Friday, May 4, 2012

Yes, you do deserve a straight answer [video]

Yes, you do deserve a straight answer [video]

Dear Trader,

Yikes! The minute we posted video #3 it was like the dam burst. And questions came flooding in.

Not surprisingly, the #1 question has been:

"How much does it cost?"

But other questions were kind of unexpected.

It seems as though Chuck starting with a $4,600 trading account and making $460,164 within his first two years of trading ... and then producing several million dollars of actual trading profits... sounds so fantastic, some of you had a hard time seeing yourself in his shoes... or in his $3.6 million dollar mansion.

But then, video #3 put everything into prospective.

In video #3 six members of the Wealth Creation Alliance spoke up, sharing their own personal success stories... And suddenly, everybody wants to know more.

So, Chuck recorded another video addressing the question of cost, and two other top questions. And it's ready to view now. Watch the video.

Hearing members tell about their own lives, in their own words, was so down-to-earth and so heartfelt, you knew right away you'd found a home. And if you're like most folks, you can't wait to get in.

Here are excerpts from three of the interviews...

Anne, from New Jersey, talked about how she thought investing was too complicated and too confusing until a friend introduced her to Chuck. Then, 5 weeks and 13 winning trades later, her $16,300 account had grown to $62,875 and she said, "Thanks to you Chuck, I'm on my way!"...

Retired dentist, Dr. Jack, talked about making a $30,000 profit in just one day and said, "I guess you could call trading a hobby for me, because I do enjoy doing it. But it's also a job because it provides an income source. And it can be very exciting!"

And Bob and Myra, a retired couple living on the Mississippi coast... excitedly complete each other's sentences as they tell about doing so well and making so much money that next year Bob plans to enter the same trading contest Chuck won 7 times."With the Members-Only Guide, the online calculators, and all the other WCA assets available to me... I think I have a good chance of winning!"

To see all six interviews in their entirety, and to discover a powerful timing tool you may not know about, be sure to watch video 3... if you haven't done so yet. And by all means, go and watch the Q&A video posted today. Watch the video.

Wishing you the best,
Chris Lawrence.

PS. Time is running out. If you haven't done so yet, after you watch the video, register for the drawing for a full year of Chuck's trade recommendations and a lifetime membership to Wealth Creation Alliance, which will be held.... Monday, May 7 at 9am EST.

Watch the video.























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