Wednesday, August 28, 2013

6 Kids Under 8


"If you need some inspiration to build Young Living, tune into the call to hear the mindset of determination and "NO EXCUSES!!" Mark & Angela Meredith are the parents of SIX young children, all under the age of 8!

For many families, this would be a major block to building a home based business. For the Meredith's, it's been their DRIVE! This couple has reached the rank of Gold in the midst of Mark being in school fulltime for 4 years, owning a construction company, being a massage therapist, doula and videographer and parents of 6 kids that have never been in daycare! Angela has been called a "dreamer" by family for many years. Join us on Wed. to hear more of what drives this couple and how they have the mindset that NOTHING (God willing) will stop them from reaching their goals. They know the power of persistence and positive thinking. For Angela, it started when she was 14 and was determined that a horse she found (wasn't for sale) WOULD be hers someday.

The same thing happened with her dream to own a crotch rocket (motorcycle) and a full size, black Dodge Ram 1500 fresh off the showroom floor! She was laughed at and told to "dream on." However, the person that laughed, didn't know Angela was laughing right back inside thinking "you just wait!" It all became reality, like she knew it would. Years later when Mark and Angela starting building YL, they learned about "The Secret" and the "law of attraction." It made total sense to both of them. Angela FULLY embraced the term she had been called "a dreamer" because now she understood why her dreams had come true. They knew the same thing would happen with them building Young Living being. They have goals set and they will become reality because in their life, there's NO EXCUSES."

Conference Dial-in Number: (805) 360-1000
Participant Access Code: 557553#

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