Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Call W - Dr. Tom Reed


Dr. Tom and Evangeline Reed are Young Living Platinum leaders in Montgomery, Texas. Dr. Tom Reed is a physician of 30 years, specializing in foot and ankle surgery. Evangeline Reed, with a background in education, home schools their children and also does bookkeeping for Tom's businesses from home. The Reeds have 5 children, ranging in age from 23 to 9. 

When Tom and Evangeline heard about oils, they were not looking for another business. They already had several family enterprises and their plates were beyond full. But they were energized by all the people who came back with their stories of healing and once they started, they just couldn't stop sharing! 

Their Young Living income has allowed Tom and Evangeline to purchase a 70 Acre farm to run a Christian Retreat center--a dream they had had since early in their marriage...and one that they could never quite realize even with the abundant income they already enjoyed from Tom's medical practice and other businesses. It also has allowed them to travel to places they would never have been able to visit if not for Young Living--including Italy, Greece, Turkey, Ireland, Egypt, Jordan, most recently the Alaska Cruise, and soon they will go to Ecuador for the Gold/Platinum Master-Leader Retreat. Their goal is to reach Diamond by the end of the year--so they can influence even more people to Wellness, Purpose, and Abundance!

Dial in #  805-360-1000
Pass #    557553#

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