products and think, "This would be a whole lot
better if only they added this feature"?
If so, I'd like to mentor you in creating and
licensing out your ideas to the tune of 6 and
7-figures per year.
As you probably know, I've made a career of
creating and licensing out ideas for all kinds of
products, services and marketing campaigns.
And right now - with the explosion of new
technology and products that come out every
week - there couldn't be a better time to make
serious money with a great idea.
You see, smart companies realize that in order to
stay ahead of the competition, they must bring new
ideas to market at a rapidly increasing pace. And
they're eagerly looking for highly profitable new
If you're a creative person and frequently have
ideas for improving products, I can show you
how to convert those ideas to sizable upfront
retainer fees plus ongoing royalties that come in
month after month even though you've moved on
to developing your next idea.
And you can license your ideas in five different
1. Products
2. Services
3. Business processes
4. Marketing campaigns
5. Brokering deals for all four of the above
I'm looking for just 8 people to mentor - and
here's why I'm limiting this opportunity
As you may know, my mentoring programs usually
run from $17,500 to $25,000 per seat. And this
new program will eventually be priced at $25,000
per seat - and possibly more.
However, while I've made a career of licensing
ideas for products, services and marketing
campaigns, in the past I've only taught people
how to license marketing campaigns. And I have
not taught my process for creating and licensing
ideas for products and services.
What this means is that I have a large collection
of case studies and testimonials from people
who have used my method to license marketing
campaigns - but no case studies for licensing
ideas for products and services. And in order
to gather those case studies and success stories,
I'm willing to slash the cost of this program
dramatically for just 8 people.
How much am I cutting the cost? For these
8 people only, the fee will be just $3,500. That
includes six months of thorough training, group
calls and individual 1-to1 mentoring, all done
by me personally.
You and I will work together to get your ideas
licensed to major corporations, pay you a nice
upfront fee, and generate royalties for you for
months or years to come.
We'll start with product and service ideas,
as that's the reason I'm cutting the tuition so
dramatically. But make no mistake, you'll
get the full program in all five areas, which
is the exact same program that will be sold
just a couple months later at $25,000 per
Here's the main qualification you must have
to get in on this
Again, the main thing I'm looking to get out
of personally mentoring you at such a low cost
is testimonials and case studies. So the main
qualification you must have is the ability to roll
up your sleeves and get things done. This is
easy to do with me personally training and
guiding you at every step, but if you aren't the
kind of person who can take action, please
do not apply for this program.
Right now, I'm putting together an information
package with all the details on this new program,
which is called "The Insider's Guide to Licensing
- 5 simple ways to make 6-7 figures a year
with licensing".
You can sign up to get Early Notice about this
program and get all the details once they're ready.
By putting your name on the Early Notice list now,
you'll receive the details ahead of everyone else
and get priority enrollment.
Since I'll be conducting the program personally and
accepting just 8 people to mentor, it makes good
sense to put your name on the list now by clicking
I look forward to teaching you exactly how to turn
turn your hot ideas into serious profits.
Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy, Inc.
2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA
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