Sunday, March 31, 2013

Just for You from YouTube: Daily Update - Mar 31, 2013

Check out the latest video from your channel subscriptions for Mar 31, 2013.
Twisted French Braid - Hair Tutorial

Friday, March 29, 2013

Proven Aphrodisiac & Sexual Performance Enhancers

Proven Aphrodisiac & Sexual Performance Enhancers

The extracts (50% ethanolic) of nutmeg and clove enhanced the sexual behaviour of male mice.

Clove extract produces significant and sustained increase in the sexual activity of normal male rats, lending support to the claims for its traditional usage as an aphrodisiac.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

2 Oils More Powerful Than Thieves

2 Oils More Powerful Than Thieves

These 2 Oil may not be more versatile than Thieves but they are arguably more powerful when you need them!

Here is a short audio explaining their benefits.

It's still not too late to get these 2 must have powerhouses for fr*e!

Below is Some Great RC Stories and Some Immupower Research

Use RC for Severe Allergies

We used four different oils for my husband's severe allergies. These oils were Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Myrtle and RC.

I layered these on his feet (especially sinus points) and used two, varying the two, over his sinuses, (careful, they can irritate). He experienced 99% relief from his allergies this spring!

That is truly amazing because he has suffered with them for over 7 years and used every medication from over-the-counter to prescription. I also diffused the oils in the bedroom while he slept. We only did this about three to five times." Susan C.

Yes, the Thieves and RC oils came in, as well as the diffuser I ordered. So far they are working great!! I've been mixing a drop or 2 of RC with a drop of olive oil and rubbing it on the kids' chests as well as having them breathe it from my cupped hands – we started on Monday and Tuesday. We've stopped using my son's maintenance inhaler and so far he's had no trouble breathing, even with the little cold that he's got right now. I've been doing the same thing with my daughter, who has had a cold with cough this week. On Wednesday night my husband commented that he didn't think she'd make it to school on Thursday, but I put Thieves oil in the diffuser in her room, rubbed her chest and feet with the RC oil and rubbed my hands on her pillowcase afterward. She got a great nights sleep and woke up feeling much better!!! Heather K. in NY

Respiratory Issues Helped With Young Living RC Oil Blend

From Erin M. in Canandaigua, NY (March 2009):Concerned with my daughter's persistent inability to breathe through her nose, due to allergies – I became interested in trying Essential Oils. I tried diffusing RC into her room as an experiment. She had a NY State Vocal/Solo test she was required to do in one week and her nasal / sinus passages were clogged / congested. Within two days, she was breathing deeply through her nose and singing beautifully. I continued to experiment for two weeks, she remained clear. After pulling it out of her room for two days she began to get a little stuffy again. I am convinced that RC really helps her to maintain clear breathing. Next test will be during heavy pollen / allergy season.

From Grady Morris: My story starts about 1970 when I developed bronchitis which developed into chronic bronchitis over the years, but I did not know the problem was bronchitis despite many doctors visits and trips to specialist and was tested for foods that I was suppose to be allergic to which was almost everything available to eat. In 1994 while working in California had a slight heart attack and the doc discovered my bronchitis. Since then I suffered with wheezing, clogged lungs, and using about 2 inhalers per month at a cost of about $200.00 per month .

This past year I was working in San Antonio when I nearly developed pneumonia, and was in really bad shape. That's when I met someone who after listening to me gave me a small amount of "RC" to try. The results were
amazing and I immediately bought a bottle for myself. Since then I have not used the inhalers, and am still using the original bottle of " RC ".  That's a savings so far of about $600.00 on inhalers and my lungs feel normal, not medicated.

RC Oil Blend Makes Huge Difference With Asthma

From Mary V. in Palmyra, NY (September 2008):Last year when I brought my 11 year old son Greg in to see Ann Hovey, I mentioned to her that Greg was currently taking Singulair once a day, Pulmicort twice a day, and an Albuterol inhaler before sports to control his exercise induced asthma. Ann & Rob let me borrow a diffuser to use in Greg's room at night using the RC essential oil. As a result, Greg was able to discontinue using all of his prescription medications. What a huge relief!

"My nephew has used an Asthma inhaler for years, probably since he was a young child. I have share with my sister that this is not a healthy way for any child. My sister finally allowed me to assist with her son's Asthma in August of 2010. I only purchased the RC oil. He applied this oil (it's a very stinky oil in my opinion) on his chest every night for 6 weeks or more. I went to visit him in SLC, Utah in September and he shared with me that he is totally off of his inhaler for the first time in his life." – Gloria Frank, Nevada

Wouldn't It Be Nice To Never Be Sick?


I am very rarely sick and it is low symptoms and short lived the rare time it does come around.


There are many ways that this is accomplished but this is a GREAT tool to use daily to keep your immune system strong.


The science of why this is effective is below :)



IMMUPOWER  INGREDIENTS:   Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis), mountain savory (Satureja montana), cistus (Cistus ladanifer), ravensara (Ravensara aromatica), frankincense (Boswellia carteri), oregano (Origanum compactum), clove (Syzygium aromaticum), cumin (Cuminum cyminum) and idaho tansy (Tanacetum vulgare).




"A polyphenol rich extract of Cistus incanus (Rock-rose family) exhibits potent anti-influenza activity against human and avian influenza. [viruses did not develop resistance, as was the case with the drug amantadine]. " --- Antiviral Res. 2007 Oct;76(1):38-47. Epub 2007 Jun 4




"Our study demonstrates that MAR-10 (Hyssop Extract) contains strong anti-HIV-1 activity that may be useful in the treatment of patients with HIV-1 infection."  Gollapudi S, Sharma HA, et al. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1995 May 5;210(1):145-51. Division of Basic & Clinical Immunology, University of California, Irvine 92717, USA


Mountain Savory:


"The findings indicate that the bioactive extracts of S. montana have strong potential for use as natural antimicrobials and antioxidants"   J Sci Food Agric. 2011 Jul ;91(9):1554-60. Epub 2011 Mar 28





"Antifungal: Ravensara demonstrated antifungal activity against Candida albicans and Cladosporium cucumerinum.[3] Other studies have confirmed this antifungal activity"    [Article in French] Arch Inst Pasteur Madagascar. 1989;56(1):261-271.


Boswellia Carteri:


"Boswellia Carteri exhibits cytotoxic activity against neuroblastoma cell lines and inhibits Epstein-Barr Virus"    Biol Pharm Bull. 2006 Sep;29(9):1976-9





"In 1995, Greek researchers at the University of Thessaloniki discovered that a 1/4000 dilution of fresh wild Oil of Oregano sterilized septic water." 





"Clove extract suppresses immediate hyper-sensitivity by inhibition of histamine release from mast cells in vitro and in vivo."   J Ethnopharmacol. 1998 Mar;60(2):125-31





"Based on the data we may conclude that Cumin is a potent immunomodulator and may develop as a lead to recover the immunity of immuno-compromised individuals."     Chem Biol Interact. 2010 Feb 12. Epub 2010 Feb 12



Idaho Tansy:


"Immunomodulatory activity of acidic polysaccharides isolated from Tanacetum vulgare"   Int Immunopharmacol. 2007 Dec 15;7(13):1639-50. Epub 2007 Sep 5



Immupower For Feeling Under The Weather -- by  Lindsey Sturgeon


"I use this oil when I've been exposed to colds or flu or when I think I'm coming down with "something." I've applied it to my feet at bedtime. My favorite use is internal. I'll put drop or two in distilled water and drink it. Doesn't taste the best but it sure works." 


EVERYONE can afford this Forex software [12 hours left]

Dear Trader,

This is it.

"Second chance" enrollment for 40 year trading expert Bill Poulos's
brand new Forex Profit Accelerator 2.0 software CLOSES TONIGHT at
11:59pm Eastern.

That gives you about 12 hours to get in before he slams the doors

Besides the incredible results, Bill was somehow able to chisel down
his entry investment to an unbelievable:

* $1.35 per day over a year.

Get in here. This is the best deal you're going to see:

Good Trading,
Martin Davies.

p.s. Fast-forward to 13:07 in the video to see everything you're going
to get today when you start your 60-day trial.


Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Canadians Call - Canadians Call To Order

Canadians Call - Canadians Call To Order

I know the new changes in Canada are an inconvenience and there are growing pains so in the meantime I encourage everyone to phone in their orders.

Let's make sure we see things as they are, not better and not worse, and not invent stories.

You are still worth the investment in your health whatever the "inconvenience" and we are getting what Pharaohs and Kings couldn't have got with their army's with the dial of our phones and delivered to our doors so let's please keep things in perspective.

You cannot afford to be sick anymore than you can afford to be healthy so please trust that things will work themselves out.

YL tried to make things easier eventually in Canada (Health Canada is a problem) but both YL and I still appreciate you very much.


Kristy Dempsey, Silver in Six recipient, accomplished Executive rank with her team in December 2012 and quickly achieved a Silver ranking one month later in January 2013. She is a mother of 2 young children, one of which has an incredible story of steady recovery from autism.  You DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS STORY.

~Kristy Fell Dempsey

Conference Call
Conference Dial-in Number: (805) 360-1000
Participant Access Code: 557553#

Does Breathing Oils Really Have A  Benefit

Don't think that Diffusing/Breathing oils has any real benefits?


    Shkurupii VA, et al. Use of essential oil of peppermint (Mentha piperita) in the complex treatment of patients with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis. Probl Tuberk Bolezn Leqk. 2006;9:43-45. (in Russian)

    The paper describes the effects of peppermint (Mentha piperita) essential oil inhaled by patients with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis in the penitentiary system. This procedure is shown to be most effective in infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis in the phase of resorption of infiltrates and/or closure of decay cavities. The efficiency is determined by the rapid positive changes in a tuberculous process, which appear as a rapider regression of tuberculous inflammation, causing small residual changes. This procedure may be used to prevent recurrences and exacerbations of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Your "second chance" ends in 24 hours...

Dear Trader,

We're down to the wire for the final time...

Your "second chance" at getting 40 year trading expert Bill Poulos's
brand new Forex Profit Accelerator 2.0 web software ends TOMORROW,
Thursday, at 11:59pm Eastern.

That gives you a little over 24 hours before enrollment closes and
Bill begins personally working with his new students.

His first group coaching class actually takes place tomorrow, so make
sure you GET IN NOW so you don't miss it.

Good Trading,
Martin Davies.


Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

access this Forex trade alert software (2nd chance)...

Dear Trader,

Last week, I let you in on what has turned out to be one of the
biggest trading surprises of the year:

- The Forex Profit Accelerator 2.0

In just about a week, the initial # of programs Bill Poulos set aside
for his new students quickly sold out, and for good reason:

* Those lucky individuals who claimed their copy before it expired
figured out that NOW is the best time to get in on the Forex markets.

The profit potential right now is awesome & EXTRA lucrative.


Now that the initial wave of new student inquiries has settled down a
bit, Bill has decided to take on a few more new students - but only
through Thursday, March 28th at 11:59pm Eastern (New York time).

He's not saying how many more he'll take on, but I know this for a

* He's only letting in a small, limited number...

* The doors close on THURSDAY...

And, it would not surprise me if he pulled his 'second chance' offer
down early, especially if he gets more students than he can handle.

So, if you have ANY interest in getting in on what I think many
traders will end up calling THE Forex event of the year, go here to
see if any copies are still available:

Good Trading,
Martin Davies.

p.s. If you missed Bill's awesome complimentary training website where
he revealed the Forex Profit Accelerator 2.0, you can still see the
training videos here for awhile longer:


Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:

Monday, March 25, 2013

Please read carefully...YL Canada Clarifications

Please read carefully all the way through to the importance of the SIN #.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact myself or Young Living Customer Service!  Your loyalty to Young Living is very much appreciated and I would like to help make this time of transition a smoother experience for you. -Sandra

Subject: Young Living Canada Clarifications
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 18:52:06 -0600

Canada new market clarifications:

Young Living is excited about its newest market in Canada! Young Living has a strong distributor base in Canada with exceptional leaders and we look forward to watching this market grow! With every new market in Young Living there are new ways of managing your account and we hope to make this as easy of a transition as possible. In this clarification letter we will do our best to cover everything you need to be aware of with Young Living Canada.

. Young Living Canada will begin its launch with their top 60 products registered in the market. These will be the items that will be available for this market only and can then be resold by a distributor to a non-member. It takes a lot of time and work to register products for a market so with time Young Living Canada's product portfolio will continue to grow. These products will be sold in Canadian Dollars. The currently registered products can be seen on Young Living's Canada .com page or in the new product list that was given out at the grand opening or on the new Young Living app under the Canada region. These registered products are considered OTG products which means they are registered and "on the ground".

. Because Young Living values all of its products and understands that many of you are likely already using products that will not be registered in Canada you will have the option to still buy products from the US the same way you have in the past. One clarification on this is that a registered product in Canada cannot be purchased from the US market. So if the product you wish to purchase is registered in Canada you must purchase the registered product from your market. These orders are considered NFR or "not for resale" products and are for personal consumption only.

. Young Living Canada will have an office location in north east Calgary. This office will house the local operating staff that will support the market as well as a will call location that members can come and pick up registered OTG products. Even though this office will house local staff distributors will continue to function through Young Living's current Customer Service center as well as the current Leadership Development team for Executive and above ranks.

. Orders placed within the Canadian market must either be placed as an OTG order or an NFR order. In order for us to be compliant with Canadian laws at the boarder we cannot ship OTG products with NFR products, they must be shipped separately. Due to this we will allow members in Canada to have two Essential Rewards order per month, one being an OTG order and one being an NFR order. There are two ways this can be managed moving forward. The first is you can set up a single Essential rewards template whether it is an OTG or NFR order and on a month when you want something that is not available on the ordering option you choose you can call in to our customer service/leadership services team and have them manually process this for you. Otherwise, you can set up an OTG template as well as a NFR template and have two templates. One thing to note if you set up two templates you will need to call Young Living to have one of them skipped for a month if that is what you choose. If you choose to have two Essential rewards orders in a single month the PV will be combined and you will accrue rewards points at the combined PV total.

. If a member chooses to manage two Essential Rewards templates they will need to manager their OTG template by logging into the Canadian-English link to the virtual office. In order to manage their NFR template they must log into the United States-English virtual office link. Once they are in the template it will automatically show them the products available to them. They can also use this same method when placing a website order whether it is an OTG or NFR order.

. The percentage you are accruing rewards points will not be affected as long as you have an Essential rewards order fort that particular commission's period. So if you are earning at the 20% rate and place an OTG essential rewards order in April and decide in May to change it to an NFR Essential Rewards order it will not affect your reward points or the rate at which you accrue them.

. Whenever Young Living opens a new market there are costs involved in running a market, some of those being local office, local staff, new labeling for the registered products, difference in currency as well as legal fees to comply with country and provincial laws. Due to this you will notice that all registered Young Living Canada products will have a different dollar value than the standard PV value. This difference covers operating costs for your particular market.

. Young Living Canada will begin paying out commission cheque's in Canadian dollars to its business building members. We will begin requiring a Social Insurance numbers in order to be compliant with Canadian laws and will provide a T4a at the beginning of the year. We will not require a SIN number up front on enrollment, but once a member earns $500.00 for the year we will notify you that we need a Social Insurance Number on file. If we do not receive a SIN then commissions may be held by Young Living until we receive it. Commission cheque's will be received by Direct deposit beginning with the April commissions period paid out in May. Please complete the direct deposit form located in the Virtual Office.

. Many people have heard that Young Living Canada will have a warehouse that our products will ship from and they will not have to pay for Duties and Taxes at the border anymore. This will not be the case to start, the main purpose for this is due to the Utah warehouse being so close to the Canadian market and if we were to manage a warehouse in Canada it would add more operating costs which would be added to the market's registered products price. We feel confident that utilizing our existing warehouse in Utah will be the best option and keep costs lower.

Thank you for your continued support of Young Living and being a member of this wonderful company!

The Young Living Canada team
Young Living Essential Oils
3125 West Executive Parkway
Lehi Utah 84043

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Just for You from YouTube: Daily Update - Mar 24, 2013

Check out the latest video from your channel subscriptions for Mar 24, 2013.
Katy Perry Inspired Make up Look

Friday, March 22, 2013

Help Needed


I am thinking it is overdue for me to hire some help. I need a virtual personal assistant I will put together a list of ideal criteria soon. If you feel like you might be a good fit or know someone who is please feel free to get in touch or contact me. I am working in my business way too much rather than working on it.

Saving on Vet Bills  ---- With Dr. Melissa Shelton, DVM

Share this with everyone. There is such huge savings on vet bills that this makes soooo much sense for everyone.  And you can let Melissa do all "the work".

Who do you know that has pets?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Very Appreciative

Both Myself and YL appreciate you very much.

Did you know that YL offers many benefits to people you may not know about?

The Essential Rewards Program

Ensure that you always have your favorite Young Living products on hand with the convenience of Essential Rewards, where products are shipped hassle free from our door to yours! Available exclusively to Young Living Independent Distributors, the Essential Rewards program offers many benefits.

Easy Monthly Shipments

Enjoy the convenience of an automatic monthly order. Just set up your order and kick back as all of your favorite products are shipped right to your doorstep, month after month. 

Discounted Shipping

All Essential Rewards orders qualify for reduced shipping costs. Members pay a $6.98 U.S./$9.75 CAN flat shipping fee on the order's first 5 pounds and just $0.63 per additional pound for ground shipments to the continental U.S. and $0.70 per additional pound for shipments to Canada¹. For air shipments to Alaska and Hawaii, Essential Rewards members pay a $12.50 flat shipping fee on the order's first 5 pounds and $1.25 for each additional pound.

Exclusive Bonuses

Essential Rewards members who are also Independent Distributors can access exclusive income opportunities. The Rising Star Team Bonus is just one way Essential Rewards members can access additional cash rewards. Learn more about Young Living's Compensation Plan.

Essential Rewards Points

Earn points toward future product purchases with every Essential Rewards order. As your months with Essential Rewards increase, so do your rewards!

Months on Essential Rewards Points Earned
1–6 10% of order Personal Volume (PV)
7–12 15% of order PV
13+ 20% of order PV

For example, place a 100 PV Essential Rewards order in your first six months and earn 10 points to redeem for free products.² The more you order, the more points you can redeem for free Young Living products.

Get Started

Become an Essential Rewards member in three simple steps.

1. Enroll as a Young Living Independent Distributor:

2. Choose your favorite Young Living products or Essential Rewards pack(s) worth at least 50 PV.

3. Complete the Essential Rewards agreement:

To manage your Essential Rewards order, simply log in to Virtual Office or contact Customer Care, where a live operator can assist you.


Find answers in the Essential Rewards FAQ or contact Young Living Essential Oils.

Essential Rewards FAQ

General  |  Earning Points  |  Redeeming Points  |  Shipping


Q: How do I sign up for the Essential Rewards program?

A: You may sign up in one of two easy ways:

Q: May I change the items in my Essential Rewards order and still receive all of the benefits of the program?
A: Yes. You may change the items any time until 12 midnight on your processing date (determined by you when you enrolled).

Q: May I make changes to my Essential Rewards order online?
A: Yes. You may make changes to your Essential Rewards order online at any time. However, you will need to contact Customer Care to cancel your order. 

Earning Points

Q: How many points do I earn for my Essential Rewards order?
A: During the first six consecutive months of participating in the Essential Rewards program, you receive points worth 10 percent of the PV of each Essential Rewards order. During the second six consecutive months, you receive points worth 15 percent of the PV of each Essential Rewards order. At 13 months and beyond, you receive points worth 20 percent of the PV of each Essential Rewards order.

Months on Essential Rewards Points Earned
1–6 10% of order Personal Volume (PV)
7–12 15% of order PV
13+ 20% of order PV

Q: Is there a minimum PV for my order?
A: Yes. Your monthly order must be at least 50 PV.

Redeeming Points

Q: How do I redeem my reward points?
A: You may redeem your points by contacting Customer Care at 1-800-371-3515

Q: How many points may I redeem each month?
A: You may redeem up to 350 points each month.

Q: If I cancel my Essential Rewards order, do I lose my points?
A: If you cancel your Essential Rewards order, you forfeit all of your unused Essential Rewards points, and your monthly participation in the program, if resumed, starts over at the 10-percent tier.

Q: Do I retain points earned for returned products?
A: You will forfeit any points earned on products that you later return.

Q: How soon may I redeem points that I earn?
A: You earn points the minute your order is shipped. You may redeem points any time after you have participated in the program for two months.

Q: When redeeming my points, do I go by the dollar amounts or the PV amounts in the price list?
A: When redeeming Essential Rewards points, use the PV amount rather than the dollar value. For example, if you have 50 points, you may redeem them for any product with a PV value up to 50. Points may only be redeemed for products with full PV values.

Q: May I use my points for promotional products, such as discounted items?
A: You may buy any regularly available products at regular price as part of your Essential Rewards order, but you will not receive the discounted pricing if the item is part of your Essential Rewards points order. Some promotional items may not be available for purchase at all using Essential Rewards points. Contact Customer Care at 1.800.371.3515 if you have questions about specific items.

Q: Do my points expire?
A: Yes. Unused points expire on a 12-month rolling basis, meaning 12 months after they were earned.


Q: How do I get the $6.98 flat shipping rate?
A: All Essential Rewards orders that weigh up to 5 pounds and are shipped ground within the U.S. or Canada qualify for the flat shipping rate ($6.98 U.S./$9.75 CAN). Heavier orders are priced at an additional $0.63 U.S. for each additional pound thereafter (in the continental U.S. and for FedEx Ground shipping only). Orders shipped to Alaska and Hawaii ship for a $12.50 flat fee for the first 5 pounds and $1.25 per pound thereafter (FedEx 2Day air only). For international shipping, please contact Young Living Customer Care.

Q: May I select other shipping methods?
A: Yes. However, the $6.98 flat shipping rate is available only on orders shipped using FedEx Ground (the $12.50 rate applies only on orders shipped FedEx 2Day air to Alaska or Hawaii).

Q: May I use my Essential Rewards points to pay for my shipping c

EVERYONE can afford this Forex software [12 hours left]

Dear Trader,

This is it.

Enrollment for 40 year trading expert Bill Poulos's brand new Forex
Profit Accelerator 2.0 software CLOSES TONIGHT at 11:59pm Eastern.

That gives you about 12 hours to get in before he slams the doors

Besides the incredible results, Bill was somehow able to chisel down
his entry investment to an unbelievable:

* $1.35 per day over a year.

I don't know anyone who can't afford that, and I think that's why when
Bill opened up his program earlier this week about 1 out of 4 traders
who looked at it signed up. That's unheard-of.

He's taking his new students under his wing next week with the first
of 8 bonus group coaching webinars you get, so you MUST enroll right
now... otherwise you could miss it.

Get in here. This is the best deal you're going to see:

Good Trading,
Martin Davies.


Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Core Supplements

ed 9PM EST Conference Call is Scheduled! TONIGHT

We are going to have Platinum Sonya Michelle Swan who is a single mother of 4 that homeschools the kids and has still managed to build a 6 figure + monthly team volume! I am very impressed!

Free Conference Call
Conference Dial-in Number: (805) 360-1000
Participant Access Code: 557553#

This clearly explains why you have health problems, no guessing or Dr's necessary

                                                                                        Core Nutrient Deficiencies

Core Supplements Sale Extended by Popular Demand!
Due to high demand, you now have through March 21 to save 30%—$41.35 off retail—when you order Core Supplements!



Can you really get everything you need from your diet?



Let's throw out the emotional responses and dogma and examine the facts, just based on the DRI/RDA numbers (which have been proven to be the absolute minimum and in most cases 10-1000X too low for optimal health)



A large body of research has demonstrated that most Americans are not getting what they need from their diet. For example, in one recent U.S. Dept. of Agriculture survey of 20,000 people, not a single person was consuming adequate levels of all the vitamins and minerals. In this study, the percentage of Americans were found to be deficient as follows: 90% in vit. B6, 75% in magnesium, 68% in calcium, 57% in iron, 50% in vitamin A, 45% in vitamin B1, 41% in vitamin C, 34% in vitamin B2 ...and the list goes on.


There are literally hundreds of medical studies to suggest it's a virtual certainty that you and every member of your family are deficient in one or more essential (not optional) nutrients.



***Out of 20,000 people statistically there must be hundreds of people with extremely health conscious diets and yet not even those people meet the most basic/minimum requirements!



SETTING YOUR KIDS UP FOR HEART DISEASE: Research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2002 shows that when the diets of 2,566 children ages 11-19 were studied, less than 14% of boys and 12% of girls had adequate intakes of magnesium.



The truth is 99% of population is magnesium deficient


Approx. 85% of population is deficient in Zinc & Copper


Approx. 90% or more of the population is Sulfur deficient.


Folic Acid Deficiency: Average diet contains 60% of RDA; deficient in 100% of elderly in one study; deficient in 48% of adolescent girls; requirement doubles in pregnancy


Iodine deficiency is present in overwhelming majority of population


Vitamin B6 - Deficiency: 71% of male and 90% of female diets deficient


A careful look at 3,000 men and women in the ongoing Framingham Offspring Study found 39 percent with plasma B12 levels in the low normal range--below 258 picomoles per liter.


Dr. Blaylock says that at least 50% of the population is deficient in Selenium.


Recent statistics indicate that nearly 99% of people in the United States do not eat enough omega 3 fatty acids. However, the symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency are very vague, and can often be attributed to some other health conditions or nutrient deficiencies.



***There are various stats that can be found that all indicate these numbers plus or minus a few % points but that is not the point. The point is that we cannot get everything we need from our food and this is measured against the bare minimum standards for good health!



When looking to supplement your diet also consider that Brian Clement, PhD, LNC recently made the statement that 91% of all supplements on the market are actually harmful to our health so we need to be cautious about which supplements we use.



Luckily for us Young Living's True Source whole food, multi-nutrient based multivitamin is very affordable relative to any remotely comparable formulas out there and provides with a lot of the nutrients we are missing and is safe as it is whole food based. For more info see


If you want to save even more money and deal with other chronic deficiencies like Omega 3's, DHA in particular, I would highly recommend Core Supplement Daily Super Packs, which contain the following and you save $10 for purchasing the bundle. Any long term deficiency will eventually result in a health problem but by getting your levels of core nutrients everything in your body will work better. You will have

more energy, lower inflammation, better moods aid in weight loss and many other benefits.



If you want to learn more about how nutrition affects behavior I would HIGHLY recommend this astonishing video series from Dr. Russell Blaylock especially part 2 and part 6!



For more information contact me at


the big PRICE reveal... [24 hrs left]

Dear Trader,

Heads up...

Bill Poulos is shutting down enrollment to his brand new Forex Profit
Accelerator 2.0 software TOMORROW, Thursday, at 11:59pm Eastern.

That gives you just over 24 hours to join, depending on when you get
this note.

BTW, was the price of Bill's software what you thought it would be?

I think everybody was surprised. As in "jaw on the floor" surprised.
Bill essentially removed price as a barrier to try this out.

Here's a version of his enrollment video with the video controls
enabled so you can scrub back and forth to check everything out,
including the ridiculously low price.

Good Trading,

Martin Davies.

p.s. There's a HUGE bonus 4th method that Bill announces in that video
that was designed to spot MORE trades MORE quickly for those of you
who like "action".


Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bonus Forex method revealed yesterday...

Dear Trader,

If you haven't picked up Bill Poulos's brand new Forex Profit
Accelerator 2.0 software yet that he released yesterday, then you're
either already making enough money trading Forex... or you must not
like money. :-)

Bill was true to his word when he hinted early on that he was about to
"shake up" the Forex education community.

He did it. (Did you see the price? I know, I never thought I'd see him
release a program like this at a price THAT low.)

If you saw his enrollment presentation, then you know that he also
just announced a "secret" 4th trading method that you get when you

It's called "Instant Pips" and he just recorded a quick 3 minute video
where you can see all the latest trades this bonus method has been

Go here to see it:

If for some reason you DON'T at least take Bill up on his 60 day
trial, do me a favor and tell me WHY because I can't think of 1 reason
you shouldn't at least try it. Price is not a reason at this point. He
totally removed that objection by slashing his regular enrollment

This is what we've all been waiting for. Don't let this slip by.

Good Trading,

Martin Davies.


Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:

Monday, March 18, 2013

Forex Profit Accelerator 2.0 instant software access here

Dear Trader,

The Forex Profit Accelerator 2.0 is LIVE!

Make sure you watch the ENTIRE presentation on that page -- it reveals
some BRAND NEW, SURPRISE EXTRAS you're going to get when you enroll in
the program today...

Today's the day when Bill completes his "shake up" of the Forex
education community. Watch the video for full details - you're going
to love it.

This is priced low enough so that pretty much everybody can give it a
shot; but it's so good, that I think he'll probably end up doubling
the price, so if you're ready to add on another safe, predictable
income stream, go and get this NOW...

Good Trading,

Martin Davies.

p.s. I just found out that when you enroll today, you'll get to
INSTANTLY ACCESS Bill's web software that he showcased to you last
week. Get it here...


Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:

Sunday, March 17, 2013

36 hour Forex Profit Accelerator 20 GIVEAWAY is LIVE...

Dear Trader,

Bill Poulos just went live with his 36 hour Forex Profit Accelerator
2.0 Scholarship Giveaway.

By this time tomorrow you could be chosen to get a FULL RIDE
SCHOLARSHIP to Bill's complete Forex Profit Accelerator 2.0 program at

Enter here:

Good Trading,
Martin Davies.


Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:

Saturday, March 16, 2013

7 winners, 1 loser, 1300+ pips since March 1...

Dear Trader,

Many of you have been asking for more current results from Bill
Poulos's brand new Forex Profit Accelerator 2.0 web software.

He heard you - and he delivered.

Here's a brand new quick video that shows you everything that's been
going on with his new software, focusing on the the last 2 weeks...

Is it perfect? No, of course not - no approach to trading is.

But when you have 7 winners and only 1 loser netting over 1,300

-I'd call that more than pretty good.

See all the "hard data" here:

Good Trading,
Martin Davies

p.s. Keep an eye on your email tomorrow (Sunday) because I'm 99% sure
that Bill is going to announce a "scholarship giveaway" where you can
get his entire program at NO COST.


Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:

Friday, March 15, 2013

[video] Presidential advisor trading secret?

Dear Trader,

It seems Bill Poulos has all sorts of surprises for us.

He already told us his new Forex Profit Accelerator 2.0 is NOT going
to be another big $2,000 program...

- and now he just released a BONUS FOURTH video.

This one is actually VERY short (as in 3 minutes, 58 seconds short),
but it reveals a special part of every market move where most of the
money is made.

You'll want to see the video because this "catalyst" was inspired by a
20th Century Wall Street legend who went on to become a presidential

See it here:

Good Trading,

Martin Davies.

p.s. If you haven't heard by now, Bill is releasing his brand new
Forex Profit Accelerator 2.0 software next Monday at 1pm Eastern.
You're in for a big surprise.


Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Re: Are you still in Ameriplan?

(((This is the ONLY EMAIL you will receive from me)))

I ask you this because a lot of reps in Ameriplan
are not making the kind of money they would like.

Maybe not YOU or some of your top reps but the FACT
is that a lot of people in these "work from home" deals
don't make the money that they would like and if
they're not making the money eventually they
will get frustrated and quit the business.

and that's the reason for this email.

if you're one of those reps looking for other options
to generate a fast income then...

How would you like to Instantly put $2000
in your paypal account? and it's residual
which of course means you get that monthly.
Would that help you market your current business?
--- of course it will!

...but the potential for more is there
if you want it, totally up to you.

BTW: This is NOT MLM

You really have to see it to understand it.
Can't hurt to check it out so...

REPLY to this email and I will send
you a short video for you to review.
(no need to opt-in to see video)

AGAIN this is the ONLY EMAIL you will receive from me.

Let me know if you want the info.

Core Supplements - 30% Off

Core Supplements Sale Extended by Popular Demand!

Many of us do not receive the nutrition we need from diet alone. Rediscover what it means to feel vibrant with a limited-time offer on Core Supplements™, a comprehensive daily supplement with everything you need to feel your best each day!

Due to high demand, you now have through March 21 to save 30%—$41.35 off retail—when you order Core Supplements!

Core Supplements Daily Super Packs: With our four most popular daily supplements in a 30-day supply of convenient a.m./noon/p.m. packs, you will never miss out on critical, essential oil-infused nutrition and antioxidants again! Combining the whole-food vitamins and minerals of True Source™, the advanced probiotics of Life 5™, the age-defying essential oil antioxidants of Longevity Softgels™, and the brain-boosting power of Omega Blue™ time-release omega-3 essential fatty acids, Core Supplements delivers targeted nutrition for whole-body wellness.*

Find full details on this limited-time offer at!

This is a great deal I hope you choose to take advantage of it.

[video] Forex Wealth Catalyst Video #3 is ONLINE...

Dear Trader,

2 big Forex announcements...

First, Bill Poulos just released his THIRD Forex Wealth Catalyst
training video, where he reveals:

* The 2 main reasons why you fail at Forex, and how to fix them

* A simple "wealth equation" that you can use to protect yourself
every time you trade (it's like a sort of "risk shield")...

* The unusual "backwards" approach to Forex that the world's best
traders have been quietly using for YEARS...

* and a LOT more...

The SECOND big announcement is that Bill will be releasing his ALL-NEW
web-based Forex Profit Accelerator 2.0 software on:

* Monday, March 18th at 1pm Eastern.

And if you've been following his training videos this week, then you
already know this is NOT another big $2,000 program. He's doing
something quite different this time around that I think will shock

See everything here:

Good Trading,

Martin Davies.

p.s. If you missed Video #1 and the big Forex "blueprint" giveaway,
make sure to get them here...


Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Fwd: BONUS offer- REAL GREEN Consultant Training - Module 1


Don't forget to join us this week with a VERY serious no non-sense business builder for this week's conference call. Aly N Salina Bhimji really invests heavily in his education and training and will offer a fresh perspective rarely heard anywhere in YL. His business has grown rapidly so there is something for all of us to learn and I am personally very excited to have him on the call!

557663 #


Having trouble viewing this email? Click here
 Special Announcement: To help with our Canadian Grand Opening Celebration
- we're offering an early bird 
discount of $140.
Pay only $315. for this 2 day workshop- instead of $455. 
 Must enrol before March 18th!! 
Save $140. for this one time only offer!
 Applies to those who have already registered!  
This workshop prepares you for particiapting in the Eco-Green government venues, health shows, greening businesses, greening real estate & more!
 Bring a friend and pay $300. each - a total saving of $155.
real green logo

~~MODULE 1~~
Stop the allergens! Stop asthma! Stop the cancers! Stop the depression!
Make your living space healthy and safe!  
oil drop from leaf
 The first program of its kind to deal with effectively "greening" our homes and the planet - putting an end to the use of poisonous chemicals around children and pets in our communities.
Why is this important? 
 According to a 1990 survey taken by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) every single person tested showed some evidence of petrochemical pollution in their body tissues and fat.
Some of these chemicals held in the fat cells: styrene (plastics) xylene (solvent in paint and gasoline), benzene (a chemical found in gasoline) and toluene (another carcinogenic solvent)- come from what you use or are exposed to everyday! These contaminants are causing what may be ailing you or someone you know!
90% of Chronic illnesses are from environmental factors!
 Stories & Facts:
Why should 3 year old Jason have died after swallowing 3 ounces of hair conditioner?

Why should 7 month old Adrian have died after crawling through a puddle of spilled laundry bleach, which not only gave him third degree burns to over 50% of his body, but also burned his lungs from the fumes?
Or what about the eight year old girl who ingested undissolved dish-washing detergent requiring 30 operations to reopen her esophagus

Do you know what's in your household cleaners?

What's looming in your home?


Did you know that the average home contains over 63 hazardous products - approximately 10 gallons of hazardous petrochemicals , most in the form of household cleaners. Is there any wonder that these are absorbed into your fat cells?
Be among the first consultants...this is the first ever program that addresses the 'what and how' to make your home a 'haven'- safe space.
There is currently no Canadian law requiring manufacturers to reveal the full list of ingredients in home cleaning products, ( such as the common poisons formaldehyde, chlorine, naphthalene, phenol, cresol, ethanol) or the long-term health and environmental hazards of certain chemicals.
In fact, Canada still allows hundreds of cancer-causing, hormone disrupting, allergy-inducing chemicals in our everyday items and personal care products.
It's time to put a stop to these avoidable poisonings!
Stop the cancer epidemics!
Stop the Asthma amongst our children!
Stop the depression amongst old and young!
Learn in this New Workshop/training to be an Eco- Essentials real green consultant that will help you to help homeowners ! 

Learn NEW ways to green-clean with 10 different essential oils....

with unique new findings that will make your space a haven!


Learn how to create a frequency chamber to boost your immunity and more!

Becoming a consultant...
Real Green Essentials covers much in the consultants' training:
  • Common toxic chemicals found in homes
  • Home ratings
  • Questionnaire for chemical symptoms
  • Receive expert coaching, support and education!
  • How to conduct a home consultation and presentation
  • Top-Quality organic greening and health product usage
  • Mold remediation
  • Certification from the Institute of Energy Wellness Studies (a Federally Approved Institute) after 6 weeks internship- project)
  • Registered Identity Badge from the Institute- optional 
It's easy, fun and life changing - all in these 2 days !
Real Green Consultants can...
Consultants can :
  • Help make a difference!
  • Create a better future!
  • Gain more freedom in your lifestyle!
  • Contribute to the World in a Greener way-Your Way!
  • Make the world a healthier, safer place!
  • Educate others through simple at home or office presentations
  • Build A business and Earn the income you deserve!
  • Help to raise consciousness to bring about peace and harmony
Help to educate others and help to ease the unnecessary, pain, suffering and save lives!

March 22-23, 2013
10 am - 5:30 pm
About Your Instructor
Sabina M. DeVita Ed.D.DNM, NNCP
Holistic Practitioner/Educator/Humanitarian-and Environmental Health Advocate

Dr. Sabina DeVita has been a long time environmentalist. When she became ill in the 80's, with environmental sensitivities, also known as ecological illness or multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) whereby she experienced brain fog, fatigue, depression, headaches, red burning eyes and malaise, it changed her life path dramatically.

She is a U.of T. graduate with her doctoral dissertation on "cerebral allergies" - understanding of Body, Mind, and Spirit which was pioneer work in the field of psychology at the University of Toronto in 1986.
She is the owner/founder of the DeVita Wellness Institute of Living and Learning, as well as, Director of the International Institute of Energy Wellness Studies ( a federally recognized school). She works holistically in an established 28 year practice as an Energy Psychologist, Doctor of Natural Medicine, Spiritual, Energy Eclectic Psychotherapist, Registered Nutritional Consultant Practitioner, Registered Aromatic Sciences Practitioner, Environmental Illness Consultant and
Specialized Kinesiologist.
Dr. Sabina DeVita, also has over 850 hours of extensive training with Dr. Gary Young in integrated aromatics (use of essential oils in healing) and one of the only certified by the inventor Gary Young, Raindrop instructors in Canada. She is the author of a number of books. She is the only official Canadian certified instructor for the latest scientific Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Kirlian Russian camera which is also used in her practice and teachings.

Hon. Dr. DeVita was appointed as Vice- Minister for Problems of Public Health for International Parliament for Safety and Peace and Knighted as recipient Dame of the Sovereign Order of Knights Hospitaller of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Dr. DeVita is honored to be one of the board members for the first international board on essential oil research and development She is Director of Real Green Essentials - environmental initiative - making women healthier!
Help to Stop the Pollution that is destroying the planet , wildlife and humanity!
View this trailer to witness the far-reaching destruction....
This video is about an island in the ocean at 2000 km from any other coast line.
Nobody lives there, only birds... and yet ............... You will not believe your eyes!!!!!!!
Location: IEWS Brampton
7700 Hurontario St, Suite 408
Brampton, ON  
Fees: $455.+ HST - includes consultants' portfolio ( $50.Value - filled with brochures, tips and more) for home or business presentations and more!
Now till March 18th- register for the special Bonus offer- $315.
Bring a friend- $300. each! A total saving of $155. each!
Help us celebrate the Canadian Grand Opening!
Register now: 905-451-4475   
(limited seating)
Institute of Energy Wellness
Real Green Essentials
real green logo

Copyright © 20XX. All Rights Reserved.
Institute of Energy Wellness Studies | 7700 Hurontario St. S. 408 | Brampton, Ontario | L6Y4M3 | Canada