Friday, July 9, 2010

Finally - a traffic system that really works

If you've been frustrated in your attempts to generate
a large, steady flow of traffic, help is on the way.

I'm about to introduce a traffic generation system that
will finally get you the results you want - the ability to
quickly build a large list of people who are eager to
buy from you.

"Traffic Alchemy" is:

> Easy to use. Anyone can create large streams of
traffic whether you're a complete beginner or a
seasoned list building pro.

> Completely reliable. Unlike those gimmicky
"flavor of the month" programs that quickly stop
working, this system will work today and for as
long as you're in business.

> It's "evergreen". Learn it once (which is easy) and
you can keep using it year after year.

"Traffic Alchemy" will be presented in a few weeks.
At just $297, that's a fraction of the thousands that
most other programs cost. You can get on the early
notice list now and be first in line, by clicking here:


Bob Serling

P.S. Want more details? There's a full description
of the program below - including why it works
so well when other systems fail and exactly
what's included in the program.

------------ Full program description ----------------

This email is a bit long. However, if you've been
frustrated in your attempts to generate large, ongoing
streams of traffic, this email will do two important
things for you.

First, it will clear up the bad information, better known
as "conventional wisdom" that's causing you to fail.
Second, it will save you a lot of wasted time and money
that you'd otherwise flush down the drain by following
that conventional wisdom.

Just by reading this email from start to finish, you'll
know far more than most so-called "experts" about
what really works to generate a non-stop flow of
traffic and build a large list of people that buy from
you again and again.

So let's get right to it...

The unvarnished truth

This may come as a surprise, but in an effort to
dispell all the myths about how to truly generate
a large, steady flow of traffic, here's the blunt truth:

All of the conventional techniques for driving
traffic are severely flawed. Some may work for
a short time and many don't work at all.

In addition, even the best of the conventional traffic
generation techniques can only be relied on for a
short time before your results fade away to a slow
trickle. Which means you've wasted a substantial
amount of time and effort - and probably wasted
serious money as well - and you still end up with
a small list of unqualified prospects.

And yes, I'm talking about ALL conventional
traffic generation techniques, including SEO, pay
per click, inbound links, article placement, video
marketing, CPA deals, social networking, mobile
marketing and every other conventional traffic
generation technique you can think of.

Why are they so unreliable?

Primarily because all of these methods are constantly
changing. So something that might have worked
today, falls flat on it's face tomorrow.

For example, if you would have invested a large sum
to master generating traffic with MySpace, it may have
been great for a few months, but as soon as MySpace
cooled off, you'd be left holding the bag. And an empty
bag at that.

And MySpace (as well as other social media) is just
one example. The fact is new changes slap every form
of conventional traffic generation almost constantly.
And these constant changes guarantee that very little
of what works today is likely to work tomorrow. Not
to mention that you practically need a second life
just to stay on top of all the changes and new
techniques if you want to get any benefit at all.

Now, I don't know about you, but that's not a
situation I want to rely on for consistently bringing
in a large flow of traffic and making sure my business
keeps growing.

That's the bad news - now here's the good

Fortunately, there is one "under the radar" traffic
generation system that is completely effective,
inexpensive to put into action, and is guaranteed to
work for years and years to come. I developed this
system over 10 years ago and it's all I ever use to
keep a steady stream of highly qualified traffic
coming in like clockwork.

I call this system "Traffic Alchemy" and I'm about
to present a live training and coaching program
that will take you step-by-step through this
powerful, yet simple system.

Regardless of whether you're totally new to traffic
generation building or a seasoned pro, this system
will put an end to your frustration and finally allow
you to get the results you've always wanted - a
large, ongoing flow of traffic.

And the process is "evergreen", meaning that unlike
those flash-in-the-pan techniques, "Traffic Alchemy"
will work for you for as long as you're in business.

Sound almost too good to be true? In just a minute,
I'll lay out the entire system so you can decide for
yourself. But first, let me reveal the key secret
that makes my approach to generating traffic work
so well.

IMPORTANT - If you don't understand this
crucial point, chances are you'll never master
the skill of effective traffic generation

Let's get right to the heart of the matter. The ONLY
real way to build a large, steady flow of traffic is...

Through the use of other people's lists

Let me explain. The richest source of prospects and
customers who are looking for your product or
service are "hiding in plain sight". They're sitting right
in front of you on other people's lists.

And they're easy to get to. Whether you do it through
partnerships, joint ventures, or list swaps, this is the
fastest way to "turn on the tap" of a massive flow of

In fact, I'll let you in on two important secrets.

SECRET #1: Other people's lists is the number one
source of traffic for all those big launches you see.
It's the real source nearly every "expert" uses to
create those massive sales events.

Think about it. How do you find out about all those
launches for SEO optimization... the latest way to use
social networks to drive traffic... programs that teach
you how to master pay per click marketing... and every
other list building method? (Hint: it isn't through SEO,
social networking, or pay per click).

You find out by emails that land in your inbox! And
90% of those emails come from a lot of different
partners promoting the product for a commission. So
all successful marketers rely on this bread-and-butter
method to both build their lists and make direct sales.
In fact, one very successful marketer recently told me
that 85% of their sales in the past year came from
traffic that was generated by just 6 partners mailing
for them.

Now, does this mean that they don't use other list
traffic generation methods as well? Not necessarily.
But what it does mean is that all those other methods
are merely supplemental.

Which brings us to...

SECRET #2: The ONLY traffic generation method
I've used for the past 10 years to build a huge, highly
responsive list is leveraging other people's lists.

I don't use any other traffic generation methods. It's
not that I'm opposed to them, but let me give you
some hard facts and figures and you'll immediately
understand why I operate this way.

First, I recently had a partner with a large list
promote one of my products to their list. We ended
up with a substantial number of sales. But more
importantly, I also added over 1,700 fresh new
names to my list. All for a single email.

Then I got another company to give away one of
my free "traffic driver" reports to their list. This is
just about the most effective technique for driving
traffic you'll ever discover - and it got 3,300 people
to double opt-in to my list. Again, all for just one

Want more? Next, by capitalizing on a special
"traffic accelerator" technique (which I'll teach you
in this new program), I gained a number one listing
on Google Business News and Yahoo Business
News. The resulting flood of traffic was so hot and
heavy that it crashed our string of servers twice in
one day! And it was incredibly easy to do.

So now that you understand the immense power
of this unconventional approach, you can see why
it's the only method I ever use for generating
massive streams of traffic. With this in mind, let me
take you on a quick tour of the entire system.

What you'll get in this program

"Traffic Alchemy" focuses on three simple principles:

1. The fastest, most direct route to generating large,
ongoing streams of traffic is leveraging other
people's lists

2. Leveraging other people's lists is also "evergreen",
meaning that it can be used over and over again
for as long as you're in business

3. While both #1 and #2 are actually very easy to do,
there are a number of nuances that you must get
right. If not, your results will be significantly
weakened or you may even fail completely.

These core principles and the way to achieve them
will be delivered in the following modules.

Module 1: How to create the ultimate "traffic driver"
report for attracting the maximum number of
prospects to your list. Includes "the ultimate topic"
that not only ensures your success, but locks in
dozens of companies to promote your report
to their lists.

Module 2: How to select and get the best companies
to actually co-create your "traffic driver" report with
you and promote it to their lists. Plus, a simple yet
extremely powerful "content magnet" that makes it a
breeze to get many of the best known experts in your
industry to join your team.

Sound difficult? Here's the best part. All of this can
easily be done without any insider contacts or any
previous experience. By using the simple techniques
I'll give you, ANYONE can land great partnership
promotions with complete ease.

Module 3: How to immediately triple the size of your
list with a simple traffic "add on" technique. This is
the technique I used in the example above that added
over 3,300 new prospects to my list from just a single

Module 4: The "traffic accelerator" technique I used
to get two #1 listings on Yahoo Business News and
one #1 listing on Google Business News. This is
actually so simple, you'll practically kick yourself for
not having thought of it. However, the nuances I'll
show you are what truly makes the difference from
being buried deep in these business listings to
shooting to a top 10 position.

Module 5: Three additional "traffic accelerator"
techniques for driving even more traffic to your site.
All are easy to use and highly effective.

Module 6: How to build maximum repeatability into
your traffic generation efforts, so you can use them
again and again for as long as you're in business. Why
keep reinventing the wheel when you can get it right
once, then repeat that success many times over for
years to come?

Module 7: A simple "roadmap" that ties everything
together so you can start getting a large, steady
stream of traffic in the shortest time possible. This is
the "secret sauce" that makes the system so EASY
to use, even if you don't have any previous experience.
The "roadmap" shows you what to do step-by-step
and is less than two pages long. Just spend about 5
minutes reviewing it, plug in the steps and you're
instantly on your way to generating traffic.

Plus, you'll get a number of valuable bonuses that
I'm not going to reveal here yet. But you can be
assured that they'll be the same quality as everything
I've shown you so far.

How this is all delivered

"Traffic Alchemy" will include comprehensive
training, live Q&A sessions and thorough support.
While I don't have all the details nailed down yet,
all sessions will be conducted by me personally
and the program will look something like this:

> Web based, video training sessions - 3 sessions
total, of 90 minutes each. These will be presented
on three consecutive weeks. The first training
session will be presented around the middle of

> Live Question and Answer calls with me three days
after each training session to clear up anything you
need help with. Plus recordings of each call available
to you for a full year.

> Online access to all training sessions for review any
time you want it. This will include video, mp3 and
pdfs so you can work in whatever mode that suits
you best. These will also be available to you for a
full year

> Thorough support through a members only discussion
list and networking forum. You can use this to
connect with other members, give and get support,
and even to strike deals together.

> A number of powerful bonuses I'm not going to
reveal quite yet. But I can tell you this right now.
One of the bonuses will be the exact piece I used
to get the number one positions on Yahoo Business
News and Google Business News. This alone would
cost you thousands of dollars to develop on your own.

Here's your next step

The tuition for "Traffic Alchemy" is just $297. And
the program comes with an exceptional guarantee.
By using this system, you will either generate traffic
that puts a minimum of $10,000 in your bank
account or it costs you nothing.

So, essentially, I'm paying you $33.67 for every
dollar you invest in this program. With a guarantee
like this, what better investment could you find for
your business?

Now, if you're seriously interested in attending this
program, you can sign up now to get early notice
when I open the doors for enrollment. Since I'm
teaching this personally and providing all the support,
the seats will be extremely limited.

Between my own list and my partners' lists, over
150,000 people will receive this message. So your
best chance for grabbing a seat is to get on the early
notice list now. It's easy - just click this link, enter
your name and email address and you're in:

Take care - and I hope to meet you personally (online
that is) and teach you a completely reliable way to
build a large responsive list in record time.


Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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