I thought I'd take some time off to write and send this email to you -- I want to know how it's going for you. :)
I know you can be a very busy person, but I do hope that you've read the Operation Quick Money Handbook -- it contains very valuable information on how you can start to make your first $100 dollar very quickly with affiliate marketing. In fact, that's how I made my first dollar before becoming an internet millionaire, it's all through the good ol' affiliate marketing methods*.
* If you would like to start internet marketing that allows you to make "more" money than affiliate marketing, I'll suggest you to check out CB Passive Income License Program.
At the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if you've gone through other Guru's courses and read their books too, and yet, it seems like there's a "missing piece" for you. It's as if... they're not telling you everything that you need to know to become successful.
You see, the difference is, I'm highly motivated in helping you to make money online. Before you start thinking that I'm all altruism or anything else like that - stop. Don't get me wrong, I certainly love to help you but I'm doing it for my own self-serving reason too.
If you read Operation Quick Money Handbook in full, you'll notice right away that the product I'm recommending for you to promote as an affiliate is a new self improvement program called, The Wake Up Millionaire. That's my product, I own it.
Basically, when you make a 70% commission for the sale, I get to keep the smaller portion of 30%. So as you can see, when YOU make money, I make money too - which becomes the biggest win-win business relationship that I can think of. That's why I've given the book away for free, instead of selling it.
Now, of course, you can choose to promote anything else and I'm cool with that - I believe in creating abundance.
In a nutshell, I'm going to help you with your Operation Quick Money Handbook and I'm going to share with you some more ideas and strategies (whenever I got new ones to share, that is).
Talk soon,
Patric Chan
Author, OperationQuickMoney Handbook
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