformed all Others for 30 Years

Dear There,

Join me Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 4 p.m. Eastern as I host the
editor of the popular award-winning investment newsletter,
Forecasts & Strategies, Dr. Mark Skousen for a unique training
session on the one strategy that has outperformed all others for
the past 30 years (a strategy that has already lead to 13
winners in a row in the first 12 weeks of 2010!).

If you don't already know Mark, in addition to being the editor
of Forecasts and Strategies for the past 30 years, he also runs
3 highly successful trading services. Mark is a professional
economist, investment advisor, university professor, and author
of more than 20 books. He has appeared on Kudlow & Company,
Nightly Business Report, ABC News, CNBC Power Lunch, CNN, and
C-SPAN Book TV, and many more.

In this EXCLUSIVE, limited seating online training session, Mark
and I will explore and discuss:

  • The dangers and opportunities you need to pay attention to
    in 2010 to beat the markets

  • The one strategy that has beat out all others for the past
    30 years

  • How Mark supercharged this strategy to pocket gains of 65%,
    93%, 103%, 136%, 167%, 176% and 304% already in 2010!

  • How YOU can use this powerful strategy to profit from the
    best opportunities in the markets -- starting TODAY!

Don't miss this tremendous COMPLIMENTARY online training

It begins at 4 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, May 6, 2010.

We're limited on the number of 'seats' we can provide for this
online training session, so be sure to reserve your place right

You can grab your "seat" here...

I'll see you on Thursday afternoon!

Good Trading,

Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

The One Strategy That Has Outperformed all Others for 30 Years

Dear There,

Join me Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 4 p.m. Eastern as I host the
editor of the popular award-winning investment newsletter,
Forecasts & Strategies, Dr. Mark Skousen for a unique training
session on the one strategy that has outperformed all others for
the past 30 years (a strategy that has already lead to 13
winners in a row in the first 12 weeks of 2010!).

If you don't already know Mark, in addition to being the editor
of Forecasts and Strategies for the past 30 years, he also runs
3 highly successful trading services. Mark is a professional
economist, investment advisor, university professor, and author
of more than 20 books. He has appeared on Kudlow & Company,
Nightly Business Report, ABC News, CNBC Power Lunch, CNN, and
C-SPAN Book TV, and many more.

In this EXCLUSIVE, limited seating online training session, Mark
and I will explore and discuss:

  • The dangers and opportunities you need to pay attention to
    in 2010 to beat the markets

  • The one strategy that has beat out all others for the past
    30 years

  • How Mark supercharged this strategy to pocket gains of 65%,
    93%, 103%, 136%, 167%, 176% and 304% already in 2010!

  • How YOU can use this powerful strategy to profit from the
    best opportunities in the markets -- starting TODAY!

Don't miss this tremendous COMPLIMENTARY online training

It begins at 4 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, May 6, 2010.

We're limited on the number of 'seats' we can provide for this
online training session, so be sure to reserve your place right

You can grab your "seat" here...

I'll see you on Thursday afternoon!

Good Trading,

Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm making a change to my business (you should too)

So here's what happened.

I watched this new video by John Reese about
outsourcing -

Outsource Force Video by John Reese

(you have to enter your email to watch it.)

He's releasing a series of videos on this subject
in the lead-up to the opening of his latest

The videos won't cost you anything, and there are
a bunch of new ones coming out this week.

I watched the first one and BOOM, the hammer
finally hit the nail.

I've been putting off doing something in my
business for a long time and John's video,
combined with a bunch of other very clear signs,
forced me to finally make the change.

You can read the whole story on my latest blog
post here...

And don't forget to watch John's video so
you know what I'm talking about -

Here's to your success,

Yaro Starak

Follow Yaro on Twitter:

Have you seen Yaro's training programs?

Make $5,000 to $30,000 a month blogging.

Learn how to plan, create and launch your own
successful membership site or information product.

Step-by-step video training to set-up and profit
from your very own blog. If you like video teaching,
this is the course for you.

If you're serious and committed to growing your
business, Yaro offers an elite, one-on-one
coaching program -


This email is sent to you because you
subscribed to Yaro Starak's email
newsletter at one of his websites.

Here is your subscription information:

Name: There
Subscribe Date: February 13, 2009

Sometimes I send affiliate links in emails, which
means I may earn a commission if you click a link
and make a purchase. Thank you for supporting
my hard work :-)

Full Disclaimer:


GPO Box 2679, Brisbane, QLD 4001, AUSTRALIA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Final chance to have me build a new profit center for you

Hi There,

A couple of weeks ago, I sent out an email describing
a new service I'm offering to have my team build a
lucrative new profit center for you.

We're just about filled to capacity, but I wanted to
let you know again before I have the sign up page
taken down.

Essentially, my team will build this new profit center
for you and do the majority of the implementation
work as well. All it will require on your part is the
commitment of you or someone on your staff to carry
out the campaigns we create for you - and the time
required of you to do this will be minimal.

Also, our fees for building a new profit center for
you are quite reasonable. If your business qualifies,
you can get this entire package for just $1,500 plus
20% of the profits we produce for you. So we really
only make money after you've made money.

If you have an existing business (this is not for start
ups) and would like to get all the details on this
opportunity, just use the link below to provide me
with some basic information on your business.
When you get to the request page, you'll be asked
for your name, email address, web url, and a few
more details about the nature of your business.

It shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes to fill in
the information and submit your online request.
Also, submitting your request does not obligate
you to participate in this program.

Once we receive your request for more information,
we'll evaluate the information you've submitted and
get back to you within 72 hours. It will probably be
sooner than that, but I have to allow for the large
number of requests I'm expecting.

If you'd like to get all the details on having my team
build a lucrative new profit center for you with minimal
effort on your part, just click this link to submit your


Bob Serling

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

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Saturday, May 1, 2010 Newsletter Issue #3

I have 3 important Announcements that are good for everyone involved with HealthNWealth

This week I wanted to share 1 short health lesson but well worth your time!

AWARENESS AWARENESS AWARENESS - If you skip some articles from time to time this is NOT one to miss!

Chinese Proverb:
"When someone shares something of value
with you and you benefit from it,
You have a moral obligation
to share it with others."

Find this information valuable? SHARE it with your friends and family and of course collect our free gifts for doing so!

Terry Tillaart

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