We just closed a very profitable July in Zcode VIP club, it was really kind to us, as we closed the month on the nice profit of $12,471. We are approaching August and I expect to have similar results again, as it is also favorite-month.
Here is what you missed during the last 3 days: (enable images)

You got to stop missing the profits! Here is what you have been missing so far by not following Zcode VIP club:
Over 27 years Stamos has been betting sports. Last year he joined zcode VIP club and started posting his picks in the POD contest.
Stamos profit charts since early March based on his PODs (Pick of the day contest), analyzed by Alberto:

+$2400 ? No! Already +3272 (that is +$872 increase since our last email!) verified profit by betting flat $100 picks, not progressions!
Like Alberto said "27 years of experience make the difference".
You can follow Stamos Picks inside Zcode VIP members areas. They are easy to follow, he posts only 1-2 picks per day, long time before the games. He is very selective and that is the key to his success.
If you are still missing the winning systems, we added a special section called "Hot systems" inside zcode menu:

1. Trey's ABC system:
After starting in April Trey made over $3200 profit with a unit size of $100! You can follow this easy bankroll building system as it does not require huge capital or big risks. Trey is 101-4 on his system with a great and stable profit
2. Joao's Totals system
Joao's system is still invincible, it did not have a single loss whole season so far! Very easy to follow
He made $4500 usd profit with a unit size of just $100 ! He is 72-2 on the ABC system so far!
3. MARK MLB System: + 30 units of profit
A lot of other guys are succeeding and posting great picks too. Mudrac, Jonny, Kitbash Line reversal, Hot trends ! A lot of great stuff.
Still missing the profits ? click here to upgrade and join VIP club:
Here is what peopel say about yesterday:
Trey says at 20:13 et
Another great day for us too!!!!
Braves B bet average confi WON
Nats A bet low confi WON
Tigers x Nats Parlay WON
Athetics B bet low confi lost by 1 run :))
Braves x Cards parlay pending
3-0 on pods too :)
MudRac says at 20:14 et
Solid day for Mudrac on forum, 2-1 with small profit,but profit! Braves scored more then 4 runs and Dodgers won! On Pod equal,1-1! Braves -1.5 comes but Mets lost...Move on,new day and new chance for profit! Keep winning,regards from Mudrac!!!
Jonathan says at 01:53 et
3-0 on PODs today bringing my results to 4-2 for a profit of +209!
MichaĆ says at 01:59 et
great day for me, awesome!
Braves -1 won
Cards won
Nats won
Tigers -1 won (what a luck!)
Dodgers -1 PUSH
Oakland LOST
POD 2 WINS 1 PUSH, just great!
Victor says at 03:03 et
Great day for me, I won 6 out 8 on my regular picks and 2 out of 3 on my POD, GL 2 all.
Danilo says at 03:03 et
Here are the analysis and results for penicillin from May till today:
20W 16L
+4.71 units
20W 7L
+11.78 units
22W 9L
+9.78 units
August (so far)
5W L1
+2.12 units
67W 33L
+28.39 units
Some wins (losses too, but there were more wins) had to be removed from the system because they have different patterns and filters that I don't use anymore. System seem to be solid for now especially in the months of favourites.
This is still testing stuff so my biggest stake goes to 0.5 units max.
Rodney says at 03:04 et
Nice to know that everyone is consistently doing well: beating the bookies.
Great day for me as well although I only did a few picks:
I know some of the more daring ZCoders took (-1.5) on St. Louis and won handsomely. Great job although I was conservative in my picks cause Sunday can cause surprises esp. Sweep situations.
Stamos says at 03:06 et
Another winner for us on Cardinals!!
P says at 03:07 et
oh awesome,thanks JONATHAN!!!!!champion!!
Stuart says at 03:07 et
A good day! Wins on Tigers ML & -1.5, Nats Ml & -1.5, Braves ML & -1.5, Cards Ml & -1. Lost B bet on Athletics though to bring profits down a bit, but still a good result overall!
Trey says at 03:37 et
Braves x Cards parlay also won :) Nice winning both parlays we had!
Cyril says at 03:39 et
amazing 5-1 day yesterday. A's was my only loss! Won Braves, Nats, Tigers (what a comeback) and Dodgers, giants from zcode! Over $1100 profit in last few days for me @))
Adams says at 03:43 et
Tex ML L
St. Louis ML WON
Giants ML WON
Cardinals -1 WON
Detroit-1 WON
Braves-1.5 WON
TOTAL: 6-1 for a day of "work" :)))
Stepans says at 03:53 et
Won like a boss!!! Went heavy on Cardinals -1, -1.5, -2.5 thanks to old man here, he got his stuff ! Won every piece of it!!! Thank you again zcode.
Andrej says at 04:21 et
Another great week with Stamos!
Thaks Stamos for your PODs.
Suvarnam says at 04:23 et
Impressive start for August. Every day is a winner. Same like in July! Lets keep winning.
Marko says at 04:37 et
I went 3-0 on PODs like most of us so now my score is 5-2 in PODs :))
Won on Tigers -1,Braves B bet and -1,Nats -1 and -1.5,Red sox ML and of course Cards -1 and -1.5!!
Thanks old man Stamos you are the king.......
We got here very nice community of great people who are winining together for years to come ;)
MichaĆ says at 04:50 et
I am proud of myself with POD result 6-2-1 now :)
Jens says at 09:05 et
Another great day could not keep going 3-0 on Pods but 2-1 with good odds I am still happy.
wonn allmost all
Tigers -1.5
Nats - 1.5
lost Reds...
lets rock
push on Giants game Under.
Joao says at 09:27 et
Great day for me with the help of Zcode and Jens, Mark, Mudrac, Stamos and others:
WAS -1.5 --> W
ATL -1.5 --> W
NYM ML --> L
LAD ML --> W
STL ML --> W
Still missing the profits ? click here to upgrade and join VIP club: http://1.zcodesys.pay.clickbank.net/
Don't miss the profit! It's easier to win than you think! Start now.
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