For the next few days, I'm going to share with you a very powerful technique to make your money online without selling - by using a "mini-course".
Typically, this is what represents a mini-course:
A set of emails with content, between 5-7 emails that are Simply "chained" together to teach a specific topic.
Let me explain why it works so effectively and the actual process behind the strategy:
- Website visitors land on your webpage.
- Your webpage then presents a FREE mini-course for them to subscribe to, promising to teach them something that they're already interested about.
- Once subscribed, they'll receive your mini-course emails, which is the length of 5 to 7 emails. In those emails, you'll provide valuable information to them... and also...
- Recommending them to buy your products (or other people's - where you'll earn commission).
Because they're "going through" your mini-course, where you're not even pitching them to buy products...
You're simply helping them with your own recommendations.
I know - this concept could be quite vague at this stage, this is why, I'll be using a mini-course to teach you how to do it. :)
This method of making money online is super cool and easy to do because all you're doing is giving away a FREE mini-course to interested people!
Here are the 4 proven simple steps for you to get started:
Step #1: Find a niche
Step #2: Create a mini-course
Step #3: Put up a webpage to offer the free mini-course
Step #4: Drive traffic
Driving traffic (Step #4) will get people to sign up to the course, so the more people signing up for your free mini-course, the more money you'll be making.
It's as easy as that.
But what you really need is not just traffic, but TARGETED traffic that gets people who are already interested in buying from you...
...again and again.
It is the KEY to create a long term and consistent income for you...
...And I will show you how at the end of the mini-course.
By the way, to avoid confusion from my regular emails and from this mini-course, this mini-course if called, The "Behind The Scenes" Mini-Course Formula (which from now onwards, I'll refer to as 'MCF'.)
I think you get the idea of MCF now.
You'll get one "bite sized"email from me each day for the next 6 days.
This way, you can easily consume each email (or lesson).
Every email that I send to you will have a subject line prefixed with:
[MCF] Day X: _______________________
When you see that email, open it and read it so that you don't miss any of my email training.
Although this is a free course, it has been proven to work well for lots of my other subscribers to making real money online.
The training starts tomorrow.
Warm Regards,
Patric Chan
Author, OperationQuickMoney Handbook
P.S. Stay tuned for the next email as I will show you the most important step to get yourself started - which is how to find a profitable niche.
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