Hi There,
Once again, it's survey time. This one is easy - it's just
one question:
Would you be interested in a workshop that
shows you how to finance any project, raise
from $25,000 to $275,000, and do this without
paying a penny of interest?
Let me give you some more details before you make
your decision, then I'll give you a link where you can
cast your vote.
First, I've been using my Finance Any Project system
(or FAP) to raise money for the majority of my own
projects for nearly 20 years. And each time I've used
it, it's raised all the money I needed to fund my projects.
But the best part is, I've never had to pay a penny of
The first time I ever used FAP was with a small list
of just under 2,500 people. Even so, it brought in
$68,000 in just a couple of weeks. Not only was
that more money than I had expected (and entirely
interest free), but because my company was small
at the time, those funds gave my business the shot
in the arm it desperately needed to rapidly expand.
For another project, when my list had grown to about
6,500 people, I used FAP to bring in $124,000 in
10 days. Again, without paying a penny of interest.
Fast forward to the beginning of this year when
we needed to raise some serious money to fund
a new division of my company. Aided by a much
larger list that I've built over the years, FAP quickly
brought in a $276,000 in just 8 days. So not only is
this done without ever paying a penny of interest,
but as you can see, it can also be done in a very
short period of time.
And it's all done in an ethical, legitimate and completely
dignified way. No Wall Street tricks or shenanigans
STOP - here's the one situation that will prevent
FAP from working for you
In just a minute, I'm going to show you exactly
how FAP works. But before I get to that, I want to
make it extremely clear where FAP will work and
where it will not work.
So please read this carefully. While FAP is an
extremely potent tool for raising money for any project,
I want to make it abundantly clear that you must have
what's called a "house list" in order to make the system
work. A "house list" means a list your company
developed and owns.
FAP is not intended for use with rented lists, affiliate's
lists, or any list that you have not built yourself. Without
a list of your own, FAP is not the right method of raising
So with this important point in mind, let me give you a
few more details on the inner workings of FAP.
Here's how FAP works
The Finance Any Project system is actually quite
simple, consisting of three primary components. And,
as you've already seen, it can be used repeatedly, with
practically any project, product, or service.
Here's a quick overview of each component of FAP.
> FAP Component #1: Comprehensive pre-finance
evaluation tools.
Most businesses approach financing entirely wrong.
Many use the "wing and a prayer method" - just
throwing a poorly planned idea out there and hoping
it will somehow get investors to bankroll your project.
This usually results in a response of, "Sorry, but I'm
not interested".
Others take the opposite route, wasting months on
creating a sophisticated business plan. However,
sophisticated business plans are only for banks and
conventional investors - and as you probably know
already, they turn down far more projects then they
ever approve.
So let me cut through the fog and show you what
really works. Quite simply, the ONLY real way to
raise serious money without paying a penny of interest
is to prove that there's a strong market for your
product - and that they have the money and are eager
to pay for your product. But, you must prove this
BEFORE you ever launch your project.
This point is so critical, that I advise you to read that
last paragraph again. Burn this concept into your brain.
Because without it, you'll spin your wheels over and
over again.
You see, that's what people truly invest money in - a
proven track record. And that's precisely what the first
component of FAP does for you. It gives you a powerful
set of tools to pre-determine beyond a shadow of a doubt
whether your product (or service) is something people
will gladly pay for.
This gives you two distinct advantages. If it is something
people will pay for, you now have the green light to move
to the next step. If it isn't something that people want,
you've saved yourself an enormous amount of time as
well as averted the disaster of raising money for a project
that's doomed to fail.
> FAP Component #2: The financing conversion factor.
Here's another key component that 99% of all people
and businesses get wrong. They don't know how to
present their financing opportunity in a way that
converts financing sources to signing on the dotted line.
That's why so many people have difficulty raising any
financing at all.
I'll tell you flat out that if you use the conventional
approaches to presenting your project to various
finance sources, you're practically flushing any
chance of raising serious money down the toilet.
But with FAP, you never have to worry about
that. That's because it uses a completely new,
innovative approach to ensure your success. First,
it shows you how to target an entirely new category
of investor - people who are already familiar with
you because they're on your list.
Next, FAP relies on a unique, "new media" method
of presentation. This second piece is critical to making
sure your success rate in converting prospects to
investors is as high as it can possibly be. And you can
bet I'll be devoting a significant amount of time to
covering this all important component.
> FAP Component #3: Harnessing the power of
"Touch Factor" financing.
I'll be very candid with you here. Most financing
efforts consist of a series of dry statistics, financial
projections, and spread sheets that bore your
prospective investors to tears. Not a great way to
get people to open their wallets and write you a
fat check.
FAP is completely different because it's really a
"marketing driven" financing system. Contrary to
other systems, it relies on a number of important,
consistent "touch" points where you communicate
with prospective investors in a way that lets them
get to know you and shows them the value and
benefits they'll get from your project.
It uses the best features of effective marketing to
build a relationship with your prospective investors,
show them precisely what they get from working
this way with you - and most importantly, moves
them to give you the "go" as quickly as possible.
So as you can see, the overall process is fairly simple.
It's built on just three critical components. Of course,
there are many details to get correct with each of
the three components, but overall, there's no easier
way to finance any project that I've ever come across.
Time to cast your vote
Alright, let me give you a couple final details and
then you can cast your vote.
"Finance Any Project - without paying a penny of
interest" will be presented as a live 3-week program.
It will include weekly web-based training, live Q&A
sessions and thorough support. While I don't have all
the details nailed down yet, all sessions will be
conducted by me personally and should start around
the first week of August.
The tuition will be around $700. And it will include
a very strong guarantee that will remove all your risk
and make this an excellent investment for your business.
Now, if you're seriously interested in attending this type
of program, you can cast a "yes" vote and sign up to
get advanced notice if I decide to move forward with
FAP, by clicking here:
But please cast your vote only if you're truly serious.
Since I'm just trying to measure sincere interest at this
point, it would help me greatly if you cast your vote
only if you have a strong interest in this. Here's the link
Bob Serling
2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA
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