Monday, August 22, 2011

Survey results are in (and an announcement)

First, thanks to everyone who took my recent surveys
regarding the topics you're most interested in learning
more about. It was practically a tie, with these two
topics ranking first and second:

#1 Evergreen Conversion - How to increase the
number of prospects you convert to paying
customers by 200% (or more)

#2 Evergreen Capture - Traffic and list building
techniques that work today and for as long
as you're in business

So I'm now in the process of creating comprehensive
courses for both of these topics. And best of all, both
will have a very low price tag.

So let's take a look at the first course, and then you
can sign up for Early Notice if you like what you see.

Evergreen Conversion - How to increase the number
of prospects you convert to paying customers by
200% (or more)

First, as I'm sure you've noticed, the titles of both
these courses (and all the courses I'll be creating in
this series)begin with the term "Evergreen". You see,
there are so many "flash in the pan" techniques that come
along every week that I want to clearly distinguish these
courses as the kind of material you can rely on right
now and for years to come.

With that in mind, here's a quick peek at just some of
what will be included in this course...

> Understanding the psychology of why people buy
- and ethically using that psychology to convert far
more prospects to paying customers

> The Single Product Factor - or SPF - and how
you're seriously harming your sales by not buidling
it into all your marketing

> How a simple sequence of communications called
the "conversion bridge" can immediately increase
your sales by 200% or more

> A step-by-step "conversion bridge" for products
that sell for $500 or less

This includes a complete system and all the marketing
pieces you'll ever need for creating your own successful
"conversion bridge", broken down in step-by-step detail

> The step-by-step "conversion bridge" for high-ticket
products that sell for $500 to $25,000

Here again, you get a complete system you can model,
including every marketing piece you need. And it's all
broken down step-by-step to make it foolproof to
apply right away.

> Why you should stop using a USP right now. And
exactly what to replace it with if you want an immediate
increase in sales.

> Converting far more customers by featuring an
Invaluable Teaching Moment in all your marketing

Now that my company has been focusing on this
powerful component, our sales have more than
doubled in the past year - while many of my
competitors' sales are tanking in this stagnant

Plus I'll show you how one of my clients used this
to produce a massive 2,000 increase in sales. And
of course you'll get step-by-step details and examples
you can model right now.

> What works best to sell more of your products,
web pages or video?

The answer is it depends on the type of product
you're selling - and the market you're selling to.
Most importantly you'll be surprised to discover
where web pages work best and where video is
a must. Once you understand this, increasing
sales is a natural byproduct of your marketing.

> How to follow my simple blueprint to set your
Evergreen Conversion System up once and run
it over and over again on autopilot.

What could be better than increasing your profits
substantially, eliminating almost all of the work at
the same time, and systematically racking up more
sales month after month?

> Plus much, much more.

And now for the best part...

If you've been on my list for awhile, then you know
that my products normally sell for $500 to $2,000.
But not with this course.

A lot of people told me in the survey that they want
real, proven strategies and techniques they can put
into action right now - and that they'd like it at a
very affordable price.

So this course, which includes online training sessions
and live mentoring calls with me personally, will be
priced at just $200. I've listened to your feedback and
I'm doing everything possible to serve you in the way
you've asked for.

Get on the Early Notice list now

As with any program that includes live mentoring and
support, enrollment will be limited in order to avoid
things becoming chaotic. You can put your name on
the Early Notice list to get all the details as soon as
they're ready. And this will also give you the opportunity
for priority enrollment when the doors open.

You can sign up for Early Notice here - it takes just
a couple of seconds and you're in:


Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy, Inc.

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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