Thursday, October 31, 2013
Motivation & Energy
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Short Story
"I finally took a vacation with my wife. She has foot cramps and shooting pain in both feet for at least 10 years .I started applying peppermint at night for circulation this helped but didn't stoped the cramping.
So I tried panaway this helped also.
So I was reading In my pocket reference guide and saw that rosemary was good for helping inflamed nerves and nerve damage so I started from the nee down to the foot on both legs.
After the first night she noticed a big difference
After three days the leg spasms stoped and she can sleep all night.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
cheezz12345: "Lighten Your Lips Using Rose"
Friday, October 25, 2013
Re: Billet aluminum wheel spacers for jeep,toyota,suzuki,nissan,ford,dodge,chevrolet truck etc.
Aluminum wheel spacer,standard material Alu6061 T6:
Wheel spacers for Nissan 5x4.5"/5x4.5"(5x114.3) M12x1.25, Thick: 1.25" ---USD8.22/pcs
Wheel spacers for Jeep 5x5.5"/5x5.5"(5x139.7) M12x1.25, Thick: 1.5" ---USD10.54/pcs
Wheel spacers for Toyota 6x5.5"/6x5.5"(6x139.7) M12x1.25, Thick: 2.0" ---USD12.95/pcs
More spacer applications for other models like chevrolet, dodge,chrysler truck,GMC,hyundai,BMW,AUDI etc are available,you are welcome for quotation.
We have also wheels and more wheel accessories available,please visit our web: for details.
Best regards.
Globe Auto Industry Co.,Limited.
No.555 Changshou South Road,Yinzhou district,Ningbo,315100,China
Tel: 0086-574-88119302,81933160
Fax: 0086-574-56877955
Contact: Jimmy,,
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Check out Partner with Bill Soriano
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Forex ProfitCaster CLOSES in 12 hrs...
At 11:59pm TONIGHT, your 2nd chance enrollment for the re-release of
my Forex ProfitCaster program CLOSES DOWN.
The enrollment fee really isn't an issue considering that you get 60
days to put the Forex ProfitCaster to the test. Make sure it works for
So, the easy decision you need to make is:
* Just say MAYBE before it closes tomorrow.
Lock in your spot, and then let the ProfitCaster go to work on the 8
most profitable Forex pairs and see what happens.
And then make your final decision in 60 days.
It's easy - but you only have about 12 hours left.
Good Trading,
Bill Poulos
Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Your Forex ProfitCaster "2nd Chance" begins NOW...
Last week, I shut down enrollment to my Forex ProfitCaster trade alert
software that automatically finds the highest probability and lowest
risk trades on the 8 best Forex pairs.
Hundreds of regular people from all around the world joined me when I
released it and they're already getting in on some great low risk,
high probability trading opportunities.
I usually don't open up enrollments again for quite awhile in order to
give my support staff enough time to help all the new customers
But this new rollout went so smoothly that I just opened up enrollment
again for a few more days to give you a "second chance" at joining
So, if you were on the fence last week but missed the deadline, go
here to start your 60 day trial as part of this "second chance"
Good Trading,
Bill Poulos
p.s. The training website where I gave away the trading method behind
the Forex ProfitCaster is still online right here for a little while
Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:
Friday, October 18, 2013
Dr. Debra Raybern Oil Tips
While studying for my aromatherapy certification, I learned some very interesting uses for essential oils. Uses we have not generally known about. You should probably print this out and paste into your essential oil reference book for ready access to the information.
Bergamot oil relieves insomnia through inhalation.
Cypress oil– One expert believes that in all of aromatherapy there is perhaps no oil more effective than cypress oil to counteract an infection, of either the throat, nose, or bronchi in its early phase. Used at the first sign of a sore throat, it is typically sufficient to arrest the process and prevent the development of subsequent bronchitis or a cold. One drop cypress oil is taken orally as soon as scratchiness or soreness in the throat begins. As the turpentine taste develops in the mouth, any soreness in the throat will be overshadowed (really!). After a few minutes though, the taste changes, taking on a relatively pleasing character. As the throat soreness returns another drop of cypress in taken. This is repeated until one gets used to the taste. After the third, fourth or fifth application, the soreness will usually not return. Such prompt response to a body signal of distress, brings about quick and lasting results.
Helichrysum oil is effective in joint pain associated with Rheumatoid arthritis. Apply topically.
Geranium oil is remarkably effective against candida and other fungi. Geranium acts against the yeast, without affecting beneficial bacteria - take orally. Used topically, it soothes pain in the breasts before and during menstruation. May be used neat or diluted 50/50.
Myrtle oil is especially useful in treating hay fever, especially when the person feels the need to change oils. Inhale several times during the day. Works much the same as peppermint on children without the harsh smell that sometimes is too strong for infants.
Hyssop oil is perhaps the strongest anti-viral and is suitable for herpes and fever blisters, apply topically and take orally. Not always suited for those with high blood pressure.
Lavender oil may normalize blood sugar output by the liver. One or two drops taken orally fifteen minutes before a meal will noticeably reduce the appetite.
Marjoram oil can be used in place of tea tree/melaluca oil and is of great benefit in cases of whooping cough, acute bronchitis. It can be taken internally or applied externally.
Melissa oil is one of the strongest anti-viral oils in aromatherapy (along with hyssop). Rubbing on the temples will also ease a headache. Melissa and hyssop are both best used at low concentrations. Melissa inhaled is also great in cases of depression.
Patchouli oil is a good tonic for vein health.
Peppermint oil, as if we needed another reason to use it, is listed in French aromamedicine to strengthen and regenerate the liver.
Ravensara oil is primarily used for viral conditions. It also has great value as a nerve tonic. It works wonders for the flu, mononucleosis and insomnia. For the treatment of acute flu, ravensara is best taken internally (1 drop every 2 hours) and/or applied diluted externally. Its most notable use is for shingles.
Rosemary oil – just a few facts on this one. According to essential oil experts, rosemary oil is one of the most adulterated oils. Rosemary stimulates the production of bile which digests fats. (Aren't we glad we have Young Living)
Spiknard oil has the chemical component valerenal, responsible for sedative effects. Rub neat over heart and on chest to relax. Spiknard is the oil known to benefit dandruff.
Spruce oil restores depleted adrenal glands. Combined with pine oil and applied over the kidney/adrenal gland area will reenergize. Coffee lovers listen up: combine spruce 5 drops, cedarwood oil 2 drops and peppermint oil 1 drop, to ounce Young Living Genesis Hand and Body lotion and use as a body lotion after your morning shower lets you leave the coffee behind and stay invigorated for several hours. Be sure to massage over the adrenal glands.
Tarragon oil is an effective anti-viral agent, and anti-spasmodic. Back spasms, legs cramps should benefit from using this oil. Taken orally it can also bring relief to allergy sufferers.
Vetiver oil is also good for endocrine support and to strengthen a weakened immune system.
So now you have even more ways to use your oils to support greater health and wellness. Consider equipping your home with some or all of these oils to be ready for whatever this years cold and flu season bring.
Forex ProfitCaster CLOSES in 12 hrs...
At 11:59pm TONIGHT, the enrollment for my Forex ProfitCaster program
It comes with a ton of surprise, extra giveaways I'm including that
just drives the value way, way up...
-and the enrollment fee really isn't an issue considering that you get
60 days to put the Forex ProfitCaster to the test. Make sure it works
for you.
So, the easy decision you need to make is:
* Just say MAYBE before it closes tomorrow.
Lock in your spot, and then let the ProfitCaster go to work on the 8
most profitable Forex pairs and see what happens.
And then make your final decision in 60 days.
It's easy - but you only have about 12 hours left.
Good Trading,
Bill Poulos
Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:
Thursday, October 17, 2013
The Forex ProfitCaster is LIVE! (go, go, go)
It's time --
* The Forex ProfitCaster is LIVE!
Get it here:
Make sure you watch the ENTIRE presentation on that page -- it reveals
some BRAND NEW, SURPRISE EXTRAS you're going to get when you enroll in
the program today.
Good Trading,
Bill Poulos
Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:
A Must Have
Tired Of Being SICK? This Will Help!
Wouldn't It Be Nice To Never Be Sick?
I am very rarely sick and it is low symptoms and short lived the rare time it does come around.
There are many ways that this is accomplished but this is a GREAT tool to use daily to keep your immune system strong.
The science of why this is effective is below :)
IMMUPOWER INGREDIENTS: Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis), mountain savory (Satureja montana), cistus (Cistus ladanifer), ravensara (Ravensara aromatica), frankincense (Boswellia carteri), oregano (Origanum compactum), clove (Syzygium aromaticum), cumin (Cuminum cyminum) and idaho tansy (Tanacetum vulgare).
"A polyphenol rich extract of Cistus incanus (Rock-rose family) exhibits potent anti-influenza activity against human and avian influenza. [viruses did not develop resistance, as was the case with the drug amantadine]. " --- Antiviral Res. 2007 Oct;76(1):38-47. Epub 2007 Jun 4
"Our study demonstrates that MAR-10 (Hyssop Extract) contains strong anti-HIV-1 activity that may be useful in the treatment of patients with HIV-1 infection." Gollapudi S, Sharma HA, et al. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1995 May 5;210(1):145-51. Division of Basic & Clinical Immunology, University of California, Irvine 92717, USA
Mountain Savory:
"The findings indicate that the bioactive extracts of S. montana have strong potential for use as natural antimicrobials and antioxidants" J Sci Food Agric. 2011 Jul ;91(9):1554-60. Epub 2011 Mar 28
"Antifungal: Ravensara demonstrated antifungal activity against Candida albicansand Cladosporium cucumerinum.[3] Other studies have confirmed this antifungal activity" [Article in French] Arch Inst Pasteur Madagascar. 1989;56(1):261-271.
Boswellia Carteri:
"Boswellia Carteri exhibits cytotoxic activity against neuroblastoma cell lines and inhibits Epstein-Barr Virus" Biol Pharm Bull. 2006 Sep;29(9):1976-9
"In 1995, Greek researchers at the University of Thessaloniki discovered that a 1/4000 dilution of fresh wild Oil of Oregano sterilized septic water."
"Clove extract suppresses immediate hyper-sensitivity by inhibition of histamine release from mast cells in vitro and in vivo." J Ethnopharmacol. 1998 Mar;60(2):125-31
"Based on the data we may conclude that Cumin is a potent immunomodulator and may develop as a lead to recover the immunity of immuno-compromised individuals." Chem Biol Interact. 2010 Feb 12. Epub 2010 Feb 12
Idaho Tansy:
"Immunomodulatory activity of acidic polysaccharides isolated from Tanacetum vulgare" Int Immunopharmacol. 2007 Dec 15;7(13):1639-50. Epub 2007 Sep 5
Immupower For Feeling Under The Weather -- by Lindsey Sturgeon
"I use this oil when I've been exposed to colds or flu or when I think I'm coming down with "something." I've applied it to my feet at bedtime. My favorite use is internal. I'll put drop or two in distilled water and drink it. Doesn't taste the best but it sure works."
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
bar-by-bar Forex ProfitCaster trades (+ release date)
2 quick Forex updates...
1. I just posted my long-awaited 3rd Forex ProfitCaster training
video, which shows 3 bar-by-bar trades using my new software.
I think you're gonna love it.
See it "in action" here:
2. I also just announced the release date for the Forex ProfitCaster.
You can get your hands on it:
* TOMORROW, October 17th, at 1pm Eastern.
3. You can win a full SCHOLARSHIP to the Forex ProfitCaster here:
So mark your calendar!
More soon...
Good Trading,
Bill Poulos
P.S. Don't forget to also DOWNLOAD my Forex ProfitCaster trading
blueprints that I already gave away.
Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
I'm giving away my Forex course [download]
If you saw the new Forex "ProfitCaster" training video I sent you
yesterday that revealed how to predict the direction of the 8 most
profitable Forex markets w/ 79.6% accuracy, then you're probably
But that was NOTHING compared to Video #2, which was just released,
that actually teaches you the COMPLETE Forex ProfitCaster trading
method from entry to exit.
You also get 2 companion trading "blueprints" that spell it all out in
easy-to-follow English.
I think I've seen just about everything on the market, and it's better
(& easier) than many Forex home study courses you'd have to pay for...
but you get it all for nothing... zilch... nada.
I'll probably end up selling this in the future, so grab it while it's
open to the public on my training website here:
Good Trading,
Bill Poulos
p.s. After you try it out, please send me your test results. I'm
excited to hear how you do w/ what many people are calling my most
innovative and visually simple approach to Forex.
Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:
Monday, October 14, 2013
Forex "dirty napkin" = 79.6% accurate?
Get this...
One morning, during breakfast at a local greasy diner, I sketched some
unusual triangles on a napkin...
...& kind of stumbled upon a way to predict the direction of the 8
most profitable Forex markets with 79.6% accuracy.
(I'm a retired industrial engineer, so my mind is always working, even
during breakfast!)
I put together a little video that shows you what I came up with
(Watch carefully to see the actual dirty napkin in the video,
scribbled with my notes.)
Good Trading,
Bill Poulos
p.s. Let me know what you think about what I reveal around the 4:37
minute mark... I think we're on to something here...
Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us:
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Fw:the Anjie Aluminium wheel Co.,Ltd
Our company is the Anjie Aluminium wheel Co.,Ltd. It is located in Foshan,Guangdong province. It has a history of more than 10 years. We are specializing in manufacturing alloy wheels from 12inch to 18 inch.We have hundreds models of wheels for sale. Our wheels are fit to TOYOTA,HONDA,NISSAN,BMW,BENZ,BUICK,FORD and most other cars. We also manufacture products according to customers' specific requirement .Our products are sold throughout the country and are also exported to various parts of the world. The good quality and reasonable price of our products has been accepted and satisfied with all of our customers.
The catalogue of our products you can check in our WEBSITE: . Each model of wheels in the catalogue can be made into different colors as you like .Please check it and take a look.
Please contact us as a friend if you are interested in our products or would like to get further information about our wheels .Your early reply will be highly appreciated.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Wouldn't it be easier to do things right the FIRST time? Or at
least THIS time?
Why try program after program, trying to make money, when you
could STOP THE MADNESS right now and be done with it?
Our program is EASY to join, and we offer:
* A system that automates your sales
* 100% commission paid INSTANTLY
* NO guesswork
* Total support
* Integrity AND freedom (yes, you can have both!)
It all starts with INSTANT ACCESS to the video that explains it
<<< >>>
"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what
you've always gotten."
REAL PEOPLE are getting REAL RESULTS and changing their lives for
the better. Your story can follow theirs. You CAN do things
right this time.
<<< >>>
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
cheezz12345: "How I lightened my Dark Neck Naturally !!"
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Body Odour
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Call Tonight at 9 PM EST
Nicole Stevenson is a gold leader with Young living essential oils. She began her journey with essential oils in 2009 and joined Young Living as a product lover in November 2012. After experiencing the many health benefits first hand she decided to embark on the business side of Young Living January 16, 2013. Nicole hit executive in 15 days, Silver in six weeks, and reached the rank of gold in just 3 1/2 months. After six years of wanting to leave her corporate job in the oil and gas industry she finally resigned from her position on May 6, 2013 to focus on her passions of assisting others live happier, healthier and more abundant lives. Nicole thoroughly enjoys sharing the Young Living products as well as coaching and mentoring her team to achieve their own successes.
557553 #
Bitcoinrobot At Amsterdam Bitcoin EXPO! (Impressions)
Hey Guys!
BTC robot developers were really excited to present at Bitcoin Europe Conference in Amsterdam and meet all of you guys! Hope to see you soon during the next big events!
It was a Major convention for cryptocurrency, the Bitcoin EU Convention 2013 in Amsterdam Netherlands on September 27th – 29th was a Watch / Ask / Meet / Trade convention.
(enable images to see)
The Bitcoin Robot had a booth at the amsterdam convention and run out of pamplets and presentationc ards within 1 hours..
the interest was sky high so thank you very much for meeting us and it was a pleasure to show of our bitcoin robot!!
It was a great opportunity to show the robot , it`s earnings and not hide behind the anonymity of the internet!
Performance of the bot is still great and going UP!! and its only going to grow!
Get your license now and start to profit!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Melaleuca Shuts Out Flu Virus

Three Chinese researchers teamed up with two Australian colleagues to see if Melaleuca alternifolia Concentrate (essential oil), termed MAC, had an effect against the flu virus H1N1 that killed 17,000 people worldwide after being identified in April 2009.
It is pointed out in the study1 that four major pandemics in the 20th century caused 20-50 million deaths. Defenses against flu are antivirals like osetamivir (Tamiflu®) and vaccines. Of course the H1N1 virus has developed resistance to Tamiflu. The study reports that "over 160 sporadic viral isolates of 2009 H1N1 virus show resistance to osetamivir due to the NA H275Y genotype mutation."2 The authors then remind readers that though vaccines were created to protect from this flu, "the safety of these vaccines remains one of the major public concerns in most . . . countries, as deaths and serious side effects of vaccines against H1N1 virus have been reported."3
While this study is most interesting and may be downloaded at no charge,4 we warn readers that it may require extensive knowledge of cellular biology to understand it.
Understanding the chemistry of Melaleuca alternifolia seems almost elementary compared to trying to grasp "the particle-mesh ewald (PME) method" and "a Lamarckian genetic algorithm." The study authors report that the variety of melaleuca used in this study has over 100 constituents but is mainly composed of terpinen-4-ol (56-58%), γ-terpinene (20.65%), and α-terpinene (9.8%).
This research on the pathogenic influenza viruses was performed in a bio-safety level 2 laboratory at Zhongshan School of Medicine of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.
Testing was done on MDCK cells. These cells are named for SH Madin and NB Darby, who isolated kidney tissue from an adult female cocker spaniel in 1958.
To summarize the study, some terms must be defined. Virus particles are called virons, which have an RNA or DNA core with a protein coat. Haemagglutinin is a glycoprotein found on the surface of the influenza virus. The authors of the study set up testing to evaluate the interaction between MAC (Melaleuca alternifolia Concentrate) and the viral haemagglutinin, which is the means by which the virus gains access to a healthy cell.
The researchers' conclusion is that "By computational simulations, we found that terpinen-4-ol, which is the major bioactive component of MAC, could combine with the membrane fusion site of haemagglutinin. Thus, we proved that MAC could prevent influenza virus from entering host cells by disturbing the normal viral membrane fusion procedure."
The current writer understands baseball even less than this complicated study. But the idea of a "shut out" where one team keeps the other team from scoring, is perhaps an apt comparison. If melaleuca is able to deactivate the flu virus glycoprotein so that it cannot enter a cell and create illness, then we need to have this Aussie oil at the ready for the next flu invasion.
Li X, et al., "Melaleuca alternifolia Concentrate Inhibits in Vitro Entry of Influenza Virus into Host Cells," Molecules. 2013 Aug 9;18(8):9550-66.
Li X, op cited.