Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The 60 minute "trick" that you can use

Hi, how many people can honestly say they've put a full 60 minutes per day into their internet business to make money online?

I mean a FULL 60 MINUTES without distraction, without checking their email, without reading stuff on Facebook and so on?

How many people can honestly say they do a full 60 minutes on one single project every day?

Not many I bet. LOL :)

And I bet their results are all the same...

Negligible and hardly life changing. On the other hand, the ones who put just a dedicated hour of ACTION into their business, are likely seeing results. Are making money online.

So here's the butt kicking question...

How badly do you want it?

'Cos I bet, no matter how busy you are, you can spare a full 60 minutes daily TO GET STARTED and do this right.

If you do, without distraction, you'll see a marked change in your future. And I will help you to make your first sale.

For just 60 minutes work.  

You can cut down later on, that's totally fine - but for now, just do it. Just follow the exact steps I've told you in the Operation Quick Money Handbook.

Imagine this...

Day 1 & 2: Get familiar with Clickbank.com and www.wakeupmillionaire.com/affiliate.htm

Day 3, 4 & 5: Follow the steps to promote the affiliate program. These will include a lot of groundwork like doing research for places where you can promote, preparing your first article, etc. If you've forgotten the steps, just download the handbook again here.

Day 6 & 7: Start implementing the techniques and strategies taught.

Day 8: REST.

Day 9 to 12: Improve upon your actions and do more.

Day 13 & 14: Go to the next phase - create your own blog, webpage, etc, like what I've taught in the handbook.

And if you continue, in less than 30 days, not only you'll be making your first $100, you might have gotten started to building a solid internet business for yourself.

Sorry if I've labored the point and wrote lengthy today, but it is because I care and I believe it to be possible for you to do this.

But if you don't do it, I really can't help you to the next step.


Patric - Author, Operation Quick Money Handbook

P.S: Do you know that you can make money online, as simple as just sharing your affiliate link in Facebook? Grab your affiliate link for the book, WakeUp Millionaire and post it in Facebook. Heck, the banners and articles are all already prepared for you! :) This book is a "must read" for anyone interested to learn how to create wealth and becoming an entrepreneur!

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