ANTIBIOTICS VS. THERAPEUTIC GRADE ESSENTIAL OILSView the document attached from the Essential Oils Desk Reference, which shows data comparing the antimicrobial ability between essential oils (cinnamon and oregano) and antibiotics (penicillin and ampicillin). ---- I can email this if you wish to see it.
1) Overview.
2) Antibiotics vs. Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils, by Joan Barice, MD
3) The Antibiotic Crisis, by Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D
4) Treating the Flu with Anti-Microbial Young Living Oil Formula, by Terry S. Friedmann, M.D., A.B.H.M.
5) Natural Antibiotic recipes using Young Living Essential Oils, by Gary Young, ND.
6) Natural Antibiotics as recommended by the Essential Oils Desk Reference.
7) Testimonials from Young Living Members.
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The discovery of pharmaceutical antibiotics around 80 years ago was touted as a panacea for humanity. While their use has clearly saved many lives, in recent years their overuse and misuse has taken a tremendous toll on the health of people everywhere, contributing to the creation of the now- infamous SuperBug.
According to Annie Wong-Beringer, Pharm.D., associate professor of clinical pharmacy at the USC School of Pharmacy, "Inappropriate antibiotic use may kill beneficial bacteria, opening the door for harmful bacteria to establish themselves in their place. It also may toughen up some bacteria by encouraging them to mutate and develop drug resistance."
Drug resistance is considered to be one of the leading causes of deaths in the U.S. According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 70,000 die each year from it. These patients acquired the infection while they were in a hospital being treated for something else, according to the May 1997 documentary The Coming Plague. No known antibiotics can help these patients, and they die.
To make matters worse, experts estimate that physicians in the United States alone, write 50 million antibiotic prescriptions a year to treat disease actually caused by viruses, which antibiotics do not affect. Part of the reason may be patients' or caregivers' expectations. According to a CDC study, pediatricians prescribe antibiotics 65 percent of the time if they sense that parents expect them, but only 12 percent of the time if they sense parents do not expect them.
The western medical establishment is stymied. It's looking for a solution through continued pharmaceutical research and the development of even more antibiotics...which created the problem in the first place. Duh! In addition, the big Pharma companies don't even want to put money into antibiotic research, since it does not produce sustained profits. Think about it. They dump millions and millions of dollars into research to create the latest super antibiotic. It works for a short time and then becomes useless because the bacteria has mutated to save their own lives! (What's a poor little bacterium to do?!)
If one wholly subscribes to the mainstream paradigm, the situation does indeed seem grim.
Enter our friends, therapeutic-grade essential oils!
Essential oils are naturally antibiotic and antiviral, as has been documented in research around the world and more recently in the U.S. If you browse through a classic book like "The Practice of Aromatherapy" first published 25 years ago by French medical doctor, Jean Valnet, you will find innumerable references to such research and to the efficacy of essential oils in all kinds of situations.
In 1997, studies conducted at Weber State University on Young Living's Thieves oil showed it to have a 99.96% success rate against airborne bacteria. The bacteria cultures were sprayed in an enclosed area, and Thieves essential oil blend was diffused for a given amount of time. After only 10 minutes of exposure, there was a reduction of 82% in Micrococcus luteus, 96% in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 44% in Staphylococcus aureus.
Below is a wealth of information on the antibiotic qualities of essential oils along with testimonials from Young Living members and some essential oil recipes.
As Young Living customers, we have in our hands a precious, delightful and effective way to strengthen our bodies and uplift our spirits, using the naturally powerful and effective aromatic resources of the healing plant kingdom.
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DISCLAIMER: The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. We recommend that you consult your licensed health care practitioner if you are dealing with an illness.
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Speaking as a medical doctor, all physicians are aware of the increasing problem of resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. This is especially a problem with bacteria which cause life threatening infections. It is a result of overusing antibiotics, and of using them when they are not appropriate.
Overusing antibacterial soaps may also contribute to the problem. Prevention is best, of course. Allowing natural immunity to work when infections are self-limiting or not likely to cause serious consequences is also important, as is not treating viruses with antibiotics which won't work anyway.
Essential oils can be very effective in treating many bacterial, viral and other infections, without causing resistance. The natural variation inthe chemical constituents in whole plants depending on climate, altitude, and other factors protects against this resistance, as do the many chemical constituents in whole oils as opposed to using one isolated "active" ingredient.
The problem is, most doctors are not trained in using oils, but are well trained in using potent antibiotics. If you are trying to enlighten a doctor, who generally has had no training on essential oils, I would suggest providing scientific references that give the available evidence of the effectiveness of essential oils in treating infections.
We are impressed by scientific research and usually will not listen to "anecdotal" evidence" that it worked for some people. Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt's book Medical Aromatherapy, healing with essential oils, has been suggested and is a great reference. I have used it to give talks to medical doctors about essential oils.
Published articles on essential oil research, especially those in medical journals would be very good. Here are just a couple examples:
The EODR cites some research: 1998: Chao studied a blend of oils patterned after that used by 15th century thieves containing cinnamon, rosemary, clove, eucalyptus and lemon was diffused in a closed room in which bacteria cultures were sprayed. There was an 82% reduction in M. Luteus, a 96% reduction in P. Aeruginosa, and a 44% reduction in S. Aureusbioaerosols following 10 minutes of exposure.
Another study compared the effectiveness of essential oils to antibiotics - preliminary results showed cinnamon and oregano are comparable with Penicillin and Ampicillin in inhibitory activity against E. coli and Staph. aureus.
From a medical journal: TEA TREE OIL: THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE ANTIMICROBIAL HYPE Because of increasing resistance to antibiotics, interest in finding alternatives is strong. Tea tree oil (TTO) has been widely used in Australia for 80 years and is active against many micro-organisms.
A pilot study of 30 MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) carriers comparing routine mupirocin nasal ointment and triclosan skin wash with TTO ointment and wash, showed one third were completely cleared by TTO but only 13% by conventional treatment.
In another trial of TTO in the treatment of herpes cold sores, the oil was found to assist healing to a similar degree as topical 5% acyclovir. The oil has about 100 components but 7 terpenes and their related alcohols constitute 80 to 90% of the whole oil. Several of these components have been shown to reduce levels of Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. Terpenes are lipophilic and partition into the phospholipid layer of cell membranes, disrupting normal structure and function. Allen, P., LANCET 2001, 358 (9289) 1245 or: Janssen AM et al, 1987. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils: 1976-1986 literature review. Planta Med 53 (5) 395-398.
This article is not in a medical journal, but still would be good to use as evidence: Antiviral and Antimicrobial Properties of Essential Oils, by Dominique Baudoux, available on the internet at:
Kurt Schnaubelt's book has a list of some basic research, including the following:
1960: Maruzella demonstrated antibacterial and antifungal effects of hundreds of aromatic compounds 1987: Deininger and Lembke demonstrated antiviral activity of essential oils and their isolated components 1973: Wagner and Sprinkmeyer in 1973 did research on a 170 year old blend of distilled oils still available in Germany. The effects of melissa and the other oils in Kosterfrau Melissengeist had been empirically known since Paracelsus (about 1500). They concluded that, with varying degrees of intensity, there was an inhibiting influence on all the bacteria tested, (Pneumococcus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphlococcus aureus haemolyticus, Neisseria catarrhalis, Streptococcus haemolyticus, Proteus vulgaris, Hemophilus influenza, Haemophilus pertussis, Candida albicans, Escherichia coli-Aerobacter group, various Corynnebacteria, and Listeria) and stated the large spectrum of this inhibitory action is as broad as or even greater than that of wide-spectrum antibiotics.
They also showed KMG has sedative and spasmolytic properties. 1995 Deininger et al. Demonstrated the broad spectrum of antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal activity of essential oils and their components as well as effectiveness for upper respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urogenital systems and for nervousness and arterial conditions.
Included many different bacterial species, aflatoxin forming fungi, quantitative proof of the antiviral effectiveness of different essential oil constituents with special attention to their cell toxic effects on human cells. Showed antiviral effects against herpes and adenoviruses with a broad spectrum of activity. Showed oils including Klosterfrau mellisengeist terpenes could be shown curatively and preventively in animal experiments after otherwise lethal herpes injections were administered, and induce a significant increase of immunoglobulins.
Schnaubelt lists even earlier basic science research showing it has been known a long time that essential oils have antimicrobial effects:
1800-2002: Numerous animal and in vitro studies - evidence that all essential oils are antiseptic, some more than others and that many are effective against certain fungi, bacteria and viruses. 1881: Koch demonstrated the bactericidal action of essence of turpentine against anthrax spores 1887: Chamberland demonstrated bactericidal activity of essences of oregano, cinnamon and clove on bacillus anthracis 1910: Martindale showed essential oil of oregano is the strongest plant-derived antiseptic known to date, 25 to 76 times more active than phenol on colobacillus.
Because of our training, because we are not trained about essential oils, and do not want to harm our patients by using something we do not know anything about, many doctors will insist on having still more research, and conclusive "evidence-based" research data before they will consider recommending oils for patients with an infection, and they will use antibiotics when they know them to be effective treatment for a particular infection.
I know from my own experience that essential oils can be very effective, and will not hesitate to use them when they are the most appropriate treatment. If, on the other hand, I had a life threatening infection, and I do not have time to try something that will take longer, and there is a medical treatment that is known to be highly effective and safe, I would use it.
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3) THE ANTIBIOTIC CRISIS, by Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D.
The following extract is taken from Medical Aromatherapy: Healing with Essential Oils by Kurt Schnaubelt, 1999, Frog, Ltd. North Atlantic Books Berkeley CA. This excerpt is from Chapter 5, pp. 72-74.
"There is conclusive evidence on the destructive consequences of the overuse of antibiotics (and also how to avoid it). Antibiotic pressure on an organism can be a cofactor in immune deficiency conditions. Antibiotics were originally prescribed to fight bacterial diseases. But once these drugs became major moneymakers, their marketing took on a life of its own. Economic interests dictates finding more uses for a product that is already selling well, because sales increase without new development costs. Research to find additional uses for products is eagerly sponsored and eventually research and sales create a new reality. Unaware of the link to mass destruction of their immune systems, an unsuspecting generation upped its antibiotic intake.
"Antibiotics taken by small children often create the diseases they aim to cure. Premature antibiotic use during the onset of a childhood disease will deprive the immune system of the opportunities to interact with the pathogen. An inactivated immune system does not learn to recognize intruding microorganisms, nor does it learn to build antibodies. The result? A child will quickly relapse with the same disease and the cycle repeats. A reoccurring disease becomes chronic and leads to an overall debilitation of the body.
"Another potentially even greater problem is the seemingly unstoppable advance of resistant bacteria. Bacteria, resistant to most or all of the known antibiotics, are menacing hospitals and their patients. The development of these "super germs" was brought on by the reckless use of antibiotics in the meat industry as well as their over prescription by doctors. In his sanely radical book, Spontaneous Healing, (1995, Alfred Knoph) Andrew Weil comments: 'Doctors must bear much of the responsibility for getting us into our growing predicament with aggressive bacteria; by over prescribing and mis-prescribing antibiotics, they have brought on the coming catastrophe.'
"Antibiotics are still widely prescribed by doctors for viral conditions such as the common cold or the flu despite the fact that they are not effective in these cases. The depth of the conditioning becomes obvious when antibiotics display placebo effects.
"Workers in an office struggle with the flu for a week or two and, at some point, a few take antibiotics with the following results.
"Outcome 1: No obvious differences are observed between those who take the antibiotics and those who don't. The flu comes and goes."
"Outcome 2: Some of those who took antibiotics recover quickly. A typical belief is that the antibiotics ultimately cured the flu.
"Outcome 2 is extremely puzzling. Influenza is a viral infection and antibiotics are not effective against viruses. Still, these individuals claim that they worked. There are two possible explanations: 1. The immune status of some individuals is so compromised from antibiotics overuse or other causes that a flu virus will automatically trigger bacterial secondary infections of such severity that relief from an accompanying symptoms is perceived as the antibiotics being effective against the flu itself. 2. Our deep conditioning to believe in the effectiveness of antibiotics triggers improvement. The antibiotics were a placebo!"
"The antibiotics crisis is an example of the fact that commerce is not concerned about the consequences it creates for human life. All aspects of modern existence are penetrated by the goal to maximize profits. Sadly, this has been most successful in medicine."
"Approximately two decades ago the projections for worldwide sales of pharmaceuticals for the year 2000 were estimated to reach about $250 billion. This number was a gross under- estimation; the health -care industry currently grosses almost a thousand billion dollars and the biggest-selling pharmaceutical drugs each generate one billion dollars annually in the United States alone. Potential pharmacological breakthroughs generate corresponding changes in stock prices and make headlines in the business sections. The profit motive permeates the medical world completely."
"As a result, diseases are essentially classified according to the availability of drugs, which are the only form of therapy that can be produced on an industrial scale. The drug companies have an ideal partner in scientific medicine, which ignores (for the most part) social and psychological causes of disease. The mechanic "physician" is offered a tool that can be reproduced without limit."
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The flu season is upon us and this one is a doozie. It came early here in Colorado and we have already had some deaths. Obviously the virus has mutated and the vaccine doesn't work very well. So remember my antimicrobial formula [that I recommend] for my patients. Place in a "00" capsule the following:
12 drops of Thieves
6 drops of oregano
2 drops of frankincense
At the first sign of the flu, take one capsule every four hours for three days and then one capsule every eight hours for four to six days.
This is powerful, so don't use it for just a cold or as a preventative. This formula should not be used on children under 12 years of age or on pregnant wormen. Ages 12-17 years use one half of the above formula.
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10 drops lemon
8 drops mountain savory
3 drops oregano
Put into a "00" capsule
Take up to 3 times a day one "OO" capsule
FROM YL CLINIC contributed by Jennifer Tilston
8 Clove
5 Thyme
5 Oregano
put into a "00" gel capsule
Take up to 3x/day 1 capsule
To prevent onset of flu & cold bugs
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Many essential oils have broad-spectrum antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral effects. For example, thyme oil was shown to exert powerful antimicrobial effects against 25 different types of bacteria.
Good Choices:
Single Essential Oils: Oregano, thyme, cinnamon, mountain savory, lemon, rosewood, melaleuca, clove, ravensara, and eucalyptus (all four...E.citriodora, E.dives, E.globulus & E.radiata...are very powerful).
Eucalyptus & Melaleuca are excellent choices for diffusing.
Essential Oil Blends: Thieves, Exodus II, ImmuPower, Melrose, Inspiration & Sacred Mountain.
Essential Oil Enhanced Supplements: Royaldophilus, ImmuGel, Exodus, Super C, Radex, and ImmuneTune.
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Chronic Sinus Infection:
I had been living with a "stuffy nose" for probably about 20 years when I found the oils. What I was really dealing with was a combination of food allergies and environmental allergies. (confirmed by doctor's tests) This caused repeated acute sinus infections, often recurring several times a year, as well as chronic sinusitis. I had two sinus surgeries, but they didn't really help much in the long run. A Kleenex box was my constant companion. (People used to joke with me that I should buy stock in the Kleenex company)
Since I found the oils (soon 3 years ago) I have not once taken antibiotics, and I used to have to resort to it all the time.
Lately I have not even had the beginnings of a sinus infection, but earlier, when I could feel one coming on, what I did was heat up a big pot of water. Then I would take a big towel and lean over the pot and cover my head, as I put oils in, one drop at a time - then breathe deeply - then another drop and so on.
I just looked in the EODR. Collected all the oils and blends that I had that were listed in the section for sinus infection, and went through them one by one. I would repeat this daily, until my nose cleared. This was the first time ever that I did not have to resort to antibiotics - and I have not had a full blown sinus infection since I started using the oils.
As for clearing the allergies, for me it was a matter of avoiding the foods that caused them (mainly dairy) and also taking enzymes every day and with every meal, as well as taking MSM on a regular basis. Enzymes & MSM truly do make a big difference in staying well.
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I have been so ill for the last three years. Each time I would get a sinus infection, it would move down into my lungs and I would end up with horrible asthma attacks. I would be put on a double round of antibiotics and prednisone to help get the episode under control. Then within a few weeks I would have another infection and go through this whole routine again using a different antibiotic. This last time there was no time between coming off of the antibiotic and having the infection cropping up again I was scared to death. The doctors had uses every antibiotic on the market and I was still sicker than sick. I was out of luck with conventional medicine. Thank God some one posted Gary Young's receipe for antibiotic resistant oils. I took the oils internally for three days and my infection was gone!!!! I also used several strong anti-viral oils on my back with a hot wet towel at night for 5 nights. No more coughing up horrible yellow-green mucus. No more terrible sinus pain. No more asthma. By the second day of taking the oils I stopped taking the antibiotics that the doctor had prescribed for me. I know now that I won't be needing conventional antibiotic medications anymore.
-Sue Boyd
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In 1994 after not being ill a day in my life except for occasional cold and bout with the flu I almost died due an internal bleed from my duodenum. Unbeknowns to me I had a bacteria in my stomach by the name of heliobacter pylori which caused an ulcerative rupture in my duodenum. I required a blood transfusion of 3 pints to replace the lost blood. I was then given 2 antibiotics at the same time to rid me of the bacteria. Four weeks after completing this protocol it was evident that it did not work as I almost had another bleed. It was then suggested by my specialist that I take a regimen of 8 different drugs at the same time for 21 days with no guarantees for success. I refused because I was told to expect substantial side effects and there was another drug I could take instead called ranitidine (zantac), an acid blocker that would prevent the bleeds although it would not get rid of the bacteria. I chose this route reluctantly. Later I found a natural product containing MSM, although not quite the quality formulation of Young Living's Sulphurzme which worked similarly to reduce acid. Then in Oct./99 I read about a natural antibiotic protocol recommended by Dr. Gary Young. It involved using the essential oils of Lemon, Mountain Savory, and Oregano together and internally. I decided to try it and started very slowly using only a fraction of what Dr. Young recommended and within 4 days I knew the bacteria was history. To this day (March 23/00) I have not had any stomach challenges which had previously caused me discomfort on a daily basis for almost 5 years.
-Eddie Wolinski
Former Mr. Canada, Mr. North America titleholder
Gary Young gave us this recipe as the most powerful natural antibiotic:
10 drops lemon;
8 drops mountain savory;
3 drops oregano.
Put in capsule and take 1-3 time a day.
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For H-Plyori:
Para-Free and Di-Tone did it for me. I had a bad case, but the last time they stuck a tube down to my stomach, it was all gone. So were the polyps on the other end -- surprising because the time before, I had nine.
The medical treatment for H-Pylori, by the way, is Biaxin (a horrible, strong antibiotic that made me too sick to continue taking it), along with Prevocid or Prilosec (types of antacids).
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Kidney Infection:
This week my Grandmother rebounded very quickly from a kidney infection. We used juvaflex and cypress over her kidneys along with hot compresses three times a day. Also on her feet. I also massaged various oils (frankincense, lavender , orthosport massage oil) on her back and legs to help with her soreness from being in bed for several days. These oils are magnificent!
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Urinary Tract Infections:
My Aunt has chronic UTI's as in antibiotics every four weeks. This has been going on for a very long time. She started using Inspiration, rubbing the oils over the bladder area, the lower abdomen, and also on the bottom of the feet, and around the ankles. Within two days the pain was gone. Within two weeks she had a checkup with her Dr. and he said her urine specimen was the best he has ever had from her.
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I had a urinary tract infection and decided to use my Young Living Essential Oils instead of going to the Doctor. I used 3-4 drops of Mountain Savory with a few drops of massage oil base and massaged this on my abdomen just above the pubic bone. I did this 2 times daily for three days. I also took Alkalime 2 times daily for three days. The symptoms were gone in 1 1/2 days, but I contined for three days to be sure I had it totally cleared up. I also drank lots of water. This was a terrific solution to the infection. I checked my medical records and prior to knowing about and using essential oils (about 5 years ago), I had a UTI and of course went to the Doctor. I was put on antibiotics. A week later I had a yeast infection because the antibiotic wiped out all the good flora in my body, so the yeast took over. Then a month later the UTI was back and I had another round of antibiotics. So essential oils are a great solution for clearing up this problem.
-Jan Weger, Colorado Springs, Colorado
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Enlarged Tonsils & Adenoids:
I have a grandson who was born with enlarged tonsils and adenoids. The Doctor didn't want to remove them and kept feeding him antibotic and decongestants. About 3 years ago, Devin was sick with tonsillitis again. I used oregano diluted 5/1 and rubbed all over his neck and throat, around ears and on sinus areas. Also on his feet. I did this a couple of times daily for about 3 weeks. His infection was gone in a few days but for some reason I continued to apply it. He did not have another bout of tonsilitis for 6 months, I used the same oil on him again for 3 weeks. It has now been 2 1/2 years and Devin doesn't have tonsillitis anymore. Tonsils are still slightly enlarged but not nearly what they were. He still gets an occasional cold. We use Melrose or R.C. or Raven.
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My 15 year old son just got over strep throat and "mono sites in his blood" according to the doctors diagnosis. I refused to fill the antibiotic rx he gave me but instead gave my son 12 drops thieves, 6 oregano, 2 frankincense in the 00 caps 3 times a day, rubbed thieves on his throat and made a spray of thieves and distilled water to spray down his throat...and also rubbed thyme, oregano and thieves on his feet. After just a day and a half his pus balls were gone...and his throat was feeling better! I also ordered the Immunetune caps and immupower oil and gave that to him once a day along with lots of water...he is back to school and doing great! We also make a big deal out of taking the NingXia Red Juice with dinner...put it into stemwear glasses and my teens love it!
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Ear Infection:
My son came home from school yesterday complaining of a very sore ear, thought I could wait till today to take him to the doctor to have my suspicion that he had an ear infection, and put him to bed later that night, he woke up at 12 midnight, crying and complaining of a very sore ear, grabbed my essential 7 package and the desk reference and got to work, since I only have the E 7, I used only the oils it mentioned, I did as was suggested, rubbing a small amount of oil on my palm and placing it in the outside of the inner ear, and repeating with the other oils (Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, and Purification), and then used vegetable oil to dilute it, placed some oils with the vegetable oil on a cotton ball and had him hold it on his ear. Then I rubbed the same oils on the feet at the proper places and then held him and talked to him, he fell asleep, still complaining about his sore ear, he woke me up this morning, saying "Mommy, my ear is all better, can I go to school?!" I love these oils.
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My 85-year old mother had an ear infection so went to her ear physician. He gave her antibiotic eardrops to put in her ear. The eardrops made her ear worse so back she went to the physician a couple of days later and received a second prescription. This time there was a slight improvement, but she kept having mild pains in her ear for a couple of weeks so she was about to go back for a third visit.
I had her use oregano and clove oils on the vitaflex points under her two little toes and I put some V-6 oil and a drop of Thieves on a cotton ball which she rested in her ear opening. The next day her ear felt fine. I had her repeat the regimen for 5 days and she's been fine since./
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I loaned my Melrose to a friend of mine who is a nurse and had a bad infection in her big toe. She had tried a couple of different antibiotics (oral) and salves of various types and had seen 3 different doctors. Surgery had been recommended as the next step but I caught her in time and told her to apply Melrose a few times a day. That was on a Saturday. On Tuesday she called all excited to say the infection was almost gone. By Friday, she said her toe was almost glowing with new "baby" skin!
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Abscessed Root Canal:
My experience with YLEO and dental was an abscessed root canal, of course I was written a script for antibiotics........which is still in the cupboard. I took a capsule of oregano ( for the infection ) one of geranium ( for inflammation) followed up every four hours repeat topping each capsule off with a couple drops of Helichrysum or lemon. I did this the first day, the second day I did it every 6 hours.......the third day I was fine swelling was gone, pain was gone. I Took the 'caps' for another day or so just to make sure, so all together three days , four at the most compared to 7 on antibiotics., and the bonus is 'no yeast infection' which I always got upon taking antibiotics.
-W. Strobel I.C.C.I.
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This message compiled by and courtesy of Barbara Rozen.
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