Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring Into Weight Loss

Spring Into Weight Loss

When would TODAY be a great day to get started?

It's that time of year again where everyone wants to lose weight.

Bringing the body back into balance through detoxing can sure be very supportive of weight loss.

Cleaning out your body from the inside can also make you feel so much better!

So will you take the Challenge?

Here are some Gentle Detox Basics From YL

Bowels/Digestive Tract =   Cleansing Trio Kit, Parafree & Life 5

Liver =  JuvaCleanse (ideal)  Juvaflex and Juvatone combo are also reasonable substitutes.

Kidneys  =  K&B and Juniper

Blood Cleanser =   Rehemogen

And yes before you start asking I do believe they should all be done.  

Every organ/system requires different kind of support and all of these are very important issues!

There is no such thing as 1 supplement or 1 kit that takes care of everything.

Having clean working organs usually results in healthy weight loss for most people and I would love to hear all about your experience/progress.


Monday, April 29, 2013

No Xmas Shopping

No Xmas Shopping

Thanks to the Essential Rewards program I have not had to do any Xmas shopping for years I simply redeem my points and I even have extra to buy myself something. 

I LOVE the ER program!  

I am always shocked when people don't want to commit to a regular investment in their health.  

Who doesn't like fre*e stuff?

The Essential Rewards Program

Ensure that you always have the benefits of your favorite Young Living products on hand with the convenience of Essential Rewards, where products are shipped hassle free from our door to yours! Available exclusively to Young Living Independent Distributors, the Essential Rewards program offers many benefits.

The Essential Rewards Advantage

  • Guaranteed monthly shipments of your favorite Young Living products
  • Discounted pricing on exclusive product packages
  • Reduced shipping rates
  • Points for free products earned on every Essential Rewards order
  • Additional compensation and bonus rewards

Discounted Shipping

All Essential Rewards orders qualify for reduced shipping costs. Members pay a $6.98 U.S./$9.75 CAN flat shipping fee on the order's first 5 pounds and just $0.63 per additional pound for ground shipments to the continental U.S. and $0.70 per additional pound for IGD shipments to Canada1. For air shipments to Alaska and Hawaii, Essential Rewards members pay a $12.50 flat shipping fee on the order's first 5 pounds and $1.25 for each additional pound.

Exclusive Essential Rewards Packs

Get exclusive kits as an Essential Rewards member! Essential Rewards packs for Slique™, NingXia Red®, Everyday Oils™, Thieves®, A•R•T®, Core Supplements™, and Core Essentials Complete™ are available to Essential Rewards members. 

Bonus Qualification

Essential Rewards members who are also Independent Distributors can access exclusive bonuses. The Matching Bonus, Team Performance Bonus, and Star Performance Bonus are just a few of the ways Essential Rewards members can access additional cash rewards. Learn more about Young Living's Compensation Plan.

Essential Rewards Points

Earn points toward future product purchases with every Essential Rewards order. As your months with Essential Rewards increase, so do your rewards!

Months on Essential RewardsPoints Earned
1–610% of order point value (PV)
7–1215% of order PV3
13+20% of order PV4

For example, place an Essential Rewards order in the first six months of your participation in the program with 50 PV and earn 5 points to redeem for free products2. The more you order, the more points you can redeem for free Young Living products.

Get Started

Becoming an Essential Rewards member is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Simply:

1. Enroll as a Young Living Independent Distributor:

2. Choose your favorite Young Living products or Essential Rewards pack(s) worth at least 50 PV.

3. Complete the Essential Rewards agreement:

To manage your Essential Rewards order, simply log in to Virtual Office or contact Customer Care, where a live operator can assist you.


Find answers in the Essential Rewards FAQ or contact Young Living Essential Oils.

Essential Rewards FAQ

General  |  Earning Points  |  Redeeming Points  |  Shipping


Q: How do I sign up for the Essential Rewards program?

A: You can sign up in one of three easy ways.

  • Online through Virtual Office.
  • On the phone at 1-800-371-3515.
  • By faxing a signed Essential Rewards agreement to 1-866-203-5666.

Q: Can I change the items in my Essential Rewards order and still receive all of the benefits of the program?
A: Yes. You can change the items anytime, up to midnight on your processing date (determined by you when you enroll).

Q: Can I make changes to my Essential Rewards order online?
A: Yes. You can make changes to your Essential Rewards order online anytime. However, you will need to contact Customer Care to cancel your order.

Q: Do I need to submit the Essential Rewards agreement before my Essential Rewards order ships?
A: If you sign up for Essential Rewards by phone, you'll have a 30-day grace period to submit the agreement. If you sign up through Virtual Office, the virtual agreement is completed as part of the online process before you begin the Essential Rewards set up. You can also mail or fax a completed form to Young Living. Find contact information.

Earning Points

Q: How many points do I earn for my Essential Rewards order?
A: During the first six consecutive months, you receive points worth 10% of the PV of each Essential Rewards order. During the second six consecutive months, you receive points worth 15% of the PV of each Essential Rewards order. At 13 months and beyond, you receive points worth 20% of the PV of each Essential Rewards order.

Months on Essential Rewards Points Earned
1–6 10% of order point value (PV)
7–12 15% of order PV
13+20% of order PV

Redeeming Points

Q: How do I redeem my reward points?
A: Reward points can be redeemed by contacting Customer Care at (800) 371-3515.

Q: How many points can I redeem each month?
A: Up to 350 points can be redeemed each month.

Q: If I cancel my Essential Rewards order, do I lose my points?
A: If you cancel your Essential Rewards order, you forfeit all your unused Essential Rewards points and your monthly participation in the program is reset to zero. You also forfeit any points earned on products that you later return.

Q: How soon can I redeem points that I earn?
A: You earn points the minute your order is shipped. You can redeem points anytime after you've participated in the program for two months.

Q: When redeeming my points, do I go by the dollar amounts or the PV amounts in the price list?
A: When redeeming Essential Rewards points, use the PV amount rather than the dollar value. For example, if you have 50 points, you can redeem them for any product with a PV value up to 50 PV. Points can only be redeemed for products with full PV values.

Q: Can I use my points for promotional products, such as the 10% off monthly offers?
A: You can buy any regularly available products at regular price as part of your Essential Rewards order, but you will not receive the discounted pricing if the item is part of your Essential Rewards points order. Some promotional items may not be available for purchase using Essential Rewards points at all. Contact Customer Care if you have questions about specific items.


Q: How do I get the $6.98 flat shipping rate?
A: All Essential Rewards orders that weigh up to 5 pounds and are shipped ground within the U.S. or Canada qualify for the flat shipping rate ($6.98 U.S./$9.75 CAN). Heavier orders are priced at an additional $0.63 U.S. for each additional pound thereafter (in the continental U.S. and for FedEx Ground shipping only). Orders shipped to Alaska and Hawaii ship for a $12.50 flat fee for the first 5 pounds and $1.25 per pound thereafter (FedEx 2-day air only). For international shipping, please contact Young Living Customer Care.

Q: Can I select other shipping methods?
A: Yes. However, the $6.98 flat shipping rate is available only on orders shipped using FedEx Ground (the $12.50 rate only on orders shipped FedEx 2–day air to Alaska or Hawaii).

Q: Can I use my Essential Rewards points to pay for my shipping costs?
A: No. Points can only be redeemed for products with full PV values.

What's "Unfair" about winning 96.6% of the time?

What's "Unfair" about winning 96.6% of the time?

Dear Trader,

Do you think it's "Unfair" to exploit a flaw in the way options are priced to force the odds of winning in your favor?

What if your advantage over other traders became so great that you won 96.6% of the time... a whopping 707 wins out of 732 trades, to be precise... would that be unfair?

I say... As long as it's legal, count me in!

How about you?

If you feel the same way I do, you DO NOT want to miss Don Fishback's ODDS Advantage 3-part training series.

Click here to watch video #1 now: "Gaining an Unfair Trading Advantage"...

I've been studying wealth creating strategies for many years. And still, the mind blowing revelation contained in this 20-minute training session came as a complete surprise.

And I'm willing to bet it'll be a real eye-opener for you too.


Plus, you'll receive this generous gift just for watching...

Options for Beginners... a 100-page ebook full of easy-to-follow illustrations that take you step-by-step through all the basics of options trading. (normally sells for $14.95).

And to go with it, you'll also receive How To Win At Least 80% of Your Option Trades... 50 Years and Counting!

First be amazed by the video... Then receive a valuable gift... What's not to love about that!


Watch closely as Don step-by-step exposes the truth about your odds of winning any option trade, whether it's stock or index.. Because once you see it all laid out, I think you'll find it makes perfect sense.

And you'll realize, even though it's a bold new concept, he's absolutely 100% correct!

Click here to watch video #1 now: "Gaining an Unfair Trading Advantage"...

My regards,

Chris Lawrence.

P.S. This is one of the most insightful videos I've seen in a long time. And I definitely think you should watch it all the way through. But I'll let you in on a little secret... Even if you don't watch the video you can still download the free gift and discover the proven way [you just used secret in the sentence before] to 80% winning trades. So why not go there now...






































Please click here if you wish to receive no further offers from us.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Just for You from YouTube: Daily Update - Apr 28, 2013

Check out the latest video from your channel subscriptions for Apr 28, 2013.
My Everyday Eye Makeup

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Heal Your Face

Your Face Is a Reflection Of Your Internal Environment

Yes this is largely true.  

The good news is you can change it or "heal your face" through healing the internal organs.

There are many excellent oils and supplements that can accelerate your healing and the desk reference can guide you along that path.

So the next step is to learn how your face correlates with your internal organs.

Here is an excerpt from a book called "Heal Your Face" ---- Thanks to Doris Parreno for this

"What do they know that we don't? First, we need to stop looking at everything so shallow. We see skin problems and run to buy skin creams or expensive skin treatments, but they never work. Why? The skin is only the outer layer of a much deeper thing. It's just the thin outer layer of moldy fruit. Instead of trying to hide a problem, we should be spending our energies figuring out what caused the problem, and we need to look much deeper than just the surface. Start by changing the way you think and handle things. The entire way of thinking in the "modern" world is based on treating symptoms. If you see rust, sand it down and paint over it. If you have pain, take a pain pill. If your face sags and gets wrinkles, get plastic surgery. If you are in
debt, borrow more money. If your relationship is not smooth, dump him or her and get someone else. This is the way the "modern" world behaves. No one wants to take
responsibility for anything. We are always blaming it on something outside of ourselves: the economy, heredity, genetics, bad luck, other people, the weather, old age...you
name it. We like to feel sorry for ourselves and play the victim. We like to be comfortable, eat comfort food, live in comfortable homes, be in comfortable relationships and
have a comfortable job. It would outrage many to use the word lazy in describing western culture, but that's what it's become, a society based on instant gratification. We want
our food prepackaged and ready to eat immediately. We want someone else to prepare our food and serve it to us. We want someone else to do our work for us at home and
at work. We want, we want, we want.

Start by not wanting."


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fwd: Replay: Stress, Depression, Anxiety, & Happiness

Dear Terry,
Did you miss the free webinar we had Monday night or want to review the information again?

You're in luck! We recorded it and now have it available for viewing here: Stress, Depression, Anxiety, & Happiness

If you or someone you love ever been affected by stress, depression, and/or anxiety this is webinar for you! Please feel free to pass it along to anyone you think will benefit from it.

With much love, wellness & prosperity, 

Jihan  :)

TriHarmony Success Training Team

Email: info@triharmonysuccesstraining.com

Follow: Follow Me On Facebook Follow Me On Twitter
40 Herbert Ave., Lindenhurst, NY 11726, USA

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tonight's Call Night


(I am flying wed night and Alyssa is also busy on Wed)

Alyssa Francis, a Texas mom of four and former coupon blogger, joined Young Living in February of 2012 with no intention of building a business. After hosting her first home event two months later, she achieved Executive the following month and was thrust into a leadership role she never saw coming. Her fast-growing team helped her achieve Silver in January 2013, and she hit Gold just one month later. Teaching others how to avoid pharmaceuticals while saving money in the process fuels Alyssa's continued growth and goals for long-term success.

Conference Call
Conference Dial-in Number: (805) 360-1000
Participant Access Code: 557553#

Monday, April 22, 2013

Marc's Top 5

Marc Schreuder's Lecture: Top 5 Products Everyone Should Use


PinExt Marc Schreuders Lecture: Top 5 Products Everyone Should Use
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Marc Schroeder

Marc Schreuder: The Man Behind The Product Formulas talks about Pain Management and the Top 5 Young Living Products Everyone Should Use

I had the amazing opportunity to travel to New Jersey this Tuesday to hear the man behind product development and formulation at Young Living Essential Oils, Marc Schreuder "The Mad Science Guy". Straight off a plane from Paris, jet lag and all, he still managed to deliver a pumped-up info-packed lecture about the products we love so much, which he has a hand in formulating! I loved to hear the science behind the products and the documented medical research he presented to support each product. I have so much to share with you all about this amazing presentation!

ImmuPro: This product is a chewable strawberry flavored supplement that helps you sleep and improve your immune system. You take it at night. Some of the amazing ingredients that he mentioned are Melatonin (to help you sleep), Zinc, Selenium, Lycium, Ningxia Wolfberry fruit polysaccharides, Reishi (mushroom), Maitake (mushroom) and of course Essential Oils. I use this product every night and he mentioned that he wants to reformulate it to taste better, but I hope he doesn't because I love the taste!

Life 5: Marc's opinion is that this is the best Probiotic on the market today. Safe for pregnant women, it supports friendly flora in the gut that will keep you super healthy. He added calcium to the formula, which allows the cultures to grow and the lactoferrin binds with iron to help the healthy bacteria stick to the walls of your gut. You take it at night with your biggest meal. This, surprisingly, is an infection protection power house. "A healthy gut is a healthy you!" This was so interesting to learn and he showed an independent study from John Hopkins to support all of the ingredients.

"ImmuPro & Life 5 taken together is better than a flu shot," Marc Schreuder.

*Life 5 is amazing for eliminating Eczema Naturally. Also, stay away from corn products such as cornstarch and corn.

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My Personal Collection of The Best Supplements in My Opinion!

Inner Defense: Contains Thieves, Clove, Oregano, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Eucalyptus radiate, Lemon, Thyme and Lemongrass. He said studies have shown that the ingredients contained in this supplement are all natural antiseptics.

"Inner Defense is Thieves in a capsule on steroids," Marc Schreuder.

"Lemongrass Essential Oil kills Candida," Marc Schreuder.

*If you take Inner Defense or Longevity while using Life 5 you must take them in the morning because the oils will kill the cultures in Life 5. Take Inner Defense or Longevity in the morning and Life 5 at night!

The Thieves Story: Marc asked someone in the audience to discuss the Thieves story. Everyone knows why Young Living created the Thieves blend. However, he showed a photo slide from an old book that showed the Thieves wearing masks. He said they actually rubbed the oils inside a mask that looked like a bird's beak and wore it over their entire face to prevent getting the plague. If you don't know the story, back in the 13 century a band of thieves robbed the dead during the plague and did not get sick. They used a blend of essential oils such as Rosemary, Cinnamon and Cloves. The king found out and made them reveal the recipe. The original story says they were killed quickly instead of tortured for revealing the oil blend. During the 14 century the story was revised to say their lives were spared. Young Living created Thieves based on this healing blend of oils that was proven to work then and has scientific research to support why they work today.

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This Is a Photo Of The Thieves Mask

"Thieves is more effective than Clorox and it's natural," Marc Schreuder.

"The bible states that Aron's altar was purified with cinnamon. If it's good for Aron, it's good for me," Marc Schreuder.

Thieves Toothpastes: This product does not contain floride because all that does is poison your body and harden the enamel of the tooth. Thieves blend actually kills all the bacteria in your mouth. He told us that all three Thieves Toothpastes will be reformulated into one killer toothpaste. He is taking the best of all 3 and combining them into one. So all of you using the Thieves toothpaste for deodorant stock up! Ha ha.

"Thieves Ultra Toothpaste is a great wound healing cream. It seals any cut, stays on the skin for days," Marc Schreuder.

"Thieves mouthwash will be reformulated!" Marc Schreuder.

"Thieves Hand Sanitizer contains clove and thyme and is more effective and safer than Purell hand sanitizer. The Purell hand sanitizer contains Triclosan, which is a horrible chemical that recent studies have shown to disrupt normal hormone levels and hinders muscle movement," Marc Schroeder. Read this article. CBS reported the hazards of this chemical found in so many household products. Click Here for CBS News Article

Lavender is the #1 selling oil in the company followed by Thieves at #2!

"Let's try natural medicine first, god's medicine, before you pop a pill with nasty side effects," Marc Schreuder.

Lipitor is the #1 prescribed medicine, followed by Plavix, in the world. Take your health into your own hands. In 30-60 days, you can watch your body regulate cholesterol by taking Longevity. He also said that pharmaceutical drugs such as this suck the CoQu10 out of your body.

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The Power of Inhalation

Marc's top 5 list of products that everyone should be using. So if I was stuck on a desert island and had all five I would be good to go!

1) Ningxia Red
2) OmegaGize
3) Stress Away
4) Thieves Mouthwash
5) Frankincense

Roman Chamomile: the ultimate essential oil to help you sleep.

PAIN MANAGEMENT: to eliminate the pain not just mask it use…

1) Omegagize 3-no other product like it on the market and has a patent pending.
2) Sulfurzyme-promotes hair and nail growth and contains organic sulfur also found in fruits and vegetables
3) Ningxia Red-supports immune system
4) Longevity Caps-contains frankincense essential oil. (Take for Asthma, Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
5) BLM-supports healthy joints and is a natural cartilage builder
*follow directions on all products

He said that Deep Relief roll-on sells more that Panaway Essential Oil. They won't get rid of PanAway because so many people love it. He said he thinks Deep Relief works better, but I think more people buy Deep Relief because it's more affordable.

He said that Bergamot and German Chamomile are great for pain when taken internally in a capsule.

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Marc Presenting To A Packed Room with his Daughter helping!

These are the combinations that research has shown to be the most effective for pain management. Pick one of these that work the best with your body chemistry. Everyone is different.

1) Deep Relief Roll On
2) Panaway and German Chamomile (one to one ratio)
3) Copaiba and Oregano (two to one ratio)
4) Blue Spruce and Copaiba (one to one ratio)

He posed a question, "Why did the wise men bring Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh to baby Jesus?" We all answered because everyone used Essential Oils and those were more valuable than money.z,

"Myrrh is the number one anti-inflammatory essential oil known today," Marc Schreuder.

He said that the drug company Eli Lilly is actually so impressed with the research on Myrrh that they are trying to synthesize it to put on the market. Rest assured, we have the natural version.

Valor Essential Oil vs. Valor Roll-On: The bottle is for pain and the roll on is for stress. Also, the bottle contains almond oil and the roll on contains coconut oil. (Note for nut allergies)

He has research on the effects of thyme and clove in the office. Anyone is welcome to contact him at Young Living to get copies.

Marc said that all of his research is in a file at the Young Living office and anyone can get in touch with him to receive his power point presentations or his research. COOL!

Hope you all enjoyed my notes on the informative lecture from Marc Schroeder. It was a great night! I would love to hear what you thought so comment below! If you want to see the full photo album complete with Research Slides please visit this link from my Facebook photo album click here.

IMG 1890 Marc Schreuders Lecture: Top 5 Products Everyone Should UseDanielle Brogna is the happy owner of Hands In Harmony Inc. and the producer ofHarmony TV. She is dedicated to holistic health education, Reiki, Meditation, Young Living Essential Oils and Music.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Just for You from YouTube: Daily Update - Apr 18, 2013

Check out the latest video from your channel subscriptions for Apr 18, 2013.
Anushka Sharma Inspired Make up look

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

This Week's Conference Call


Mary Ward-Farnham, Platinum

The absolute surest path to failure is to quit. Success can be reached quickly and it can be reached gradually. It is still success.

A unique feature of network marketing is that you reach your goals when you show others how to reach theirs. Doing that effectively usually requires training or modeling of proven skills and the willingness to train others who are willing. Find the training resources you need to make that happen if they are not being provided by the ones who enroll you. 

Networked personal franchise businesses are perfect for anyone, but not everyone stays with it. The dropout rate in our industry is 86%. Perfect products in a perfect marketing approach mean success IF we understand what we are doing, why we do it and with whom to do it! I didn't quit and now I reached Platinum in January, 2013

The evolution of my Young Living Lifestyle began in 2002. My interest in doing it as a business was immediate, and my approach was all product-driven. I had no training and no trained up line who understood Network Marketing Business Skills. Perseverance has led me to all kinds of resources, some worked for me, some did not.....but I always kept going and growing, and I was motivated to find good training. If your up line is unable to be a good training source, you have to go find it, and there are many resources. In 2011, I committed to a year training with MLM U - a coaching course in skills for successful Networked Marketing franchises, learning effective language, the power of duplication, the foundation of the WHY, the key to qualification and best of all, a deep appreciation and understanding of networked marketing as a business model.

Conference Call
Conference Dial-in Number: (805) 360-1000
Participant Access Code: 557553#

Cinco de Mayo is just around the corner

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Getting started with your Cinco de Mayo event

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  2. Make your event fantástico with new themes and colors
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Friday, April 12, 2013

Aroma Siez Education & Give Away

Aroma Siez Education & Give Away

Here is an educational audio explaining the benefits and science behind Citrus Fresh & Aroma Siez both being given away this month.

These are both great oils I just LOVE Citrus Fresh in water and in a diffuser!

Triple Your Benefits from Your April Order!

Enjoy triple benefits from your order this month by earning up to three rewards, including a free 15-ml Citrus Fresh and a free 15-ml Aroma Siez, a transferrable $30 enrollment voucher code, and 500 cruise points! These offers build upon one another to help you on your path to wellness, purpose, and abundance.

2013 Mar Triple Promo Graphic 451x416


Reach any of the following PV minimums in a single order during April to earn these great benefits: 

190 PV Reward

2013 Mar Triple Promo RC_marpromo_248x234
Citrus Fresh: Bursting with the uplifting scents of orange, tangerine, mandarin, grapefruit, lemon, and spearmint essential oils, Citrus Fresh is a popular blend for diffusing, Citrus Fresh may also be added to bath water or diluted and applied to ears, wrists, neck, temples, and feet.*
Aroma Siez: A crucial component of the Raindrop Technique®, Aroma Siez is formulated with lavender, peppermint, cypress, and other essential oils. Dilute Aroma Siez and incorporate it into a Raindrop experience or soothing massage, focusing on the neck and shoulder muscles.*

Click here for offer details.

250 PV Reward
: The free, transferable $30 enrollment voucher code is an ideal tool for sharing Young Living and bringing new energy to your organization. Look for a discount code in the notes section at the bottom of your qualifying 250 PV order invoice, which you may then give to an enrolling distributor to help offset the cost of any Start Living kit. To redeem the code, the enrolling distributor must sign up online, select a Start Living kit, and enter the voucher code upon checkout, allowing him or her to join for as little as $10!

In addition to this unique benefit, a qualifying order also includes the 190 PV reward, making it more enticing than ever to join Young Living! 

Click here for offer details.

300 PV Reward
: When you order 300 PV or more during April, you will be 500 points closer to full qualification for the Global Leadership Cruise, the elite Young Living training event of the year! April is your final month to earn points for the exclusive opportunity to learn from Young Living Founder and CEO D. Gary Young while enjoying the natural beauty of the Alaskan shore aboard a luxurious cruise ship. With limited space and only days left to earn your spot, this generous offer could be the final push you need to set sail to Alaska with other top Young Living leaders. Click here to learn more about the cruise.

Take advantage of this reward now, which stacks with the 190 PV and 250 PV rewards!

Click here for offer details.

190 PV Reward Offer Details

  • Offer is valid from 12:01 a.m., MT, April 1, 2013, to 11:59 p.m., MT, April 30, 2013.
  • Limit of one free 15-ml Aroma Siez and one free 15-ml Citrus Fresh per qualifying order.
  • Limit of five qualifying orders per month.
  • Single orders over 300 PV do not earn duplicate rewards. 
  • PV minimum must be reached in a single order. Partial orders placed throughout the qualifying months cannot be combined in order to receive the offer.
  • Offer is available to Young Living Independent Distributors and retail customers.
  • Offer does not apply to Essential Rewards point redemption orders.
  • Offer earned via phone, Essential Rewards, and online orders only.
  • PV is not earned on free product.
  • Member is responsible for shipping costs associated with ordered and free product.
  • Offer is valid in the U.S. and all NFR markets, except where restrictions prevent promotional product(s) from entering the country.
Back to Top

250 PV Reward Offer Details

  • Offer is valid from 12:01 a.m., MT, April 1, 2013, to 11:59 p.m., MT, April 30, 2013.
  • Limit of one free 15-ml Aroma Siez and one free 15-ml Citrus Fresh per qualifying order.
  • Voucher code may be used only once toward any Start Living kit for a new enrollee in the U.S. and all NFR markets, except where restrictions prevent promotional product(s) from entering the country.
  • Voucher code expires at 11:59 p.m., MT, July 31, 2013.
  • Exchanges or returns that reduce the PV below the minimum qualifying level will invalidate the voucher code.
  • Limit of one $30 enrollment voucher per new distributor.
  • Limit of five qualifying orders per month.
  • PV minimum must be reached in a single order. Partial orders placed throughout the qualifying months cannot be combined in order to receive the offer.
  • Single orders over 300 PV do not earn duplicate rewards.
  • PV is not earned on free product.
  • Offer does not apply to Essential Rewards point redemption orders.
  • Offer earned via phone, Essential Rewards, and online orders only.
  • Voucher code may be redeemed on online enrollment orders only and cannot be used on an Essential Rewards order.
  • Member is responsible for shipping costs associated with ordered and free product.
  • Offer is valid in the U.S. and all NFR markets, except where restrictions prevent promotional product(s) from entering the country.
Back to Top

300 PV Reward Offer Details
  • Offer is valid from 12:01 a.m., MT, April 1, 2013, to 11:59 p.m., MT, April 30, 2013.
  • PV minimum must be reached in a single order. Partial orders placed throughout the qualifying months cannot be combined in order to receive the offer.
  • Maximum qualifying order is 300 PV. Single orders over 300 PV do not earn duplicate rewards.
  • Please allow until the end of the month for points to appear on your account. To view your points, log in to Virtual Office and click on the Alaskan Cruise icon.
  • Global Leadership Cruise points have no cash value and do not count toward qualification for future Global Leadership Cruise events.
  • Limit of one free 5-ml ImmuPower and one free 15-ml R.C. per qualifying order.
  • Voucher code may only be used once toward any Start Living kit for a new enrollee in the U.S. and all NFR markets, except where restrictions prevent promotional product(s) from entering the country.
  • Voucher code expires 11:59 p.m., MT, July 31, 2013.
  • Limit of one $30 enrollment voucher per new distributor.
  • Limit of five qualifying orders per month.
  • Offer does not apply to Essential Rewards point redemption orders.
  • Offer earned via phone, Essential Rewards, and online orders only.
  • Member is responsible for shipping costs associated with ordered and free product.
  • Offer is valid in the U.S. and all NFR markets, except where restrictions prevent promotional product(s) from entering the country.