Friday, March 23, 2012

Cancer Story ---- Awesome Success

Awesome Cancer Testimonial
"One of my friends was telling me last night that she was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma on her face. After the pathology, her regular dermatologist would not touch it so she was sent to a specialist to have it removed. She held off going to the specialist for a while (much to the chagrin of her husband) so that she could keep applying Sacred Frankincense. When she finally went to the specialist, he could not find that spot on her face anymore!! The specialist sent a note to the dermatologist and told him "I can't operate on something that's not there." (Thanks Jihan Solomon Thomas...time frame was 3-4 mths on this one)

Motivational Short Video With Great Simple Wisdom Here:

Insightful Quote:

"Consciousness is contagious. Hang around world-class thinkers and listen to them talk. The conversation is always about moving forward and getting better. Spend time with middle-class thinkers and you'll hear a lot of fear, lack, limitation, scarcity and skepticism. What the masses don't understand is their habits of thoughts are their destroyers. They are fully capable of everything the world class is capable of, but their thinking keeps them locked in a cognitive cage of ignorance that guarantees mediocrity. This is why rich people associate with rich people. They can't afford the messages of doom and gloom. They want to talk about the beautiful future and pure exhilaration of life and living. This is often misinterpreted by the masses as snobbery. Labeling the rich as snobs is another way the middle class finds to feel better about themselves and their chosen path of mediocrity." ------ Darren Jacklin

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