Monday, April 22, 2013

Marc's Top 5

Marc Schreuder's Lecture: Top 5 Products Everyone Should Use


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Marc Schroeder

Marc Schreuder: The Man Behind The Product Formulas talks about Pain Management and the Top 5 Young Living Products Everyone Should Use

I had the amazing opportunity to travel to New Jersey this Tuesday to hear the man behind product development and formulation at Young Living Essential Oils, Marc Schreuder "The Mad Science Guy". Straight off a plane from Paris, jet lag and all, he still managed to deliver a pumped-up info-packed lecture about the products we love so much, which he has a hand in formulating! I loved to hear the science behind the products and the documented medical research he presented to support each product. I have so much to share with you all about this amazing presentation!

ImmuPro: This product is a chewable strawberry flavored supplement that helps you sleep and improve your immune system. You take it at night. Some of the amazing ingredients that he mentioned are Melatonin (to help you sleep), Zinc, Selenium, Lycium, Ningxia Wolfberry fruit polysaccharides, Reishi (mushroom), Maitake (mushroom) and of course Essential Oils. I use this product every night and he mentioned that he wants to reformulate it to taste better, but I hope he doesn't because I love the taste!

Life 5: Marc's opinion is that this is the best Probiotic on the market today. Safe for pregnant women, it supports friendly flora in the gut that will keep you super healthy. He added calcium to the formula, which allows the cultures to grow and the lactoferrin binds with iron to help the healthy bacteria stick to the walls of your gut. You take it at night with your biggest meal. This, surprisingly, is an infection protection power house. "A healthy gut is a healthy you!" This was so interesting to learn and he showed an independent study from John Hopkins to support all of the ingredients.

"ImmuPro & Life 5 taken together is better than a flu shot," Marc Schreuder.

*Life 5 is amazing for eliminating Eczema Naturally. Also, stay away from corn products such as cornstarch and corn.

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My Personal Collection of The Best Supplements in My Opinion!

Inner Defense: Contains Thieves, Clove, Oregano, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Eucalyptus radiate, Lemon, Thyme and Lemongrass. He said studies have shown that the ingredients contained in this supplement are all natural antiseptics.

"Inner Defense is Thieves in a capsule on steroids," Marc Schreuder.

"Lemongrass Essential Oil kills Candida," Marc Schreuder.

*If you take Inner Defense or Longevity while using Life 5 you must take them in the morning because the oils will kill the cultures in Life 5. Take Inner Defense or Longevity in the morning and Life 5 at night!

The Thieves Story: Marc asked someone in the audience to discuss the Thieves story. Everyone knows why Young Living created the Thieves blend. However, he showed a photo slide from an old book that showed the Thieves wearing masks. He said they actually rubbed the oils inside a mask that looked like a bird's beak and wore it over their entire face to prevent getting the plague. If you don't know the story, back in the 13 century a band of thieves robbed the dead during the plague and did not get sick. They used a blend of essential oils such as Rosemary, Cinnamon and Cloves. The king found out and made them reveal the recipe. The original story says they were killed quickly instead of tortured for revealing the oil blend. During the 14 century the story was revised to say their lives were spared. Young Living created Thieves based on this healing blend of oils that was proven to work then and has scientific research to support why they work today.

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This Is a Photo Of The Thieves Mask

"Thieves is more effective than Clorox and it's natural," Marc Schreuder.

"The bible states that Aron's altar was purified with cinnamon. If it's good for Aron, it's good for me," Marc Schreuder.

Thieves Toothpastes: This product does not contain floride because all that does is poison your body and harden the enamel of the tooth. Thieves blend actually kills all the bacteria in your mouth. He told us that all three Thieves Toothpastes will be reformulated into one killer toothpaste. He is taking the best of all 3 and combining them into one. So all of you using the Thieves toothpaste for deodorant stock up! Ha ha.

"Thieves Ultra Toothpaste is a great wound healing cream. It seals any cut, stays on the skin for days," Marc Schreuder.

"Thieves mouthwash will be reformulated!" Marc Schreuder.

"Thieves Hand Sanitizer contains clove and thyme and is more effective and safer than Purell hand sanitizer. The Purell hand sanitizer contains Triclosan, which is a horrible chemical that recent studies have shown to disrupt normal hormone levels and hinders muscle movement," Marc Schroeder. Read this article. CBS reported the hazards of this chemical found in so many household products. Click Here for CBS News Article

Lavender is the #1 selling oil in the company followed by Thieves at #2!

"Let's try natural medicine first, god's medicine, before you pop a pill with nasty side effects," Marc Schreuder.

Lipitor is the #1 prescribed medicine, followed by Plavix, in the world. Take your health into your own hands. In 30-60 days, you can watch your body regulate cholesterol by taking Longevity. He also said that pharmaceutical drugs such as this suck the CoQu10 out of your body.

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The Power of Inhalation

Marc's top 5 list of products that everyone should be using. So if I was stuck on a desert island and had all five I would be good to go!

1) Ningxia Red
2) OmegaGize
3) Stress Away
4) Thieves Mouthwash
5) Frankincense

Roman Chamomile: the ultimate essential oil to help you sleep.

PAIN MANAGEMENT: to eliminate the pain not just mask it use…

1) Omegagize 3-no other product like it on the market and has a patent pending.
2) Sulfurzyme-promotes hair and nail growth and contains organic sulfur also found in fruits and vegetables
3) Ningxia Red-supports immune system
4) Longevity Caps-contains frankincense essential oil. (Take for Asthma, Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
5) BLM-supports healthy joints and is a natural cartilage builder
*follow directions on all products

He said that Deep Relief roll-on sells more that Panaway Essential Oil. They won't get rid of PanAway because so many people love it. He said he thinks Deep Relief works better, but I think more people buy Deep Relief because it's more affordable.

He said that Bergamot and German Chamomile are great for pain when taken internally in a capsule.

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Marc Presenting To A Packed Room with his Daughter helping!

These are the combinations that research has shown to be the most effective for pain management. Pick one of these that work the best with your body chemistry. Everyone is different.

1) Deep Relief Roll On
2) Panaway and German Chamomile (one to one ratio)
3) Copaiba and Oregano (two to one ratio)
4) Blue Spruce and Copaiba (one to one ratio)

He posed a question, "Why did the wise men bring Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh to baby Jesus?" We all answered because everyone used Essential Oils and those were more valuable than money.z,

"Myrrh is the number one anti-inflammatory essential oil known today," Marc Schreuder.

He said that the drug company Eli Lilly is actually so impressed with the research on Myrrh that they are trying to synthesize it to put on the market. Rest assured, we have the natural version.

Valor Essential Oil vs. Valor Roll-On: The bottle is for pain and the roll on is for stress. Also, the bottle contains almond oil and the roll on contains coconut oil. (Note for nut allergies)

He has research on the effects of thyme and clove in the office. Anyone is welcome to contact him at Young Living to get copies.

Marc said that all of his research is in a file at the Young Living office and anyone can get in touch with him to receive his power point presentations or his research. COOL!

Hope you all enjoyed my notes on the informative lecture from Marc Schroeder. It was a great night! I would love to hear what you thought so comment below! If you want to see the full photo album complete with Research Slides please visit this link from my Facebook photo album click here.

IMG 1890 Marc Schreuders Lecture: Top 5 Products Everyone Should UseDanielle Brogna is the happy owner of Hands In Harmony Inc. and the producer ofHarmony TV. She is dedicated to holistic health education, Reiki, Meditation, Young Living Essential Oils and Music.

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