Wednesday, March 31, 2010

RE: stops the "Blowout Trade" [3-Minute Solution?]

Hi There,

This is just a reminder to get your hands on the special sound
recording that the "Godfather" of trading discipline, Norman
Hallett, recorded to help you avoid the next devastating trade.

Get it here...

This surprising recording is getting some fantastic feedback
from those who have listened to all 3 minutes of it.

My original message is below for your convenience.

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos


Did you hear this yet?

Trading discipline expert Norman Hallett just uploaded a
3-minute sound recording that could help you avoid the next
'devastating trade'...

(You know, the one that strips away any profit potential you
thought you were about to enjoy.)

Norman uses some pretty unique & unusual techniques to "train
your brain" when it comes to trading...

-and it works for stocks, forex, commodities, options, etc.

It's a quick download here...


Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

p.s. Norman also gives you 2 other bonus sound recordings that
can "fix" 2 more of the largest "profit pits" you're bound to
encounter in your trading.

Get 'em all here...

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd - Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Monday, March 29, 2010

stops the "Blowout Trade" [3-Minute Solution?]

Hi There,

Did you hear this yet?

Trading discipline expert Norman Hallett just uploaded a
3-minute sound recording that could help you avoid the next
'devastating trade'...

(You know, the one that strips away any profit potential you
thought you were about to enjoy.)

Norman uses some pretty unique & unusual techniques to "train
your brain" when it comes to trading...

-and it works for stocks, forex, commodities, options, etc.

It's a quick download here...

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

p.s. Norman also gives you 2 other bonus sound recordings that
can "fix" 2 more of the largest "profit pits" you're bound to
encounter in your trading.

Get 'em all here...

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd - Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Veretekk Silvers learn how to get Gold for free at todays meeting

The Veretekk Bully Pulpit Newsletter

"The Veretekk Mission revealed"

Hello sharon!

Thank you for being a Veretekk™ subscriber.

Your login domain is:
Your username is: autogdi
Your password is: d08b9a060a1278
The date you verified: 2008-10-26
The IP you verified from:

The GodFather Speaks
Christian Based and Focused on the Lord!

This is the mission of Veretekk..

As your mentors and as your leaders, it is our job, our responsibility, and our calling to take you further than what we have achieved. Just as a loving parent would, we want to guide and foster you to be all that you can be, and we will take pride in your accomplishments.

It is our job to push you further, to get you farther than we ever accomplished.

With our experience, our dedication and our inspiration we commit ourselves to get you further and closer to the top than we could ever imagine and when this goal is achieved we are humbled to have been part of that process in your success and in making this a better world.

Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.

Contact your sponsor to get a free 30 day trial of the new Veretekk Gold.

Veretekk Gold now includes:

  • 1000+ fresh leads a day
  • 5 seat web based conference room
  • The new Drill that is SEO powerful
  • This is in addition to the ton of value and services already apart of Veretekk
If your sponsor is not responsive nor willing or able to give you the Gold upgrade then you have to make a few decisions. Contact me to move your account under a Gold leader of my choice or your choosing. Or…..

Search Google for Veretekk Warriors and let your research lead you to the Warrior of your choice.

BTW: Warriors are a combination of Veretekk trainers, my personal students that I mentor every day, owners of the Platinum Control Panels and presenters, and leaders. They are also Christian based and focused on the Lord in all that they do.

Do you want to be a Warrior? After upgrading to Gold status contact a Warrior and tell them how you would like to become a Warrior. Make sure you ask them what that envolves as well as the perks.

The same offer is available for the Platinum Control Panel! But the offer is already waiting for you in Gold.
Did you know you can get the Platinum Control Panel for 30 days for free? See how powerful it is! Feel it humm and watch it take your marketing efforts to new levels. Join an elite group that has achieved huge results with this powerful panel. Get 10 Gold accounts with the Platinum Control Panel at no additional costs.

Get your Plat Gold accounts up into the top of the search engines and pumping leads, then rent them out at whatever price you want to. Turn your Platinum Control Panel into an income machine. Many Plat owners are already doing this.

Find out more today at our meeting at 6pm Pacific time

Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.

Phase 2 UPDATE

This coming week I start the process of building the hosting system for Veretekk Gold accounts to deliver the following hosting values:

  • Unlimited Domains.
  • Unlimited email accounts
  • Unlimited subdomains
  • Unlimited domain aliases
  • Unlimited disk space
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Unlimited web users
  • Unlimited databases
  • Unlimited Java applications
  • PHP safe mode option
  • FTP management
  • Scheduler management (crons)
  • Web statistics
  • Mailing list management
  • Spam Filter Management
  • Antivirus Management
  • Backup and restore
  • Remote XML interface
  • Graphic User Interface Cpanel
  • Apache level scripting
  • Unlimited training
  • Unlimited support
This is professional level hosting. There is a big difference. Consider the following testimonials:
There are some web hosting providers out there that offer similar service to others, but have different costs. While there are some who charge the same price, yet there are differences with the services that they provide. The only way to figure out what is going on and make sure that you get the "best bang for your buck," is to do some research. If you are planning to be in business for a while then you need to make sure that you get the right hosting now.

For example, GVO offers unlimited website hosting for a small fee. Their system also provides other tools to help you promote your affiliate link or any number of programs. The problem with GVO though is there system does not support many forms of scripts or deep level Apache programming and the support is horrible. With GVO you will not be able to use many of the plugins for Wordpress or set up sophisticated Crons. If you are new to hosting then you are left out there on your own in any number of ways.

Veretekk however is a completely different story. What you get is unlimited hosting, unlimited domains, complete enhanced compatibility, which means advanced scripts and plug ins always work and most importantly unlimited training and support. From picking a domain name all the way to promoting your site, Veretekk, with the direct help of the VereTrainers, Veretekk Warriors and most importantly Veretekk CEO Tom Prendergast, you will never be left alone to figure it out on your own. Now is the time to get your Veretekk Gold account because every Gold that needs hosting you get your hosting with your system. And with the ongoing release of Veretekk V2 your getting in during a revolution in Internet marketing that just can't be missed!!

Clint A. Butler
Veretekk Warrior

I have started hosting my sites with Veretekk as a Gold Member. My experience has been excellent. I was up and running fast, customer service has been awesome in answering all of my questions, and I have not had any downtime.

I have tried several other hosting companies including many of the well-known ones with frustrating results. In fact, one of the big ones everyone is talking about right now has this security system installed and if you log in with the wrong username and password... it locks your hosting and all your sites and blogs are shut down until you contact support. I was so worried about my sites being down that I had to check my sites every half hour!

I recommend signing up for Veretekk and taking advantage of their proven reliability, great support and service.

Scott OBrien
Buffalo, NY
Veretekk Warrior

Not all hosting services are alike! I have tried GVO with unsatisfactory results. GVO has blacklisted me several times for typing my password incorrectly, which means my websites are down until I could get GVO support to take me off their blacklist, which took time using support tickets. GVO has also been down many times. I especially dislike knowing my GVO upline can email everyone I bring into GVO as part of their personal emailing list.

Veretekk has been a solid service and responsive to my support requests.

Ann Benoit
Peachtree City, GA
Veretekk Warrior

I tried using shared Hosting though GoDaddy to keep my cost down. It's less than 10.00 a month but it's comparing Apples to Oranges. There is Limited Control on Shared Hosting so you can not use this type of Hosting for Commercial use. The Email control is limited so many of your treasured Client responses get filtered. I tried to make this work and it's a nightmare. If I upgrade my hosting account to a Professional Level with Unlimited use the cost is 114.93 a month.

I now have my Hosting at Veretekk V2 with all my On-line Marketing assets in one place. This allows me to follow Tutorials step by step. Which enables everyone to build Word Press Blogs, Forums, Sub-Domains, Edit Web Pages with ease. Just use the same Control Panel and keep it simple.

Veretekk V2 is offering a commercial level product with outstanding support and education that just cant be found anywhere else.

Achieve Success

Allen Seagers
Bartow, Florida
Veretekk Warrior

Because I work on the Internet and have the same issues as you do, I strive to help solve your issues and needs with what Veretekk delivers. As we approached delivering V2 I could see a real need to making hosting integral to what Veretekk does. It is a main component to the Internet. Perhaps THE main component.

I have been dealing with domains, registration, Name Servers, hosting, FTP, HTML, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Flash, etc. for what seems forever. Chances are any problem you ever encounter I have encountered. This holds true for hundreds perhaps thousands of the Veretekk alumni, which, in my opinion, makes Veretekk priceless.

Veretekk teaches all these skills and now delivers hosting. The best hosting money can buy. I guarantee that the hosting with Veretekk is the best money can buy and is professional grade quality.

We are already delivering the hosting services to our Warriors so they know the quality and are becoming very knowledgeable on what we are about to deliver to you.

If you want to know what to expect in terms of value and quality of our up and coming hosting, ask them.

Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.

The Autoresponders, The Ebooks

I am just about finished with an incredible set of instructional autoresponders for both Veretekk and Vereconference.

Veretekk includes a set of 21 instructional and informative autoresponder emails. The following list is the titles of each article.

  1. Guaranteed leads
  2. Google results
  3. Profit Portals
  4. Public Presentations
  5. Live training classrooms
  6. Streamlined setup
  7. Your own web conference room
  8. Email system bully pulpit
  9. Becoming a Veretekk trainer
  10. Becoming a Veretekk Warrior
  11. The Bully Pulpit power
  12. Veretekk Compensation
  13. Unlimited hosting with Veretekk Gold
  14. The Veretekk Mission
  15. Veretekk Testimonials
  16. Economic realities
  17. Genealogy tips and tricks
  18. 4 teaching 4 teaching 4 etc.
  19. The Platinum Control Panel
  20. The University education
  21. Tips and Tricks with Veretekk
This set of articles will also be built into a self replicated ebook that will teach, inform and reveal the complete story and power of Veretekk and point to your systems and include your name and contact information. This will be priceless for those of you that market on forums. If you upload and host these ebooks on your domains and point to them, Google will eat them up and reward you as the robots love PDFs!

At today's meeting I will show you how to put an ebook into a forum to help you market your services. Also putting ebooks into your emails and autoresponders. It is a simple lesson.

Vereconference already has an ebook and I am working on the set of articles/autoresponders for your back office. They will be:

  1. Vereconference.intro
  2. Hands on training
  3. Presentations
  4. Customized.layouts
  5. Screen casting
  6. White board
  7. Follow me browser
  8. Navigational controls
  9. Room configuration
  10. Custom backoffice integration
  11. Room settings
  12. Conference room settings
  13. The Vereconference calendar
  14. Support options
  15. Vereconference affiliate program
  16. Optional enhancements and tips
Here is my Vereconference ebook for your reference.

Vereconference eBook link

It links nicely in email. You can do the same thing with your Vereconference ebook. Find out more by going to your Veretekk back office and navigate to your RESOURCES section. The ebooks are listed there under the PDF portfolio.

As we prepare the way for V2 I would like you to join some of my Social Network groups.

My Tweeter account:

My Facebook Account:

My main account:
FYI, I have over 100 of these and they are part of my Platinum Control, Panel. The Platinum Control Panel is an unbelievably powerful tool.

My MySpace account:

My Veretek rss feed:
All my Bully Pulpits are posted here.

I would be honored to have you listed in these accounts. It will also give additional access to the thinkings, announcements and plans of myself and Veretekk. Not to mention the continued input so many of you already make that is the leading edge of the development of Veretekk.

Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.

Political Action Announcement

There are over 1 million people(and growing) who want to share their thoughts with, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, who disapprove of the health care bill"
Join now and take America back from these clowns.

The Flood Of Testimonials Continues...
Real People With Real Results!
Tom, you ARE FANTASTIC, a wonderful, Christian, and a great thinker and teacher. I am constantly amazed at the tremendous thought that has gone into building Veretekk, but particularly the thought that has gone into building the Platinum panel. There is NO OTHER SYSTEM that even comes close to what there is in Veretekk; and the Platinum Panel is LIGHT YEARS ahead of all the other systems out there.

Let me repeat, Tom, you are WONDERFUL!!! for building this system, and your mind is TRULY AMAZING to have built this system. I also need to give credit to Mike for writing the code for this AMAZING SYSTEM. I cannot fathom what it took to put this all together, to make it work without a hitch. Thank you, too, Mike, for a truly AMAZING system.

Nancy Anderson
Melbourne Beach, FL

Veretekk V2 - Phase 1 - tools launched already :

  • Automated uploaded leads - to Gold members area - they may sending out campaigns, business offers in a minute,
  • Drill System the system - make primary Daisy Chain Gold Members - using this tool make 200-500 classifieds per daisy chain,
  • Conference room for 5 people at a time available 7/24/365 your Open Office Room best use for presentations, trainings, customer services depends on you
  • Affiliate commission for each Gold members in your downline get $10/for paid members
The above mentioned parts of tools available for Gold Members - are extraordinary effective and give the best results in your business life.

Thanks for CEO's of Veretekk - You did huge work for us. I am grateful to be in Platinum Control Panel Veretekk Warriors Group.

Eva Szentmiklossy CEO
Quality Consultant Services

After I created my website... I didn't know how to get it ranked in search engines until I found Veretekk. Before Veretekk, I didn't get a single phone call from my website and it almost seemed like it was invisable... sometimes I would search 20 or 30 pages on google and still never found it listed. My site is now bumped to the top of the list and is visible for everyone to see... plus my phone is ringing! How would YOU like a business where people call you instead of you calling them? I truly believe Veretekk is worth every penny and highly recommend Veretekk to anyone trying to increase hits and visibility on their website.

Scott OBrien
Buffalo, NY

Monday! Monday! Monday!

To join the conference, just login to your Veretekk™ system and go to Veretraining™, then just click on the Calendar. The web conference begins at 6pm Pacific on Monday.

Veretekk™ State of the System Address
Monday, Mar 29, 2010 6pm PDT


Mike Darling, President
Thomas Prendergast, CEO, Inc. (Veretekk™)

This communication was granted permission when you verified your email address upon signing up for a Veretekk account on 2008-10-26. We mailed you at: and you returned it from IP:

If you do not wish to receive any further correspondence from our servers you may permanently block your address with the following options:
Fax your address to 858.430.3417 with a written request to be blocked.
Mail your request to, Inc.
DEPT: #333
7115 Calabria Ct. #D
San Diego, CA 92122

Thank you, The Postmaster. BP2
Click here to be removed.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Did you miss this sneak peek?

Hi There,

I sent this email out a couple of days ago and
the response has been massive. Because the
seating is so limited, I want to make sure you
get a chance to look at it (you'll love the free
training video too!)

But don't wait, because I'm taking this page
down first thing Monday morning.


I'm proud to announce that the updated version of
my licensing course - Million Dollar Licensing 2.0
is going to be released in the next few weeks.

But you can get a free sneak peek at some of the
material right now - and put your name on an Early
Notice list if you like what you see. You're part of a
select segment of my list who is getting this now, a
week or so before my entire list and a couple partners'
lists totaling 242,000 people receive it.

And since I'll be teaching this program (by webcast)
and providing the support personally, seating will be
extremely limited. So I'm only going to make the free
training I'm about to show you (at the end of this
email) available for a few days to give you the chance
to get on the Early Notice list.

So here's what this is all about. "Million Dollar Licensing
2.0 - The Big Profits from Small Efforts Roadmap" is
an advanced course that's easier to use than the original
version of MDL and it will land you many more licensing
deals much faster than ever before.

Can an advanced licensing program really be easier than
the original basic course?

It can if you consider that:

> Million Dollar Licensing 2.0 is the culmination of
the best and easiest to use strategies from my three
advanced licensing mentoring programs. Members
of those programs paid from $12,500 to $22,500
per seat to join.

> It includes the "best of breed" marketing strategies
and tactics used by my top licensing students and by
my own team. You'll see many of these high powered
strategies and tactics presented by those successful
students in their own words.

> It represents the latest, cutting edge strategies for
finding prospects... cutting your deals... and
implementing your campaigns - all developed
since Million Dollar Licensing was written three
years ago.

> Everything is based on my simple "Big Profits
from Small Efforts Roadmap" with 7 foolproof
steps anyone can follow to fast track their
licensing success.

> The entire program and all personal support
will be delivered by me personally.

What you'll get in this program

So here's a quick overview of what's in Million
Dollar Licensing 2.0 and how it will work. The
entire program can be boiled down to a simple
two-step concept:

1. You start by landing one LOCAL client only
(and I'll give you an amazingly simple way to
achieve this, practically in the blink of an

2. You then blow this up GLOBALLY in rapid
fire succession.

This driving principle and the way to achieve it
will be delivered in the following modules:

Module 1: How to use local-to-global prospecting
to land your first client in one week.

Module 2: The only three licensing strategies to
lead with - and the exact word-for-word campaigns
for each strategy.

Module 3: The local "starting point" strategy - how
to identify only the best prospects to market to.

Module 4: Local-to-Global Expansion - Part 1.
How to ramp up your business from a single
client to many clients in two weeks or less.

Module 5: Local-to-Global Expansion - Part 2.
How to dominate and "own" any market globally,
so you're the only choice to do business with.

Module 6: Local-to-Global Expansion - Part 3.
How to use "clustered success" to rapidly expand
from dominating one market to dominating dozens
of markets globally.

Module 7: Local-to-Global Prospecting Master
Course. Discover the five best prospecting
resources and how to use them most effectively
to lock in a non-stop flow of licensing deals.

Plus, you'll get tons of bonuses that I'm not going
to reveal here yet - but you can be assured they'll
be the same quality as everything I've shown you
so far.

How this is all delivered

Million Dollar Licensing 2.0 will include training,
live Q&A sessions and thorough support. While
I don't have all the details nailed down yet, all
sessions will be conducted by me personally and
the program will look something like this:

> Video training sessions - 5 to 6 total, between
one and two hours each. These will be presented
in five consecutive weeks.

> Live Question and Answer calls with me three days
after each training session to clear up anything you
need help with.

> Online access to all training sessions for review any
time you want it. This will include video, mp3 and
pdfs so you can work in whatever mode suits you

> Full support through a members only discussion
list, fully searchable Knowledge Base, and networking
forum to connect with other members, give and get
support, and strike deals together.

> A huge line up of bonuses I'm not going to reveal
quite yet, but many are taken directly from my
$22,500 mentoring programs.

Hey - how about a free "sneak peek"

One of the many strategies for landing licensing deals
that I'll be teaching is called "Free Paid Search" because
it's a way to use Google and other search engines, as
well as Clickbank, to find and put together lucrative
deals quickly and easily.

I've put together a 21-minute video that lays this
strategy out in complete detail and has some of my
most successful students share exactly how they used
it to land lucrative licensing deals.

You'll see how one student made $7,500 for just
20 minutes worth of work - all done while he was
flat on his back, in bed, recovering from major back

You'll see Peter Parks lay out the complete details
of how he put together just one deal and collected
$828,000 in commissions.

Even though dozens, if not hundreds, of people have
made serious money just from what you'll see in this
video, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Keep in mind
that this is a very early application of the "Free Paid
Search" strategy and what you'll find in Million Dollar
Licensing 2.0 takes it to all new levels.

You can get your "sneak peek" at this powerful
training by clicking here:

On this page, you can also sign up to get early notice
when I open the doors to the program. Since I'm
teaching this personally and providing all the support,
the seats will be extremely limited. And because you
are an MDL member, you're receiving this a few days
before my list and my partners lists of 242,000 people
get it.

So your best chance for grabbing a seat is to get on
the early notice list now. It's easy - just enter your name
and email address and you're in.

Take care - and I hope to meet you personally (online
that is) and teach you the secrets of ramping up a six
or seven-figure licensing business in record time.

Here's that link again:


Bob Serling

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

finds profitable options trades?

Hi There,

I have some exciting news for you...

Options University is about to open the doors to a new
service that is the closest thing to being on the trading
floor that I've ever seen.

And here's the best part... you don't need travel to New
York or Chicago to take advantage of this powerful new
trading 'weapon'.

If you're interested in learning about this new service that
practically takes all of the guesswork out of trading
options, go ahead and register for one of two preview
webinars that are on Wednesday, March 31st.

Go here to claim your complimentary seat...

Options trading expert Greg Loehr, who's responsible for
managing an options portfolio that EXCEEDED $100 Million... is
now running this new service that alerts you when he finds his
next potentially profitable trade.

And the best part is...

He doesn't leave you hanging after that. He'll be working that
trade for profit, and sending you an email at the exact moment
he sees the perfect trade setup.

So, here's what's happening...

There will be two preview webinars for this dynamic service on
Wednesday, March 31st.

Seats are limited, so I urge you to click here to
reserve your "virtual seat" right now before they fill up...

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd - Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

finds profitable options trades?

Hi There,

I have some exciting news for you...

Options University is about to open the doors to a new
service that is the closest thing to being on the trading
floor that I've ever seen.

And here's the best part... you don't need travel to New
York or Chicago to take advantage of this powerful new
trading 'weapon'.

If you're interested in learning about this new service that
practically takes all of the guesswork out of trading
options, go ahead and register for one of two preview
webinars that are on Wednesday, March 31st.

Go here to claim your complimentary seat...

Options trading expert Greg Loehr, who's responsible for
managing an options portfolio that EXCEEDED $100 Million... is
now running this new service that alerts you when he finds his
next potentially profitable trade.

And the best part is...

He doesn't leave you hanging after that. He'll be working that
trade for profit, and sending you an email at the exact moment
he sees the perfect trade setup.

So, here's what's happening...

There will be two preview webinars for this dynamic service on
Wednesday, March 31st.

Seats are limited, so I urge you to click here to
reserve your "virtual seat" right now before they fill up...

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd - Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Don't miss this "sneak peek"

Hi There,

I'm proud to announce that the updated version of
my licensing course - Million Dollar Licensing 2.0
is going to be released in the next few weeks.

But you can get a free sneak peek at some of the
material right now - and put your name on an Early
Notice list if you like what you see. You're part of a
select segment of my list who is getting this now, a
week or so before my entire list and a couple partners'
lists totaling 242,000 people receive it.

And since I'll be teaching this program (by webcast)
and providing the support personally, seating will be
extremely limited. So I'm only going to make the free
training I'm about to show you (at the end of this
email) available for a few days to give you the chance
to get on the Early Notice list.

So here's what this is all about. "Million Dollar Licensing
2.0 - The Big Profits from Small Efforts Roadmap" is
an advanced course that's easier to use than the original
version of MDL and it will land you many more licensing
deals much faster than ever before.

Can an advanced licensing program really be easier than
the original basic course?

It can if you consider that:

> Million Dollar Licensing 2.0 is the culmination of
the best and easiest to use strategies from my three
advanced licensing mentoring programs. Members
of those programs paid from $12,500 to $22,500
per seat to join.

> It includes the "best of breed" marketing strategies
and tactics used by my top licensing students and by
my own team. You'll see many of these high powered
strategies and tactics presented by those successful
students in their own words.

> It represents the latest, cutting edge strategies for
finding prospects... cutting your deals... and
implementing your campaigns - all developed
since Million Dollar Licensing was written three
years ago.

> Everything is based on my simple "Big Profits
from Small Efforts Roadmap" with 7 foolproof
steps anyone can follow to fast track their
licensing success.

> The entire program and all personal support
will be delivered by me personally.

What you'll get in this program

So here's a quick overview of what's in Million
Dollar Licensing 2.0 and how it will work. The
entire program can be boiled down to a simple
two-step concept:

1. You start by landing one LOCAL client only
(and I'll give you an amazingly simple way to
achieve this, practically in the blink of an

2. You then blow this up GLOBALLY in rapid
fire succession.

This driving principle and the way to achieve it
will be delivered in the following modules:

Module 1: How to use local-to-global prospecting
to land your first client in one week.

Module 2: The only three licensing strategies to
lead with - and the exact word-for-word campaigns
for each strategy.

Module 3: The local "starting point" strategy - how
to identify only the best prospects to market to.

Module 4: Local-to-Global Expansion - Part 1.
How to ramp up your business from a single
client to many clients in two weeks or less.

Module 5: Local-to-Global Expansion - Part 2.
How to dominate and "own" any market globally,
so you're the only choice to do business with.

Module 6: Local-to-Global Expansion - Part 3.
How to use "clustered success" to rapidly expand
from dominating one market to dominating dozens
of markets globally.

Module 7: Local-to-Global Prospecting Master
Course. Discover the five best prospecting
resources and how to use them most effectively
to lock in a non-stop flow of licensing deals.

Plus, you'll get tons of bonuses that I'm not going
to reveal here yet - but you can be assured they'll
be the same quality as everything I've shown you
so far.

How this is all delivered

Million Dollar Licensing 2.0 will include training,
live Q&A sessions and thorough support. While
I don't have all the details nailed down yet, all
sessions will be conducted by me personally and
the program will look something like this:

> Video training sessions - 5 to 6 total, between
one and two hours each. These will be presented
in five consecutive weeks.

> Live Question and Answer calls with me three days
after each training session to clear up anything you
need help with.

> Online access to all training sessions for review any
time you want it. This will include video, mp3 and
pdfs so you can work in whatever mode suits you

> Full support through a members only discussion
list, fully searchable Knowledge Base, and networking
forum to connect with other members, give and get
support, and strike deals together.

> A huge line up of bonuses I'm not going to reveal
quite yet, but many are taken directly from my
$22,500 mentoring programs.

Hey - how about a free "sneak peek"

One of the many strategies for landing licensing deals
that I'll be teaching is called "Free Paid Search" because
it's a way to use Google and other search engines, as
well as Clickbank, to find and put together lucrative
deals quickly and easily.

I've put together a 21-minute video that lays this
strategy out in complete detail and has some of my
most successful students share exactly how they used
it to land lucrative licensing deals.

You'll see how one student made $7,500 for just
20 minutes worth of work - all done while he was
flat on his back, in bed, recovering from major back

You'll see Peter Parks lay out the complete details
of how he put together just one deal and collected
$828,000 in commissions.

Even though dozens, if not hundreds, of people have
made serious money just from what you'll see in this
video, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Keep in mind
that this is a very early application of the "Free Paid
Search" strategy and what you'll find in Million Dollar
Licensing 2.0 takes it to all new levels.

You can get your "sneak peek" at this powerful
training by clicking here:

On this page, you can also sign up to get early notice
when I open the doors to the program. Since I'm
teaching this personally and providing all the support,
the seats will be extremely limited. And because you
are an MDL member, you're receiving this a few days
before my list and my partners lists of 242,000 people
get it.

So your best chance for grabbing a seat is to get on
the early notice list now. It's easy - just enter your name
and email address and you're in.

Take care - and I hope to meet you personally (online
that is) and teach you the secrets of ramping up a six
or seven-figure licensing business in record time.

Here's that link again:


Bob Serling

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

There... this is it... (5)

Dear There,

With less then 12 hours left in the 'second chance offer' for my
Forex Profit Accelerator Group Coaching Program, I just want to
remind you about my 5-pay plan.

Now you can try out the program for a minimum investment to see
if it's right for you.

There's only about 5 spots left in the program as of 8:47am when
I'm typing this email...

If you want a copy, here is the special 5-pay selection page:

That page will expire at 11:59pm Eastern time TONIGHT,
Thursday, March 25th. And this is your final notice. So if you
want the 5-pay option, get it quickly.

I hope this helps a few folks over the fence and into the final
remaining spots.

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

p.s. If you get this message too late, and see a "Sorry, Sold
Out" page, then please add your name & email to the waiting

p.p.s. If you already enrolled, I'll be sending out the class
schedule next Monday, so be on the lookout for that -- I
can't wait to begin working with you!

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd - Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Re: [Forex Profit Accelerator] Did you begin?

Dear There,

There's just about 24 hours left to join a select group of
Forex students as they discover how to maximize their "pip
potential" in less than 20 minutes a day with my "Forex Profit
Accelerator" (FPA) home study course.

** There are also only about 11 more "slots" open, too, as part
of the special "second chance offer" and the enrollment page
shuts down at 11:59pm Eastern time TOMORROW, Thursday, March

Get in here:.


Why all the fuss? Here's an email I received from one of my

He pretty much sums up the feedback I've been receiving just
about every day as traders finally discover what it's like to
trade this way...

Check it out --

"Bill and company,

I've received the package and have been through the lessons. I
have also been able to set up 4 indicator templates in the
trading platform for each of the four FPA methods... I'm able to
see some of the set-ups quite vividly on the charts while going
through back-test paper trading..

At the 'hard right edge, as you call it, I see two developing
opportunities for the open on Sun. afternoon. Thank you for the
straight-forward approach and the high quality media on the CDs.
The manual and quick reference cards are great, too.

Wayne S."

And here's another one that came in a day before that:

"Bill, I could kiss your feet. I'm 52 years old and have been
looking for you for the past 15 years. Presently, I am demo
trading with one completed trading day logged and what a day it
was. As soon as I learned the Instant Pips method I began. Your
materials and instuctions are impeccable. When I see where some
have said stop selling and make the cost very prohibitive I
marvel at their selfishness after they have been blessed. I feel
your course is the find of a lifetime and to date have seen
noone that I would call your peer. You have my strongest, most
sincere gratitude for being a good Samaritan who was rich enough
in spirit to reach out to the many of us that are in need. Any
success that I experience will be yours because it truly is your
work. Thank you so much for your spirit of generosity."

--Bruce B., Port Orchard, WA


Once again, the remaining copies enrollment page will be pulled
down TOMORROW, Thursday, March 25th, at 11:59pm Eastern (New
York) time.

You can join the class here if you're one of the next 11:

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd - Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

There's 72 hour Forex warning...


(Due to 'email pleading', you
may have a chance to get in on
this sold out Forex program...)

As you probably know by now, last week I filled up my brand new
Forex Profit Accelerator Group Coaching Program.

(The enrollment page expired last Tuesday evening.)

But then over the subsequent week, I received an unusual amount
of "email pleas" from hopeful traders who missed the deadline...
begging me to open up a few more spots...


So here's what I'm going to do:

* Starting RIGHT NOW, I'm going to re-open the enrollment page
for the next 21 traders who "want in" TODAY...

...HOWEVER, the page will only remain open through Thursday,
March 25th, at 11:59pm Eastern because I don't want the "final
21" traders to fall behind my other students who got on board in
time last week.

PLUS, my first group coaching class begins the first week of
April, so that still gives you time to get your hands on the

I already have hundreds of traders who signed up on my 'Soldout'
page for my notification list, so these 21 copies WILL get
snapped up - the question is HOW QUICKLY... ?

So if you missed out last week, and want a final chance to "get
in", go ahead and join my step-by-step Forex group coaching
program that reveals how you can finally achieve Forex
F-R-E-E-D-O-M in less than 20 minutes a day...

Get in here...

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

p.s. These final 21 spots will be "doled out" on a first come
first served basis, so please be sure to make your decision
quickly and then do your best to grab one of the remaining
spots here...

Remember, that page will expire on Thursday, March 25th at
11:59pm Eastern (New York time).

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd - Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Rebuilds your stock portfolio (15 minutes)...?

Dear There,

If you've been "fidgeting" about your stock portfolio lately,
then maybe it's time for a "rebuild"...

What do I mean?

Check it out...

One of the most well-respected British stock & options traders
just released a quick, 2-part video training series that

* The 3 problems average stock traders face & how to fight

* His personal strategy for struggling traders -- this ONE
technique will help you REBUILD your portfolio & your trading

* Why the changing global economy changed the way you should
trade stocks... TEN YEARS AGO. (Don't worry, it's not too
late to catch up...)

*His 2 unique trading tools: one of them does 90% of the work
for you... & the other is his PROPRIETARY tool that tells you in
advance where the 'smart money' is going...

* AND, you can review actual trading account details from
his "Real Proof"...

You also get to "spy" on this British phenom as he shows you how
you could be trading with his simple tecnique in as little as 15
minutes a day.

(I really like that!)

He'll even review some recent trades that his technique
uncovered & show you how POWERFUL and EASY it is to use.

Grab this 2-part training right here...

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd - Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Rebuilds your stock portfolio (15 minutes)...?

Dear There,

If you've been "fidgeting" about your stock portfolio lately,
then maybe it's time for a "rebuild"...

What do I mean?

Check it out...

One of the most well-respected British stock & options traders
just released a quick, 2-part video training series that

* The 3 problems average stock traders face & how to fight

* His personal strategy for struggling traders -- this ONE
technique will help you REBUILD your portfolio & your trading

* Why the changing global economy changed the way you should
trade stocks... TEN YEARS AGO. (Don't worry, it's not too
late to catch up...)

*His 2 unique trading tools: one of them does 90% of the work
for you... & the other is his PROPRIETARY tool that tells you in
advance where the 'smart money' is going...

* AND, you can review actual trading account details from
his "Real Proof"...

You also get to "spy" on this British phenom as he shows you how
you could be trading with his simple tecnique in as little as 15
minutes a day.

(I really like that!)

He'll even review some recent trades that his technique
uncovered & show you how POWERFUL and EASY it is to use.

Grab this 2-part training right here...

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd - Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Health & Dental Plans From $19.95/Month

Enroll In Ameriplan Here

Save Money — Dental, Vision, Prescription, Chiropractic, Physician Care, Ancillary Services, Hospital Advocacy, NurseLine, Non-medical Programs
Put the cost and control of medical care in your hands. Are you uninsured or underinsured? Are health care cost and insurance premiums sapping your family's budget? Learn about "Consumer Driven Health Care" - quality, affordable health care access from AmeriPlan® Corporation.


Want to know what AmeriPlan® members are saying about the AmeriPlan® program? Here are people who are saving with our Discount Medical Plan Organization!

AmeriPlan® members share their own experiences...

" I wanted to write and tell you about the wonderful experience I had using Ameriplan Health®. This was my first opportunity to use it. I needed some lab work done and called the number for a lab provider. They transferred me to Medstat-Ameriplan Health® where I was fortunate to talk to a rep named Chris Nall. He explained the process to me in detail. I told him all the tests I needed and he gave me the prices for each one. Without Ameriplan Health® I would have paid $547, with it I only paid $132, a savings of $415!! Not only that but he faxed over all information to the lab, gave me instructions to fast and provided me with a location only a few miles from my house. The whole process went very smoothly. My belief in this product has soared. "
Amber M. – Plano, TX
" My wife was admitted to the hospital for sixteen days. By the time she was discharged she had incurred over $33,000 in bills from six different medical providers. Still unable to return to her job as a dance instructor, she had no way of paying any of the medical providers she was receiving bills from. The Karis Group was able to help her apply for an assistance program that covered the entire $27,000 hospital bill. The Karis Group then contacted the other medical providers that were involved. Several of the other providers agreed to write off the bills entirely. When the Karis Group was done the total outstanding charges were less than $2,300. My wife was set up on a long-term payment plan on the remaining balance. Total saving - over $30,000. "
Robert H. – Houston, TX
" My existing insurance would not cover my annual physical examination nor would it cover any of the necessary lab work. I needed a total of 7 tests for which the cost was going to be $948.00. I forwarded the required tests to Medstat and over the phone they quoted me $297.00. I paid it with my credit card, they faxed me the form I needed to carry to the lab after setting the appointment, my wait was less than 20 minutes! The lab sent the reports to Medstat, they faxed them to me and my doctor and I was thrilled! That was a savings of $651.00! "
Fred G. – Duncan, SC

" Because someone has dental insurance does not mean they are fully covered. My boys had just gotten their 2nd cleaning for the year when we found out our 4-year-old had 2 cavities. They asked me to bring him back and my copay would be $24.00 to cover the visit. While drilling they noticed 2 more cavities forming behind the original 2... So, we said go ahead and fix those as well. I'm thinking to myself since it was $24.00 for 2 cavities I'll just have to pay $48.00 total. No biggie! After we are done I went to the front desk to pay and I was given a total of $313.50!!!! Turns out he had exceeded his $500.00 yearly limit on our dental insurance, after his 2nd filled cavity. I asked the front desk to give me a price with my AmeriPlan® card on the 2 cavities not covered. She said they had already given me the discount that the insurance gives AFTER maximum has been met! I asked her to humor me and give me my AmeriPlan® price! So, she did and it turned out I ONLY paid $200.50 vs the $313.50! I saved $113.50 by using our AmeriPlan® card at a Pediatric Dentist that says they only give us a 20% discount! My discount was more than that! "
Susan G. – Peyton, CO
" In 2004, I was quoted 945.00 for a root canal that I desperately needed. My husband was between jobs and I was a full-time mom, so I really could not afford that! I "google-searched" discounted dental plans and found Ameriplan®! I signed up, got my card and went in to my dentist to see what the discount would be! Instead of 945.00, I paid 375.00!!!!! I was thrilled! I wound up needing two more root canals, had some cavities filled and ended up saving 2,200.00 on my dental work in 2004!!! Thank you, Ameriplan®! I now have a great smile with healthy teeth and it didn't break our bank account! Because I experienced first hand how good our benefits are, I joined the company as an IBO and am now a full time mom and ESD with Ameriplan®, who hit the $25,000 Presidents Club this past November! Life is good and we now have additional income as well as affordable health care! "
Theresa D. – Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
" I have really good dental insurance with the military. However, in December of 2006 I went in for a 2nd opinion. I already had 2 dental cleanings for the year. So, I wasn't sure how much the insurance would cover. I made sure to go to a provider that was in-network for my insurance and also an Ameriplan® provider. I was given a brief oral exam and bite-wing x-rays. The bill would have been $90 and my insurance was willing to pay $20 of that. Then, I called the dental office and reminded them that they had my Ameriplan® card on file as well. They took the bill back up to $90, took off the Ameriplan® discount and then my $20 from the insurance and my bill went from $90 to $40. I was THRILLED! Who wants to pay an extra $30 when you can save with Ameriplan®! "
Laura C. – Bayport, MN

"In the first six months that I had AmeriPlan® I saved $225.00 using the dental benefits and $335.00 on my eye exam and glasses. Within another six months I had also saved another $221.00 on prescriptions."
Jen S. – Conifer, CO
" I went to a Lens Crafters for my eye exam and saved $20.00 on the exam alone. I then purchased some new glasses that are name brand. I am about blind as a bat and need to have my lenses thinned so I don't look like I'm wearing coke bottles! My lenses normally run $240.00 for the lenses ONLY and my new frames normally cost $162.00. My new glasses came out to $402.00 and then I handed them my AmeriPlan® Card through Coast to Coast Vision. She gave me my new total of ONLY $219.00. My frames went from $162.00 down to $96.00 and my lenses went from $240.00 to $123.00. I saved a total of $183.00 on my frames and lenses by using AmeriPlan®. That came out to be a 45% savings on my new glasses. "
Susan G. – Peyton, CO

" We have been using our Ameriplan® prescription benefit a lot lately and have been saving a lot! My husband received a prescription from our Dr. that he takes on a monthly basis. We were so pleased when we gave the script to our pharmacist and she said this will be $120.00 but with your discount thru Medco you will only be paying $44.00! A savings of $76 a month. Thank You Ameriplan®!! My daughter went to the dentist to get her teeth cleaned which only was $47.00. She was REALLY smiling big after that!! "
Tammy R. – Royal Oak, MI
" Just received a phone call from my sister about two prescriptions she saved $88.00 on. Both were for her daughter, who has no insurance or medicare. On one prescription my sister has been paying full price for years she was able to save $73.00 and on another new prescription to help my niece stop smoking she saved $15.00(the woman at the Walgreens pharmacy told my sister that insurance companies don't give a discount on this "stop smoking"prescription). Of course my sister said "this isn't insurance". As my sister further comented " I'm sure glad you were persistant in getting your niece on the plan for $19.95 a month", because I've saved so much money on just these two prescriptions I'm looking forward to seeing how much I'll save on the other prescriptions. I also saved $60.00 on my wife's new prescription. Normally at Walgreens it is $284.00 for 120 pills, but with AmeriPlan® it was reduced to $224.00. It's GREAT! "
Donna O. – Douglas, GA

"I saved $20.00 on my chiropractic visit, $82.00 on my glasses, 30% on my contacts, and $7.00 on some cough medicine. I cannot brag on AmeriPlan® enough. "
Donna O. – Douglas, GA
" I just wanted to thank you again for the Chiropractor referral. My husband and I have both started seeing Dr. Minshew-Shurr, and she is the most amazing doctor! She has been able to definitively find the cause of my back pain and headaches (that I have had for years!) and diagnose my husband as well. We are just thrilled with her treatment and kind attention to our personal cases.

I appreciate your help in connecting us with her. It has made such a difference and I am just amazed at the way God leads us in this life to find just what we need at just the right time. I just randomly picked up your number off of the flyer at my apartment and through you and Ameriplan® have found a great dentist and chiropractor. "
Hillary S. – Dallas, TX

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Thank you, The Postmaster. 2

Friday, March 19, 2010

Forex Trading as a "Business"? REPLAY

Dear There,

We just had a GREAT online web training with Bob Iaccino

  • Forex Trading as a "Business"?

If you missed it, or just want to review what was revealed,
here's the replay page...

Here's a little of what you'll learn:

  • The two components of successful traders. If you're missing
    these, you can't succeed.

  • The difference between a winning trade and 'making money' on
    a trade.

  • Why trading has nothing to do with being right and everything
    to do with just this one 'thing'.

  • The 'four horsemen' of good trading techniques. Without
    these, your trading will fail.

Bob also showed his smart strategies for controlling your
losses to help you create a trading plan.

Watch it here...


Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd - Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

FW: Forex Trading as a "Business"? (TODAY)


Just a quick reminder that the Bob Iaccino web training I told
you about yesterday is happening TODAY, Thursday, at 4pm
Eastern (New York time).

My original message is below.

I hope you can make it!

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos


Join me Thursday, March 18th at 4pm Eastern (New York time) as I
host CNBC Analyst and Forex Trading educator Bob Iaccino for a
unique training session about the "Business" of Forex Trading.

If you don't know Bob, he has traded the futures and Forex
markets for the past 17 years. He is a frequent analyst
contributor to such networks as CNBC, Bloomberg, CNN Moneyline,
Fox Business News and many more.

He now provides expert advice and insightful analysis to Forex
traders through his recently launched Trader's Outlook website,
where he also teaches professional trading techniques and
trading discipline.

In this EXCLUSIVE, limited seating online training session, Bob
and I will explore and discuss:

** The two components of successful traders. If you're missing
these, you can't succeed.

** The difference between a wi.nning trade and 'making money' on
a trade.

** Why trading has nothing to do with being right and everything
to do with just this one 'thing'.

** The 'four horsemen' of good trading techniques. Without
these, your trading will fail.

Bob will also teach you smart strategies for controlling your
losses and help you create a trading plan - LIVE!

Don't miss this tremendous COMPLIMENTARY online training

It begins at 4pm Eastern (New York time) on Thursday, March
18th, 2010.

We're limited on the number of 'seats' we can provide for this
online training session, so be sure to reserve your place right

You can grab your seat here:

I'll see you on Thursday afternoon!

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd - Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Hot trends, strategies and selling ideas for 2010

Hi There,

The Internet is constantly evolving -- almost daily, it seems --
which can make starting a successful Internet business extremely

How do you become financially independent online when the rules
of the road are always changing?

Fortunately, my friends at the Internet Marketing Center have
the solution: "The Step-by-Step Guide to Selling Online."

For the past 12 years, IMC has been continuously updating this
#1-selling ebusiness start-up guide (formerly known as "Insider
Secrets"), to keep up with the rapid pace of change online,
adding new strategies and techniques, while refining and
streamlining their simple step-by-step process.

For 2010 alone, they've packed "The Step-by-Step Guide" full of
the most up-to-the-minute techniques you MUST have to succeed
online, like:

> how to reach your market through social media
> how to win the SEO wars
> how to earn more with pay-per-click advertising
> and on and on...

But they didn't stop there! For 2010, they ALSO added a number
of improvements that make their guide easier to follow... even
for complete newbies:

> NEW interactivity, including replies to your questions
> NEW 50+ minute webinars on the hottest Internet business topics
> NEW how-to-videos that teach you the most critical strategies
> NEW easy-to-read charts and graphics to illustrate key points
> NEW information to help you quickly advance through the process

I highly recommend you check this out. Thousands of people
have already used it to start their own successful ebusinesses,
and it will work for you, too!

Right now, IMC is offering 30-Day risk-free trials of the entire
guide, so it's the perfect time to give it a try.

To start your 30-Day Trial, just go to:

I know you'll love how much this helps your business.

Bob Serling

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

You Have Got To Check This Out

Join Jerky Direct

How Do I Earn Money?
We feel that the JD Premium Products opportunity is unlike any opportunity out there. Our great product and excellent compensation programs are unrivaled in the industry. As an Independent Distributor you have the opportunity to make money in a number of ways. Here are a few:

1 20% COMMISSION for retail sales generated at your website storefront.

2 5% COMMISSION for retail sales generated by your frontline team.

for monthly recurring (autoship) orders.

Compensation Plan Presentation
What is Our commitment?
JD Premium Products offers several additional earning opportunities. As a Distributor you will also receive your own Website, Account Manager, marketing tools, and training. We are committed to providing our Distributors with the highest quality, all natural products that can be re-sold at fair market prices. Our goal is to empower each Distributor to achieve the highest possible level of success for their business. Use the links below to learn more…

Compensation Plan (PDF) News & Events
Join Jerky Direct Here

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Thank you, The Postmaster. 2

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Forex Trading as a "Business"? (THURSDAY)

Dear There,

(Sorry for the last minute notice on this)

Join me Thursday, March 18th at 4pm Eastern (New York time) as I
host CNBC Analyst and Forex Trading educator Bob Iaccino for a
unique training session about the "Business" of Forex Trading.

If you don't know Bob, he has traded the futures and Forex
markets for the past 17 years. He is a frequent analyst
contributor to such networks as CNBC, Bloomberg, CNN Moneyline,
Fox Business News and many more.

He now provides expert advice and insightful analysis to Forex
traders through his recently launched Trader's Outlook website,
where he also teaches professional trading techniques and
trading discipline.

In this EXCLUSIVE, limited seating online training session, Bob
and I will explore and discuss:

  • The two components of successful traders. If you're missing
    these, you can't succeed.

  • The difference between a wi.nning trade and 'making money' on
    a trade.

  • Why trading has nothing to do with being right and everything
    to do with just this one 'thing'.

  • The 'four horsemen' of good trading techniques. Without
    these, your trading will fail.

Bob will also teach you smart strategies for controlling your
losses and help you create a trading plan - LIVE!

Don't miss this tremendous COMPLIMENTARY online training

It begins at 4pm Eastern (New York time) on Thursday, March
18th, 2010.

We're limited on the number of 'seats' we can provide for this
online training session, so be sure to reserve your place right

You can grab your seat here...

I'll see you on Thursday afternoon!

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd - Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Final chance - early notice list closing

Hi There,

The response to my survey for Profit Alchemy has
been excellent and we're now moving forward. You
can still go to the head of the line and get on the
early notice list before it closes. Just read the email
below and use the link at the bottom to let me know
which option interests you the most - it only takes
5 seconds.


Bob Serling

Please let me know if you'd like me to show you:

1. A block-by-block breakdown of the lead generation
letter I wrote that has now become known as
"The $25 Million Letter". People call it this because
this one-and-a-half page letter landed an agreement
for a $25 million contract the first time my client sent
it out. And he mailed it to just one prospect!

2. My "hidden assets" strategy the Prospecting and
Marketing Institute used to increase their profits by
714% on their flagship product. And they maintained
that increase for over four years until they eventually
retired that product.

3. The publicity campaigns I created that earned the
#1 position on Yahoo Business News twice - and
the #1 position on Google Business News once.
Can you imagine the flood of traffic you'd get from
such prominent visibility?

4. Three powerful conversion strategies that turn a
much higher percentage of prospects into paying

5. My proprietary email-to-video "sales chain
sequencing" that's increased dozens of my clients'
sales by as much as 150%.

6. New online and offline sources of sales that no one
else talks about. These are particularly lucrative
because so few people know about them or use

7. How about a 10-minute change to your copy that
gets customers to spend more with you each time
they buy? This little gem increased profits by 65%
for one of my clients. And you'll get the inside
scoop on how to do this too.

8. Or a 5-minute copy change that produced an instant
38% increase in sales for another client? I'll lay that
out for you in step-by-step detail.

9. Plus a whole lot more that I can't reveal quite yet.

If you'd like to discover exactly how these things
were done - and how you can easily do them too,
I'll be sharing them in my new monthly program
called Profit Alchemy.

BUT - I'm only going to do this program if enough
people are interested, and you can help make that
decision. Here's quick overview of what will be
in the program. At the end of the overview is a link
where you can let me know if this is something
you'd be interested in.

How all this will be delivered

The Profit Alchemy Gold Level membership will
include all of the following (and probably a lot

> A detailed, monthly marketing lesson, with a
step-by-step blueprint you can use and apply right
now. This will NOT be your ordinary run-of-the-mill
content you see from so many so-called experts. Each
lesson will cover a true marketing breakthrough similar
to those I used to build my software company... create
an endless flow of highly qualified traffic... create a
best-selling toy that was sold world wide... sell high
ticket products to large corporations... and much

> 3 mini-video lessons with tactics you can use to
increase your sales and profits immediately (like
the 5-minute copy change above that produced
a 38% increase in sales)

> A one-hour LIVE webinar each month conducted
by me personally. You'll get a powerful lesson...
we'll brainstorm business breakthroughs together...
you'll meet other like-minded people to do business
with... and we'll have a load of fun doing it all.

> Free access to a brand new, full-length course,
"Toll Gate Secrets". Of all my licensing strategies,
the one that's been most popular is my Toll Gate
Joint Venture strategy. This strategy lets you find
one company with a great product, then pair them
in a joint venture with another company that has a
great list and collect a substantial retainer plus a
share of the profits for your efforts. You'll get a
full course that gives you a complete blueprint for
creating dozens of these deals - and all the marketing
and legal documents you need to get on a fast track
to profiting with licensing.

> Free access to my best-selling course "Killer
Copywriting Simplified". This program shows you
the fastest way to write powerful emails, web pages,
ads and sales letters. It originally sold for $697,
but the entire course will be broken down into
bite-sized lessons you can take at your convenience.

> Free access to one of my most popular courses
ever, "The Information Products Master Course".
Let me make one thing abundantly clear: every
business, regardless of what product or service you
sell, should also have a full line of information products.
Info products are the best source of secondary income
you could ever hope for. And you get all the details
of how to create and market your own info products
for free, rather than paying the $897 this course sold

> My most powerful conversion email ever. Email
conversion rates are usually between less than one
percent to 3 percent or maybe 4 percent tops. This
email, which is my highest converting email ever,
recently produced a whopping 27% conversion. You'll
get the complete email and a block-by-block tour of
how to use it to generate impressive conversions of
your own for your business.

> A wealth of additional content, free bonuses, videos
and more just for joining

The cost of the Profit Alchemy Gold Level membership
will be $97 per month.

The Profit Alchemy Silver Level membership is the most
economical option at just $49 per month. However, it
obviously doesn't include as much as the Gold Level.

The Silver Level includes everything in the Gold Level
EXCEPT for the live monthly webinar... access to "The
Information Products Master Course"... and my most
effective conversion email ever. And this level will also
have fewer bonuses.

Here's the next step - I need your "vote"

So as I mentioned above, at this point I'm in the process
of determining if there's enough interest to go forward
with this membership program.

You can let me know by casting your "vote" at:

It will just take two seconds of your time. Just enter
your name and email address (so you can get early
notice and priority enrollment if I move forward
with this) and select either the Gold or Silver level
to let me know which level is of the most interest
to you.

One favor: please respond ONLY if you strongly
feel that you'd enroll in this if it's offered. While
you aren't obligated to enroll, it will go a long way
in helping me make the final decision.

Here's that link again to cast your vote:

Thanks for your time and for your vote!


Bob Serling

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

FINAL Forex notice (12 hours)

Dear There,

Depending on when you get this final notice, you have 12 hours
or less to join me in my Forex Profit Accelerator Group Coaching

--> The enrollment page shuts down TONIGHT, Tuesday,
March 16th, at 11:59pm Eastern (New York time)

If you get this in time, get in here...

We begin our first group coaching session in a few weeks, so
when you enroll today, I'll rush you your copy of the Forex
Profit Accelerator course - it could be in your hands later this

Some of my readers have asked me, "Bill, I kind of prefer to
study by myself & I'm more interested in your Forex Profit
Accelerator home study course than in your group coaching --
should I still enroll?"

The answer is -> YES, absolutely.

Here's why -- Even if you're not interested in the group
coaching component of my Forex Profit Accelerator, you should
grab a copy of my home study course because it's not always
available (and it, too, comes off the market TONIGHT).

Thousands of traders just like you have learned what it takes to
become Independent Master Forex Traders with just the home study

-so you can look at the group coaching component as an extra

Either way, the value of this program has DOUBLED with this new
release, so you're really going to want to try it out before it

I'll see you on the member's website after you enroll here...

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos



Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd - Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Check This Out

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Read about how 1000's of real people worldwide who are building their own "Income for Life"™

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Read Full Testimonial and Promotional Tip

I have been marketing online now for 5 years and have never seen anything like GDI.
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I have been marketing online now for 5 years and have never seen anything like GDI. The excitement I feel when I talk about GDI is more than anything I have experienced in my 5 years online. I have now discontinued other online businesses to give my full attention to GDI, because the long term aspect of this business is awesome.

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I am not a business guru, but GDI makes it easy to be successful.
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Read Full Testimonial and Promotional Tip

I liked the simplicity of the program, the ability to work from home on my own schedule
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As a physician, I have no past experience with marketing, and am not the "typical" person to try this type of business, if there is such a person. I have been affiliated with GDI since September, when my sponsor, Steve Bishart "found" me.

Read Full Testimonial and Promotional Tip

Click Here to Get Your Free Ticket to Income for Life™
It's shown me how to earn more money than I ever dreamed possible.
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GDI has totally changed my life. It's shown me how to earn more money than I ever dreamed possible; without selling! You will never know how powerful GDI is unless you do yourself the favor of signing up for the free trial. There are very few times when something comes along that can really change your life. GDI is ready to prove it!

Read Full Testimonial and Promotional Tip

The GDI system is at the top of my recommended list!
David Lundgren, United States, California
Since 1991, I've been working online and never have I seen a system so complete as GDI. From the pre-done business cards, to the automated movie and the email follow up system, this program has it all. The GDI system is at the top of my recommended list!

Read Full Testimonial and Promotional Tip

Click Here to Get Your Free Ticket to Income for Life™
I was skeptical at first but I trusted my instinct and gave GDI a try
Sadiq Husain, India
I was skeptical at first, but I trusted my instinct and gave GDI a try because of the great product and compensation plan. Now that I see my checks flowing in, I have no doubts this is truly a winning opportunity.

Read Full Testimonial and Promotional Tip

I am glad I joined!
Gaz Ber, United Kingdom
When you join GDI, you will realize how easy is to have your own internet presence in minutes. If you're an affiliate and looking to make money online, why not build your own affiliate portfolio, and list all your programs under one umbrella.

Read Full Testimonial and Promotional Tip

Click Here to Get Your Free Ticket to Income for Life™
This is the business I can be successful with.
Rosalind Deck, Canada
I have been a member of GDI for just over 3 months. I sent the movie link out to about 50 friends soon after joining and 4 of them signed up. One has recruited 4 or 5 others - enough to keep me going until I had a little time to concentrate on the business.

Read Full Testimonial and Promotional Tip

This is a Great opportunity for anyone to get started on the web.
Matthew Mcdonald, Sweden
I must say, this is a Great opportunity for anyone to get started on the web.
There are many products and offers out there, but I usually know of a winner when I see one!
In my first week I was in profit, and my income has increased ever since.

Read Full Testimonial and Promotional Tip

Click Here to Get Your Free Ticket to Income for Life™

Did You Miss Out on the .COM Boom?

The first wave of the Internet opportunity explosion has come and gone. If you were in tune to the opportunities of the day in the late 1990's AND you were very LUCKY, you likely would not be reading this right now. Instead, you would be resting comfortably "on the other side" as some call it. The place where the grass IS greener, or at least it would seem so, simply because you would have the financial independence, peace and the time to sit and watch it grow, if that were your desire.

Good news: The SECOND WAVE is now upon us! For a very LIMITED TIME, you may register for FREE with the world's next big Internet giant, Global Domains International, Inc. (aka "GDI"), an Inc500 listed, debt free corporation and home of all .ws "Web Site" domain names (web addresses) worldwide.

500 Million Customers A Multi-Billion Dollar Market

Currently there are around 60 million domain names registered globally. Industry experts are predicting that in the next ten years, more than 500 MILLION domain names and web sites will be active annually.

Imagine if YOU could get a piece of this multi-billion dollar per year global market, which will include ongoing annual domain renewals AND the web based services utilized with each domain name. Most of the good .com domains are already taken, but the .ws "Web Site" domain Registry (GDI) has an unbelievable amount of the very best names still available, and only GDI offers the opportunity for YOU to benefit from the enormous residual revenues being generated.

Even before launching the amazing "Income for Life"™ program in June of 2004, GDI achieved a five (5) year track record of incredible success and currently maintains customers with annual renewals and web services in more than 180 countries. Now it's YOUR CHANCE to cash in on the huge demand for domain names and web services worldwide.

It's Time to Stake Your Claim!

You may now stake YOUR claim with "The Internet Land Rush" and start making money TODAY, without spending a single penny. BUT, you better get started BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE: Only those who get in NOW on this GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY are likely to make the BIG MONEY long term.

The Short Movie that Will Change Your Life

Imagine if there was a production company that could potentially pay you for every time you referred someone to watch their movie.

What if something so simple was able to provide you with a reliable, LIFELONG MONTHLY INCOME and it was backed by a DEBT FREE, INC500 LISTED CORPORATION?

Every hour of every day, thousands of people worldwide are watching a short 7 minute animated movie online and their lives are changing for the better, forever. All over the globe, people are now receiving hundreds and even THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS EACH MONTH. Now, it's your turn to join them and begin building your own "Income for Life."™

Start Making Money Right Now,
for FREE:

Just moments from now, without spending any money at all, you will be able to refer people to this movie yourself. You will have a web page identical to this one ( owned by your sponsor, Gary Gray, but yours will be tracked to YOUR ID and you will be able to give it to anyone on the planet.

It's Totally Automated That Means: No Selling

Simply enter the names and email addresses of people you know into your automated email invitation system and a free ticket to watch the movie will be emailed to them immediately. OR, you can simply give them a URL such as this one ( but coded with YOUR unique tracking ID instead.

You will then see in "real time" WHO has watched the movie and WHEN they watched it, as well as how much money you will be paid!

The Power of Multi-Tier Affiliate Marketing: You will soon be making money not just from the people you refer, but also from all of the people THEY refer and so on, down through five (5) generations of affiliates and customers, with the potential to earn commissions on UNLIMITED LEVELS as a GDI "Master Affiliate!"

Click on the income calculator below to get an idea of your LONG TERM MONTHLY INCOME POTENTIAL:

Unlimited Leads, Unlimited Income Potential

Every day, 100,000's of people are looking for ways to make extra money. They voluntarily enter their names and contact information onto 1000's of web sites around the world, hoping to find that one golden opportunity.

Once you invite everyone you personally know with the automated email invitation system or you give them your URL (such as, you may decide to acquire a list of these opportunity seekers who are hungry to make money online. You will be given access to a virtually unlimited supply of these leads.

Are You Intrigued?

You should be! This is a real opportunity, a real Inc500 listed company and REAL PEOPLE WORLDWIDE are already making fantastic monthly incomes that will come to them month-after-month, year-after-year.

People in many countries across the globe are just now beginning to realize full time incomes with GDI that can grow each month. Are YOU going to pass this up without seeing and hearing what it's all about?

We use the powerful Veretekk system to market GDI online.

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