As you probably know, I've made a career of
creating and licensing out ideas for all kinds of
products, services and marketing campaigns.
And right now - with the explosion of new
technology and products that comes out every
week - there couldn't be a better time to make
serious money with a great idea. Because smart
companies realize that in order to stay ahead of
the competition, they must bring new ideas to
market at a rapidly increasing pace. And they're
eagerly looking for highly profitable new ideas.
So how about you? Do you have a million dollar
idea that you'd like to get paid handsomely for
while the company you license it to does the bulk
of the work?
If so, you're going to want to get your name on the
early notice list right now for a new program I'm
considering presenting, "Million Dollar Inventing".
During this program, I'll show you exactly why the
traditional path to inventing is deeply flawed - and
how I overcome this by flipping the process around
The key to making millions with your ideas
There are hundreds of books, courses, and web sites
on inventing and licensing products. But the problem is,
the conventional wisdom is backwards. Completely
And it absolutely guarantees that 98% of all new product
ideas will fail. Need proof? The United States Patent and
Trademark office issued 456,106 patents in 2009 (the
last year with full reporting statistics). Yet, according to
the U.S. Patent Office, only around 2% of those products
ever made it to market.
What's responsible for such dismal results? The conventional
wisdom for developing products and taking them to market
is backwards. And it kills 98% of great product ideas before
they ever have a chance.
But this doesn't have to happen. Because my "reverse
inventing" process is completely different. It turns the
conventional wisdom on its ear and makes the inventing and
licensing process far more effective. So effective, that my
success rate hovers around 70% - far surpassing the anemic
industry rate of just 2%. And I guarantee it will give you the
ability to invent as many hot new product ideas as you'll
ever need and license them to major corporations for
substantial royalties.
Here's a quick overview of my "reverse inventing" process:
1. DON'T invent new products. Find a hot-selling product
or service that's already being sold to a large market by
large corporations.
2. Improve that product by adding a new or different feature.
3. Spend 90% of your effort on test marketing your improved
product, NOT on patenting it.
4. License your new version of the product to one of the
large corporations that already sell the old version. You
collect an upfront fee, then royalties for as many years as
your product is sold.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 over and over again.
What I've just shown you is simple, yet incredibly powerful.
In my humble opinion (OK, maybe not so humble :-), it's your
fastest, safest way to make a small fortune from your big
ideas. In fact, here's just a sampling of some of the ways
I've applied this process to generate millions in revenue.
3 Case Studies of "reverse inventing" in action
Case Study #1: Skateboard Toy
You may have heard of the toy skateboard I created and
licensed to a major toy company. It featured the logo of
Tony Hawk and half a dozen other high profile skateboarders
and was sold in Toys-R-Us, Wal-Mart, Kaybee Toys, Target
and thousands of drug stores and other retailers all over the
world. How did I pull this off despite having no previous
experience in the toy industry? By applying the "reverse
inventing" steps I showed you above. Plus, I currently have
a couple new toys and novelty items being considered by
major corporations.
Case Study #2: Educational Software
I co-founded a software company, licensed the software
out at first, and then sold the company for $6.4 million in just
17 months. That company is still going strong and boasts an
impressive customer list that includes General Electric,, Johnson & Johnson, Kaiser Permanente, Pioneer,
Sunguard and more. Here again, I had zero previous
experience in the software or education fields.
Case Study #3: Marketing Campaigns
Although I'm strongly involved in creating and licensing
out ideas for products and services, I'm probably best known
for licensing out marketing campaigns to my clients - and for
having taught thousands of people how to do this.
There's a letter I wrote that has now become known as
"The $25 Million Letter". People call it this because this
one-and-a-half page letter landed an agreement for a
$25 million contract the first time my client sent it out. But
equally important, I've taken this same letter, made slight
modifications to it and licensed it out to clients in 14 different
industries. And collected handsome fees and royalties
each time.
I also created a licensing strategy for the late Corey Rudl
that pulled in $1 million profit for his business in the first
week - and a total of $2.6 million in a few months. And
I made a hefty six figures just for my idea.
Or how about the 3 word phrase I created for a prominent
sales training company that paid me a quick $15k to use it?
Can you think of a faster way to make a serious profit than
that? I could give you many more examples of marketing ideas
and campaigns that I've licensed out, but I'm sure you get
the picture.
Discover how to duplicate this simple process and
make serious money with your big idea
As I mentioned, I'm considering presenting a complete
program on my "reverse inventing" process called Million
Dollar Inventing. During this program, I'll lay out the
process step-by-step... give you a simple, reliable
method for creating an unlimited number of hot, viable
ideas to license... show you what you need to know
about patents and other forms of protection... how to
find the best companies to license to... how to get an
appointment to show your product idea to any large
corporation, including the Fortune 500... and what to
put into your presentation that gets companies to say
"yes" as much as 70% of the time... plus a lot more than
I have room to cover here.
You can sign up to get Early Notice about Million
Dollar Inventing once I have all the details ready to
go. By putting your name on the Early Notice list now,
you'll receive the details ahead of everyone else and
get priority enrollment.
Since I'll be conducting the program personally and
providing a deep level of personal support, the number
of seats will be limited. So it makes good sense to put
your name on the list now by clicking here:
I look forward to showing you all the details of how
to turn your hot ideas into serious profits.
Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy, Inc.
2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA
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