Saturday, December 31, 2011

2 types of traders - which one are you?

Dear There,

I'm determined to help you make 2012 your BEST YEAR EVER in the markets...

-so I just released ANOTHER new training video that addresses this important observation:

There are 2 types of traders --

  • Those that think they need to be trading all the time...
  • -and those who are SMART.

Watch my new video and see which one you are...

The concept I reveal in this video could be the difference between a lifetime of struggle in the markets, or a lifetime of ABUNDANCE in the markets.

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos







Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

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To update your contact information:

Friday, December 30, 2011

Is Bill Poulos running for office?

Dear Trader,

This is different...

What started as a private discussion with his son turned into a 16-minute political & economic "rant" all captured on video...

- and all for YOUR benefit.

If you have even the SLIGHTEST uncertainty about how the political & economic landscape is going to impact the market in 2012, you need to see this...

This private-turned-public discussion from 35+ year trading expert Bill Poulos just might be the "kick in the pants" you need to make 2012 your best year ever in the markets.

WARNING: You might not like what you're about to hear, but I think you need to hear it...

Good Trading,

Chris Lawrence.




























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my 16-minute "rant" = money in the bank?

Dear There,

This is different...

What started as a private discussion with my son turned into a 16-minute political & economic "rant" all captured on video...

-and all for YOUR benefit.

If you have even the SLIGHTEST uncertainty about how the political & economic landscape is going to impact the market in 2012, you need to see this...

This private-turned-public discussion I recorded just might be the "kick in the pants" you need to make 2012 your best year ever in the markets.

WARNING: You might not like what you're about to hear, but I think you need to hear it...

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos







Profits Run Inc.

28339 Beck Rd, Unit F1
Wixom, MI

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

...your Market Mastery "second chance"?

Dear Trader,

A few weeks ago, I let you in on what has turned out to be one the biggest trading surprises of the year:

- Market Mastery

This step-by-step trading program & companion Trade Alert Software from 35+ year trader Bill Poulos is a multi-media powerhouse that reveals the quickest & most flexible way to achieve INDEPENDENCE in the stock market in just 10 minutes a night while shielding yourself from risk...

- ESPECIALLY if you're inexperienced & have little time.

In just about 6 days, the initial # of programs Bill set aside for his new students quickly sold out, and for good reason:

  • Those lucky individuals who claimed their copy before it
    expired figured out that NOW is one of the best times ever to
    trade because of the huge volatility being created by the
    instability of the global markets.

The profit potential right now is awesome & EXTRA lucrative.


Now that the initial wave of new student inquiries has settled down a bit, Bill has decided to take on a few more new students - but only through Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012, at 11:59pm Eastern (New York time).

He's not saying how many more he'll take on, but I know this for a fact:

  • He's only letting in a small, limited number...
  • The doors close next TUESDAY...

And, it would not surprise me if he pulled his 'second chance' offer down early, especially if he gets more students than he can handle.

So, if you have ANY interest in getting in on what I think many traders will end up calling THE trading event of 2011, go here to see if any copies are still available...

Good Trading,

Chris Lawrence.

P.S. If you missed Bill's awesome complimentary training website where he revealed Market Mastery, you can still see the training videos here...























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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Get paid to start 2012 right

If you want to put the dismal news of 2011 behind
you and actually get paid to start off 2012 right,
I have good news for you.

One of the best ways to do that is to use the services
of a business growth coach.

But here's the thing. Most coaches have it backwards.
They expect you to pay them a small fortune to start
working with you and trust that somehow you'll see
a return on your money.

I think that's a raw deal for you.

The way I see it, when you hire a business coach,
you should know with 100% certainty that you're
going to see a sizable return on your investment.
And you're going to see it soon.

That's why I guarantee that when you use my
coaching services, you'll see an increase in sales
of at least $25,000 within the first two weeks or
it costs you nothing.

So if you want to start off 2012 right, why not
work with a coach who pays YOU first? To
get all the details, just click here:


Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy, Inc.

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Case Study: Email campaign increases sales 337%

If you're like most business owners or entrepreneurs,
the number one thing you could use right now is
an immediate boost in your cash flow. So here's
how to make sure you get your sales off to a fast
start in 2012.

I've recently been testing a new format for an email
campaign with a number of clients and it's producing
exceptional results.

Take a look at this case study, and then I'll show
you how you can produce similar results for your

Case Study: Increased profits of 337% in the
middle of this tough economy

David Nevogt is the CEO of Pure Point Golf,
a company that sells instructional videos to
an eager market of raving fans who are always
looking for new ways to take a few strokes off
their game. While his sales are solid, David did
notice some drop off due to the tough economic
times we're going through.

So he decided to give my new email format a
test, knowing that it had been proven before
and that my team would do all the work for

Now, I knew how well this new format had
done in tests to my own list, but I never like
to over promise, so we agreed that an increase
in sales of 50% would be an excellent result.

But the results that David reports far exceeded

"Not only are your campaigns fast and easy to
implement, but they make good money and
almost all of it goes straight to the bottom line. I
had a 337% increase over my average daily sales
on the days that I ran these campaigns. You write
good campaigns that are customer-driven, and
your team does most of the work, sending the
campaigns over in word-for-word format."
- David Nevogt, PurePoint Golf

Since then, I've tested the same campaign format
with a number of other clients and it's continued
to perform exceptionally well. You can see the
stellar results they got, in their own words, at the
end of this email.

How your company can enjoy similar results

If you'd like to get similar or even better response
with your email, I currently have four openings to
create a custom campaign for you at a very
reasonable price. However, in order to qualify for
this, you must meet the following requirements:

> You must have an email list of at least 5,000
people that you own (not a rented list).
Otherwise, this will not work.

> You should have a very good product of your
own. This is not meant for promoting as an

> You should be ready to get your campaign
out and bringing in new sales quickly.

The fee to have a campaign created for you,
completely ready to go is $3,750 plus a small
percentage of the profits I produce for you.

Plus, your results are completely guaranteed. Just
cut, paste and send the campaign to your list and
you'll produce at least $15,000 in new sales (and
probably much more) or my fee will be refunded.

Ready to get started? Then send me an email at:

In your email, tell me:

1. What product or service you sell
2. What the average amount of your typical
order is
3. How large your list is
4. How many people on your list are prospects
and how many are customers
5. How soon you'd like to start mailing

I'll review your request personally and get back to
you within 48 hours.


Bob Serling

P.S. And here are the testimonials with the
results some of my other clients produced
using the exact same email format.

"You have almost doubled my best day ever and
it's only been 8 hours since I hit the send key".
- Sam Snowdon, RBI

"Using one of your campaigns and investing about
two hours of my time, I collected $60,000 in
pre-paid bookings. I've decided to NOT
participate in this recession!"
- Peter Ursel, Kawartha Skin Care

"I knew I couldn't lose out by trying out this
campaign, and am ecstactic about the results.
I mean all I did was lazily copy and paste a few
emails that were written for me, and I made over
150 sales in under a week. This is great especially
as the campaign only went out to freebie subscribers
who hadn't bought from me before!"
- Dave Gale, FreeOnlineMarketingVideos

"This campaign is nothing short of amazing. Personally,
I didn't think it would work well on a high ticket item
that's been marketed fairly heavily prior to implementing
this campaign. To my surprise, it produced 34 NEW
sales and all I had to do was push a button. Seriously,
it just doesn't get any easier than that. Your campaign
is complex in psychological structure, but easy to
implement (you don't need to know all of the
'psychological buttons' being pushed, you just need to
implement it as instructed). If you can follow
directions, you will make more money. It's as simple as
- Keith Baxter, Modern Click

"I wanted to say thank you for the excellent email
campaign that you created for me. It performed 50%
better than any campaign I've sent to my list over the
past six months. I promote heavily to my list, so the
fact that your campaign could achieve this in about
7 days is amazing."
- Folusho Orokunle, Online Marketing Consultant

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

This Newsletter Is Closing

The end of 2011 is almost upon us.
Next year I am consolidating all my email 
newsletters into just one main newsletter, the 
You can sign by entering your name and email into this form -  
The email list that this message is being sent to 
will no longer receive all my updates. 
If you want to make sure you get my content, you 
have to move to the new list. 
I'm making this move for several reasons -
1. To get the "active and interested" people on to 
    my active list. 
2. To cull all the "dead" emails from my list.
3. To simplify my email newsletter system.
4. To reduce Aweber costs.
So I know you still want my content and to stay up 
to date with what I get up in 2012, register here - 
I'll send a few more notices over the coming month 
to give you a chance to migrate. 
If you don't respond, I'll assume you are no 
longer interested. 
Happy Holidays and I'll speak to you on the
new newsletter.
Yaro Starak
P.S. The new newsletter you are joining grants you 
access to some pretty cool resources, including - 
- My "How To Build A Profitable Website" guide
- All my free reports in audio and PDF
- An email course to keep you on track setting up 
  your profitable website 
Make the move now, register here -
This email is sent to you because you 
subscribed to the
email newsletter.
Here is your subscription information:
Name: There
Subscribe Date: February 13, 2009
Sometimes we send affiliate links in emails, which
means we may earn a commission if you click a link
and make a purchase. Thank you for supporting
our hard work :-)
Full Disclaimer:

GPO Box 2679, Brisbane, QLD 4001, AUSTRALIA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

...12 hours to go (hurry)

Dear Trader,

(This is a quick courtesy reminder.)

At 11:59pm Eastern (New York time) TONIGHT, December 20th, the complete Market Mastery trading program - including the custom intelligent END-OF-DAY trade alert software - is being PULLED FROM THE MARKET...

That means you only have 12 hours (or less) to get your hands on this program that's helping stock traders all around the globe predict the trend for the next 5 days on the 200 best stocks in 10 minutes or less a night...

-and depending on when you read this message, it may already be too late.

Get in here...

Good Trading,

Chris Lawrence.




























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paul wagner invited you to join him on Google+

paul wagner invited you to join him on Google+.
Join Google+
Google+ makes sharing on the web more like sharing in real life.
An easy way to share some things with college buddies, others with your parents, and almost nothing with your boss. Just like in real life.
Conversations are better face-to-face. Join a video hangout from your computer or mobile phone to catch up, watch YouTube videos together, or swap stories with up to 9 of your friends at once.
Lightning-fast group chat. Photos that upload themselves. A bird's-eye view of what's happening nearby. We built Google+ with mobile in mind.
You received this message because paul wagner invited to join Google+. Unsubscribe from these emails.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Last Chance to Pick-Pocket your Broker

Hi There,

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Jason Fielder is almost out of available licenses for his
new ForexArb custom software.

That means your chance to legally "pick-pocket"
your broker with click of a button is about to go

THIS page is coming down tonight at midnight...

While you still can, go check it out and see for
yourself why it's so push button simple to capture
these pips - and why your broker CAN'T STOP YOU.

High returns, super low risk... easiest trading

He's gotta close the doors tonight at midnight, though,
so act fast...

All the best,


ForexKiller, wilhelm greilstr 14, innsbruck, tirol 6020, Austria

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Trading bonuses revealed @ 19:03 (24 hrs to go)

Dear Trader,

This is it.

Bill Poulos just announced that he's shutting down his Market Mastery program in about 24 hours, TOMORROW, December 20th, at 11:59pm Eastern...

- so you need to HURRY if you want to download the trade alert software and get in on Bill's no risk 60 day trial.

Get it here...

Good Trading,

Chris Lawrence.

P.S. Wait 'til you see the insane bonuses you get with this program. The first one is revealed in the presentation here, around the 19 minute mark...



























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Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's SO MUCH MORE than custom trade alert software...

Dear Trader,

Many of you may already know this, but...

-Bill Poulos's brand new Market Mastery program is SO MUCH MORE than just the custom, intelligent trade alert software you've been seeing.

WAY MORE than that.

While the software is "cool" and I know that's what's getting all the attention, when you become Bill's student, you also are going to get:

  • The complete, step-by-step Market Mastery Home Study Course, packed with 7 CD-ROMS, 8 trading blueprints, 7 reference manuals, and a LOT more...
  • 1 year of unlimited email support (this is NOT crappy, outsourced support, either - you get priority V.I.P. access for a FULL YEAR with Bill's highly-paid, full-time support team that sits right outside his office and actually USES this program)...
  • 8 group coaching sessions, which kick off in a few weeks... these are a HUGE value and a great way to hone your skills with Market Mastery and become an Independent Master Trader as quickly as possible...

You're getting over 12 grand of real value for a super low price compared to a lot of "watered down" offerings that litter the marketplace (you've seen 'em)...

I've been watching Bill for years, and I can say without a doubt that Market Mastery is the best trading program he's ever produced, and I know that once you try it and see what it can do for you, you'll see how easy trading really can be.

But here are some FACTS regarding this program:

  • Bill WILL be pulling it off the market very soon because his support team is almost at capacity...
  • If he releases more copies in the future, he'll almost certainly be increasing the price to be "on par" with his competitors... (I've watched him do this in the past)

So if you want IN at the cheapest this program is ever going to be, get in NOW.

And from what I've seen, you could have already paid for the cost of the program with some of the trades it generated over the past few weeks... Now, anything can happen - you may fare worse, you may fare better, but this is GREAT NEWS.

Here's Bill's short presentation that reveals how to get access RIGHT NOW to the trade alert software...

Good Trading,

Chris Lawrence.

P.S. I'm glad Bill was able to keep the price so low on this program for you. It really deserves to be sold at twice the price he's letting you in at right now, and I firmly believe he'll come to his senses in the next few months and raise the price to where it should be.

As it stands now, you're getting in at what amounts to around 83 percent off the full real world value of this program, and that's a big deal.

Get in here...

p.p.s. Just as I finished this email, I received confirmation that at this time next week, Bill's program WILL be off the market. I imagine he'll close it in the next several days, so if you're still "on the fence", get in on his 60 day trial here...

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Steal ALL the Market Mastery training before it's gone...

Dear Trader,

If you were one of those traders fortunate enough to already have enrolled in Bill Poulos's Market Mastery program last week, then you already know you're poised to capture some HUGE profit potential in the coming weeks, months, and years ahead.

It's really exciting (I have a copy of the program, too).

But in the midst of all this excitement, I think a lot of folks have forgotten that there's STILL a ton of complimentary training on Bill's Market Mastery website right here...

Make sure you check it out ASAP because this is a "temporary" training website that he'll be taking offline soon and moving inside his password-protected member's only website for his Market Mastery students...

- but you can still get access now at no cost here...

There's more "what works now" trading tactics & strategies than you'd find in many trading courses you'd have to PAY for.

It's just a LOT of great training... so even if you're still "on the fence" about joining Bill, make sure you check it out before it's gone.

Good Trading,

Chris Lawrence

P.S. I just got word that on Monda morning, Bill's going to be announcing when he'll be pulling his Market Mastery enrollment page OFFLINE and closing the doors so he can get to work with his new students. The date will be sooner than you think, so make sure you get everything you can out of this training website while it's still up...




























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Service professionals - did you miss this?

If you're a service professional, consultant or coach
looking to take your business to the next level, the
most effective way to do that is...

Become THE recognized expert in your field

Need proof? Just the other day, I received an invitation
from a well known publication with a readership of
more than 2 million business owners and executives
asking me to write an article for them. They gave me
free reign on any topic of my choice.

This is the direct result of my having followed a carefully
devised system to become known as the leading expert
(or at least at the top of the class) in my field.

Can you imagine what it would be like if the most
important media outlets for your profession sought you
out - rather than you having to jump through hoops to
get even minimal coverage?

When you're the recognized expert, it gets even better

If you saw the recent promotion I did for one of my
licensing programs, then you know about two deals
I recently struck that will pay me six-figures each this
year. One was with a prominent sales training company
and the other was with a major publisher.

But the most important point about these deals is that
both of those companies came to me, rather than me
approaching them. Here again, this is the direct result
of systematically developing a reputation as a highly
recognized expert in my field.

What all of this means to YOU

The fact is, becoming known as a top level expert does
not occur by chance. As I said, it's due to a systematic
process that's carefully orchestrated to deliver powerful

And the best part is that any service professional can
harness this system to quickly become known as a
top level expert in their industry. I call this system:

Expert Profits

How to multiply your income by becoming
the recognized expert in your field

Here's what a few service professionals have to say
about being exposed to just parts of this system:

"The ideas generated were way beyond my
expectations. And one of the strategies you helped
us come up could easily catapult us to national
prominence virtually overnight... at very little cost
to us. I would estimate that the new strategies that
we developed along with the tactics that support
them will result in a 300% increase in revenues for
this project. I highly recommend you to any
organization interested in making big increases in
sales, regardless of how successful they already are."
- Larry Hayward, Vice President
PMI, Inc.

"Within the first five minutes, Bob came up with a
strategy that's so powerful, it will easily be worth
hundreds of thousands of dollars to my business. If
you get the chance to have Bob work with you, my
advice is to do whatever it takes to lock in your slot.
His unconventional perspective is sure to work
wonders for your profits."
- Jim McQuillan, President
Carnegie-Hill Communications

"Bob, the practical techniques you've shared have
significantly increased revenues and profits for our
business. Sales are up by over 40% in just 3 months
and we've only implemented a third of your strategies
so far."
- Randall Evenson, President
Evenson & Associates

How to quickly become THE recognized expert
in your field

In January or February, I'm considering presenting
"Expert Profits - How to multiply your income by
becoming the recognized expert in your field".

It consists of six months of live training... ongoing
mentoring and support provided by me personally...
a multi-media training site you can refer to again
and again... and a complete blueprint that allows you
to start dominating your market as the leading expert
in the shortest time possible.

Because of the deep level of coaching and support
I'll be providing, the enrollment will be limited to no
more than 20 people. The fee will be around $22,500
for the six-month program - and your results are
completely guaranteed.

BONUS Guarantee. I'm also adding in a second,
no-nonsense guarantee. At the live kick-off event I'll
reveal a simple, highly effective strategy that will add
at least $50,000 in sales to your business immediately.
If it fails to achieve this, the program costs you nothing.

So in a very real sense, the program actually pays for
itself right out of the gate. That's how committed I am
to making certain you get tangible results right from
the start and throughout the entire program.

With this in mind, if you'd like to get on the Early
Notice list to receive all the details for this program
once they're ready, just click here:

It's quick - just enter your name and email address and
you're on the Early Notice list. While placing your name
on this list does not obligate you to enroll in the
program, since I'm also measuring the level of interest
in the program, please do NOT sign up unless you're
serious about this and can afford it.


Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy, Inc.

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Friday, December 16, 2011

...another 11% gain (& counting)?

Dear Trader,

Did you download your copy of Bill Poulos's Market Mastery Trade Alert Software yet?

It was just released yesterday, but it looks like he'll be closing it down in a matter of days to begin working with his new students, so make sure you get in on your 60 day trial and download it here while you still can...

Also, this is VERY interesting (and you may have missed it)...

A few days ago, Bill posted another "profit update" video that shows how his trade alert software bagged ANOTHER 11% gain over the past week or so...

And no, he's not just "showcasing" the good trades - that's the NET over 5 trades (including 2 losing trades).

Watch this...

I don't know about you, but I'll take those kinds of trades ALL DAY LONG.

If you like what you see, make sure you "lock in" your 60 day trial NOW and download your copy of the software so you see for yourself how this could work for you.

This is going to be awesome...

Good Trading,

Chris Lawrence.



























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Thursday, December 15, 2011

60-day Market Mastery trial starts NOW (it's LIVE!)

Dear Trader,

It's time --

  • Market Mastery is LIVE!

Get it here...

Make sure you watch the ENTIRE presentation on that page -- it reveals some BRAND NEW, SURPRISE EXTRAS you're going to get when you enroll in the program today...

I've been following Bill Poulos for some time, and I can say without hesitation that Market Mastery is his HIGHEST VALUE trading program he's ever released.

It's so good, that I think he'll probably end up doubling the price, so if you're ready to add on another safe, predictable income stream with stocks in 10 minutes a night, go and get this NOW...

Good Trading,

Chris Lawrence.

P.S. I just found out that when you enroll today, you'll get to INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD Bill's trade alert software that he showcased to you last week. Get it here...



























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Blog: Never pet a dog when it's sleeping

I'll bet you didn't know that there are a lot
of similarities between how to care for a dog
and how to make your marketing more effective
and profitable.

I've just posted an article that explains this
odd relationship and how to use it to improve
the results of all your marketing:

Be sure to leave a comment after you've read
the article!


Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy, Inc.

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

36 hour Market Mastery scholarship GIVEAWAY (hurry)

Dear Trader,

How'd you like to get your hands on Bill Poulos's Market Mastery trade alert software... PLUS his companion home study course, and...


Well, he JUST announced a "36 Hour Scholarship Giveaway"!

If you get this message before 9am Eastern on Thursday, December 15th, then there's still time to enter.

Spend a few seconds and place your entry here...

Good luck!

Good Trading,

Chris Lawrence.

P.S. After you place your entry, make sure you see Bill's latest trade update video where he shows how this software bagged about 11% in profit potential over the past week or so trading part-time in 10 minutes or less a night...




















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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Greg "grills Bill" live on video...

Dear Trader,

With the release of the brand new Market Mastery trade alert software just days away (on December 15th), its developer, Bill Poulos, just posted an "unusual" video today...

This one is a live "ambush" in his trading lab where his son, Greg, "grills" him with some probing questions about his new software.

You might be surprised by what Bill has to say...

(WARNING: The camera work is a little shakey.)

Check it out here...

Good Trading,

Chris Lawrence.

P.S. After you see the interview, if you have even the SLIGHTEST interest in trying out Bill's Market Mastery software when it's released this Thursday, make sure you get on his "Cut In Line" list for special V.I.P. access an hour before it's officially released. Trust me. You WANT to be on this list.




























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For service professionals only

If you're a service professional, consultant or coach
looking to take your business to the next level, the
most effective way to do that is...

Become THE recognized expert in your field

Need proof? Just the other day, I received an invitation
from a well known publication with a readership of
more than 2 million business owners and executives
asking me to write an article for them. They gave me
free reign on any topic of my choice.

This is the direct result of my having followed a carefully
devised system to become known as the leading expert
(or at least at the top of the class) in my field.

Can you imagine what it would be like if the most
important media outlets for your profession sought you
out - rather than you having to jump through hoops to
get even minimal coverage?

When you're the recognized expert, it gets even better

If you saw the recent promotion I did for one of my
licensing programs, then you know about two deals
I recently struck that will pay me six-figures each this
year. One was with a prominent sales training company
and the other was with a major publisher.

But the most important point about these deals is that
both of those companies came to me, rather than me
approaching them. Here again, this is the direct result
of systematically developing a reputation as a highly
recognized expert in my field.

What all of this means to YOU

The fact is, becoming known as a top level expert does
not occur by chance. As I said, it's due to a systematic
process that's carefully orchestrated to deliver powerful

And the best part is that any service professional can
harness this system to quickly become known as a
top level expert in their industry. I call this system:

Expert Profits

How to multiply your income by becoming
the recognized expert in your field

Here's what a few service professionals have to say
about being exposed to just parts of this system:

"The ideas generated were way beyond my
expectations. And one of the strategies you helped
us come up could easily catapult us to national
prominence virtually overnight... at very little cost
to us. I would estimate that the new strategies that
we developed along with the tactics that support
them will result in a 300% increase in revenues for
this project. I highly recommend you to any
organization interested in making big increases in
sales, regardless of how successful they already are."
- Larry Hayward, Vice President
PMI, Inc.

"Within the first five minutes, Bob came up with a
strategy that's so powerful, it will easily be worth
hundreds of thousands of dollars to my business. If
you get the chance to have Bob work with you, my
advice is to do whatever it takes to lock in your slot.
His unconventional perspective is sure to work
wonders for your profits."
- Jim McQuillan, President
Carnegie-Hill Communications

"Bob, the practical techniques you've shared have
significantly increased revenues and profits for our
business. Sales are up by over 40% in just 3 months
and we've only implemented a third of your strategies
so far."
- Randall Evenson, President
Evenson & Associates

How to quickly become THE recognized expert
in your field

In January or February, I'm considering presenting
"Expert Profits - How to multiply your income by
becoming the recognized expert in your field".

It consists of six months of live training... ongoing
mentoring and support provided by me personally...
a multi-media training site you can refer to again
and again... and a complete blueprint that allows you
to start dominating your market as the leading expert
in the shortest time possible.

Because of the deep level of coaching and support
I'll be providing, the enrollment will be limited to no
more than 20 people. The fee will be around $22,500
for the six-monthg program - and your results are
completely guaranteed.

BONUS Guarantee. I'm also adding in a second,
no-nonsense guarantee. At the live kick-off event I'll
reveal a simple, highly effective strategy that will add
at least $50,000 in sales to your business immediately.
If it fails to achieve this, the program costs you nothing.

So in a very real sense, the program actually pays for
itself right out of the gate. That's how committed I am
to making certain you get tangible results right from
the start and throughout the entire program.

With this in mind, if you'd like to get on the Early
Notice list to receive all the details for this program
once they're ready, just click here:

It's quick - just enter your name and email address and
you're on the Early Notice list. While placing your name
on this list does not obligate you to enroll in the
program, since I'm also measuring the level of interest
in the program, please do NOT sign up unless you're
serious about this and can afford it.


Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy, Inc.

Profit Alchemy Inc, 2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Monday, December 12, 2011 much does Market Mastery cost? (NEW)

Dear Trader,

Real quick... the new Market Mastery training website has been getting FLOODED with questions about the new 5-day predictive Trade Alert Software.

Not surprisingly, the #1 question has been:

The developer, Bill Poulos, address this, and 2 other questions in a new video update he just recorded here...

Good Trading,
Chris Lawrence.

P.S.. FYI, Bill is NOT taking orders for his new software yet (even if you try to phone his office, like some people have been doing). To be fair, he'll be releasing the program at the same time for everyone:

  • Next THURSDAY, December 15th, at 1pm Eastern.

If you want to make sure you don't miss out, the best thing to do is to get on the "Cut In Line" priority list below this video...

(that will give you a ONE HOUR advanced jump over everybody else on Thursday)



























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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Can your broker stop you from pocketing pips with ForexArb?

Hi There,

Ever since Jason Fielder released ForexArb on Tuesday...

...he's had interesting questions come in from
prospective owners.

So I thought I'd share a few of them with you...

* Question: Can your broker stop you from pocketing pips
with ForexArb?

Answer: No. Because of how ForexArb works, your brokers
don't even know you are arbitrage trading. It's a fact,
different brokers sometimes quote different prices at
the same time for the same pairs. ForexArb allows you
to capture those pips day in and day out.

* Question: How do you 'arb trade' between two brokers?

Answer: With ForexArb, you can instantly spot arbitrage
trades between two different brokers. I explain how
I discovered currency arbitrage here:

* Question: Will trading with two brokers double the
transaction costs?

Answer: Thankfully, after months of testing we found
that your trading costs are not doubled. Again, because
of the way ForexArb captures the pip spread between
brokers, your net gain is greater than the costs.

* Question: Does ForexArb run on MetaTrader 4?

Answer: Yes. ForexArb is custom software but it
uses MetaTrader 4 inherently as part of how it

Arb trading allows you to legally pick pocket your
broker for anywhere from 5 to 95 pips over and over

If you haven't already, go get the whole exciting
story behind ForexArb here... it's like nothing else
you've ever seen.

Remember, Jason is only releasing a limited number of the
ForexArb licenses, so make sure you check this out
before the page comes down.

All my best,


ForexKiller, wilhelm greilstr 14, innsbruck, tirol 6020, Austria

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Case Study: Email campaign increases sales 337%

If you're like most business owners or entrepreneurs,
the number one thing you could use right now is
an immediate boost in your cash flow.

I've recently been testing a new format for an email
campaign with a number of clients and it's producing
stellar results.

Take a look at this case study, and then I'll show
you how you can produce similar results for your

Case Study: Increased profits of 337% in the
middle of this tough economy

David Nevogt is the CEO of Pure Point Golf,
a company that sells instructional videos to
an eager market of raving fans who are always
looking for new ways to take a few strokes off
their game. While his sales are solid, David did
notice some drop off due to the tough economic
times we're going through.

So he decided to give my new email format a
test, knowing that it had been proven before
and that my team would do all the work for

Now, I knew how well this new format had
done in tests to my own list, but I never like
to over promise, so we agreed that an increase
in sales of 50% would be an excellent result.

But the results that David reports far exceeded

"Not only are your campaigns fast and easy to
implement, but they make good money and
almost all of it goes straight to the bottom line. I
had a 337% increase over my average daily sales
on the days that I ran these campaigns. You write
good campaigns that are customer-driven, and
your team does most of the work, sending the
campaigns over in word-for-word format."
- David Nevogt, PurePoint Golf

Since then, I've tested the same campaign format
with a number of other clients and it's continued
to perform exceptionally well. You can see the
stellar results they got, in their own words, at the
end of this email.

How your company can enjoy similar results

If you'd like to get a similar or even better increase
in your sales, then you'll want to check out the
details on my new "Sales Surge Clinic". It's an
affordable coaching program where I'll personally
guide you in using my proven campaign format
to produce an immediate sales surge for your

During this program, I'll actually give you the
exact email formats I use with all my clients and
break them down step-by-step. You'll clearly
understand how and why they work so well.

And most importantly, I'll coach you through
customizing them for your own business to
create an immediate sales surge.

The program will be presented in four sessions
spread over two weeks. Each week, we'll start
with a video-based training session, followed by
a live coaching session later that week.

At the end of these two weeks, you'll have
a ready-to-go email campaign you can use
to generate substantial sales immediately. And
your results are completely guaranteed.

Here's the next step

The fee for this program, which includes
comprehensive training, coaching and support all
provided by me personally is $3,750. If you follow
my instructions and send the campaign to your
list, I guarantee you'll see a minimum sales surge
of at least $15,000 (and probably much more)
or it costs you nothing.

However, in order to qualify for the Sales Surge
Clinic, you must meet the following requirements:

> You must have an email list of at least 5,000
people that you own (not a rented list).
Otherwise, this will not work.

> You should have a very good product of your
own. This is not meant for promoting as an

> You should be ready to get your campaign
out and bringing in new sales quickly. It will
only take a few hours and the work is enjoyable,
but unless you're readly to apply this now, it
doesn't make sense to enroll.

Enrollment in the Sales Surge Clinic coaching
program is $3,750. This is a fraction of the $30k
plus a percentage of profits I normally charge my
one-on-one clients. But because I'm doing this
as a small group coaching program, I can lower
the fee significantly.

And don't forget, by following my instructions
and mailing your campaign, you're guaranteed
a minimum sales surge of $15,000 or it costs
you nothing.

The Sales Surge Clinic will be presented in
early January and I'll have all the details ready
soon. To put your name on the list now for
early notice, just click here:

Because I'll be coaching each member personally,
enrollment will be limited to a small group. By
putting your name on the list now, you'll get
priority enrollment when the doors open.


Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy, Inc.

P.S. What the heck, let's make this even better.
When you enroll in the program, I'll even
add in a special bonus strategy that gives
you a foolproof way to double or triple
the results you produce with your campaign.

There's no cost for this powerful bonus
when you enroll. This one's on me.

So jump on this now:

P.P.S. And here are the testimonials I promised you
with the results some of my other clients
produced using the exact same campaign

> "You have almost doubled my best day ever and
it's only been 8 hours since I hit the send key".
- Sam Snowdon, RBI

> "Using one of your campaigns and investing about
two hours of my time, I collected $60,000 in
pre-paid bookings. I've decided to NOT
participate in this recession!"
- Peter Ursel, Kawartha Skin Care

> "I knew I couldn't lose out by trying out this
campaign, and am ecstactic about the results.
I mean all I did was lazily copy and paste a few
emails that were written for me, and I made over
150 sales in under a week. This is great especially
as the campaign only went out to freebie subscribers
who hadn't bought from me before!"
- Dave Gale, FreeOnlineMarketingVideos

> "This campaign is nothing short of amazing.
Personally, I didn't think it would work well on a
high ticket item that's been marketed fairly heavily
prior to implementing this campaign. To my surprise,
it produced 34 NEW sales and all I had to do was
push a button. Seriously, it just doesn't get any
easier than that. Your campaign is complex in
psychological structure, but easy to implement (you
don't need to know all of the 'psychological buttons'
being pushed, you just need to implement it as
instructed). If you can follow directions, you will
make more money. It's as simple as that."
- Keith Baxter, Modern Click

> "I wanted to say thank you for the excellent email
campaign that you created for me. It performed 50%
better than any campaign I've sent to my list over the
past six months. I promote heavily to my list, so the
fact that your campaign could achieve this in about
7 days is amazing."
- Folusho Orokunle, Online Marketing Consultant

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Market Mastery RESULTS + BIG NEWS (video #3)

Dear Trader,

I hope you've been enjoying the new Market Mastery video training so far that was released this week...

Well, Video #3 was just put online and it may be the most exciting of the 3 because you get to see:

  • Some "CRAZY GOOD" recent trade results (no 'cherry picking')

You'll see how it's indeed possible to rake in a LOT of profit potential RIGHT NOW, even while the "mainstream media" continues to whine about how bad everything is.

Potential success in the markets is a CHOICE. All you need to do is decide you want it, and then take appropriate action to get it.

See Video #3 right here...

BIG NEWS <-- Market Mastery RELEASE DATE...

35+ year trading expert Bill Poulos just announced that he's going to be releasing his step-by-step trading program - Market Mastery - which includes his brand new custom, intelligent Trade Alert Software, on:

  • THURSDAY, December 15th, at 1pm Eastern (New York time).

Be sure to watch all of Video #3 for more details.

This is going to be exciting!

After you watch video #3 please post a comment if you like what you see.

Good Trading,
Chris Lawrence.

P.S. Bill also reveals his famous "F.R.E.E. Trade Strategy" in Video #3, which you can begin using TODAY, regardless of your trading method. The big deal about this strategy is that the #1 goal is to get you into a position where it's IMPOSSIBLE to lose. I know that sounds weird, but you'll see what I mean in the video here...














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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Do your stocks pass this 4-step 'profit test'?

Dear Trader,

Part 2 of Bill Poulos's brand new "Market Mastery" video training series was just released.

It's called:

In this video, Bill reveals the simple 4-step formula anyone can use to quickly & automatically find the Top 3% of all stocks that offer the most profit potential every time you trade.

All you need to do is copy Bill's formula and you can whittle down the 7,000+ available stocks to a tiny list of about 200.

(That that list of 200 is where most of the easy profit potential is waiting.)

And maybe the best part is that you can use Bill's "fast filter" technique RIGHT NOW.

Go here to watch this training video now...

Good Trading,

Chris Lawrence.

p.s. Regardless of HOW you trade, make sure you're NOT trading any of the stocks that appear on the "Poison 97%" list. You can easily apply Bill's formula that he teaches in this video to see if your chosen stocks pass this profit test.




























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The ugly truth about hiring a coach

If you're thinking about hiring a coach to help you
take your sales and profits to the next level, here's
something important you should know.

The ugly truth is that most coaches have it backwards.
They expect you to pay them a small fortune to start
working with you and trust that somehow you'll see
a return on your money.

To put it bluntly, that's a raw deal for you.

The way I see it, when you hire a business coach,
you should know with 100% certainty that you're
going to see a sizable return on your investment.
And you're going to see it soon.

That's why I guarantee that when you use my
coaching services, you'll see an increase in sales
of at least $25,000 within the first two weeks or
it costs you nothing.

Why not work with a coach who pays YOU
first? To get all the details, just click here:


Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Monday, December 5, 2011

Demo download ending soon

Hi There,

If you haven't grabbed your copy
of Jason Fielder's ForexArb demo,
times running out...

Like I said yesterday, he's allowing a limited
number of traders to download a demo copy
of his new, one of a kind Arb software.

It's going like hot cakes because it allows
you to legally 'pick pocket' your broker for
5 to 95 pips over and over again...

He's only releasing a limited number of licenses.
So if you're serious about checking ForexArb out,
download your demo today.

You'll see in real time how ForexArb captures
pips like crazy...

Don't wait on this... Jason will be pulling
down the demo link soon.

Here's your private download link.

Jason asks that you please don't share it with

All the best,

ForexKiller, wilhelm greilstr 14, innsbruck, tirol 6020, Austria

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Do you trade any of the 'Poison 97%'?

Dear Trader,

As you probably know, there are over 7,000 stocks to choose from on just the U.S. exchanges alone...

But what you might NOT know is that about 97% of these stocks are PURE POISON for your portfolio, meaning that the odds are stacked AGAINST you before you even place a trade.

Recently, one of the most respected trading experts in our community discovered a way to automatically FILTER OUT the 'poison' stocks and leave you with:

  • The Top 3% that offer the most profit potential every time you trade.

These are the safest, most predictable stocks that give you the best odds...

- and if you're NOT trading stocks in the Top 3%, you could be unknowingly KILLING your portfolio.

This trading expert recorded a series of brand new training videos that reveal his discovery, and show you how to filter out the poison stocks yourself.

The first video is ready to watch here...

After you watch it, please leave a comment below the video and let the community know what you think.

I think we're on to something big here...

Good Trading,

Chris Lawrence.

P.S. With this discovery, you have the potential to BEAT the S&P500 by 5,420% or MORE. I know, it sounds weird, but it'll make sense after you watch the video...




























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Popup Domination Discount Ends Today

I want to thank the 75 people who have already 
ordered Popup Domination 3.0 via my link. 
It's a must-have plugin for email list building 
bloggers and I appreciate that you choose to buy 
it through me. 
If you haven't bought your copy yet, today is the 
day to decide because the launch week discount 
In roughly 24 hours from when I sent this email 
the price will go up from $47 to $77. 
You can order it here:
And read my review and how we use 
the plugin on EJ here -
Here's to your blogging success,
Yaro Starak
This email is sent to you because you 
subscribed to the
email newsletter.
Here is your subscription information:
Name: There
Subscribe Date: February 13, 2009
Sometimes we send affiliate links in emails, which
means we may earn a commission if you click a link
and make a purchase. Thank you for supporting
our hard work :-)
Full Disclaimer:

GPO Box 2679, Brisbane, QLD 4001, AUSTRALIA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

(DOWNLOAD) 20-minute money-saving BLUEPRINT

Dear There,

Did you know that every year, most Americans unknowingly THROW AWAY hundreds or even THOUSANDS of dollars for a financial service that everyone needs, yet very few actually understand?

It's true, and you're probably unknowingly doing it right now...

-but it's not your fault, because the faceless 'string pullers' that truly run the behind-the-scenes financial empires that drive the economy don't want you to know the truth.

Many of you know that I work with my son, Greg... but what you probably don't know is that my younger brother, also named Greg, has been in the financial services industy for nearly 40 years.

That's enough time to discover the inner-workings, the secrets... the TRUTH about what really goes on inside the "inner sanctums" of the heartless corporations that just view all of us as a number on their balance sheet.

And that's why my brother just released a brand new money-saving blueprint that reveals how to potentially keep hundreds or thousands of dollars in your wallet EVERY YEAR.

IMPORTANT: The techniques he reveals in this 'blueprint' are for U.S. citizens only, so if that's you...

-download your complimentary copy of "The 20-Minute Money Saving Blueprint" right here.

If you're like me, then you're looking for every possible way to SAVE as much money as possible, and this 'blueprint' can help you do just that.

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos







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Profits Run

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Profits Run

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Grab your demo of ForexArb...

Hi There,

You have to see this for yourself...

There's a ton of buzz after Jason Fielder posted
the video revealing his one of a kind Arb software.

It seems the ability to legally 'pick pocket'
your broker for 5 to 95 pips over and over
again is really, really popular...

Because he's only releasing a limited number
of licenses, I know that anyone who is serious
about getting a copy will have to act fast.

So the fairest thing he can do right now is
let you download a demo of ForexArb and see
for yourself how it captures pips like crazy.

That will answer so many of the questions
that have been flooding in...

I'm not sure how long he'll leave this demo
online, though...

So here's your private download link and
please don't share it with anyone.

Download your ForexArb demo here:

I'm confident that once you see with your
own eyes how many arb opportunities there
are to pocket 5 to 95 pip gains, you'll
be able to make an informed decision very

All the best,

ForexKiller, wilhelm greilstr 14, innsbruck, tirol 6020, Austria

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Sales results that defy the economy

While the economy continues to falter and politicians
are busy blaming the other side, most people I hear
from are frustrated by the drop off in sales they're
experiencing. And let's face it, the challenge to keep
sales coming in will continue for quite some time.

So I wanted to tell you about some good news when
it comes to improving your sales results. Over the
past year, while the economy has been in the tank,
I've used a proprietary 4-step process I developed
called M.O.S.T. to produce exceptional results,
considerably outperforming everything else my team
has tested.

I started by using my own company as the guinea
pig for this process about a year ago. And I was
really excited when the campaign I created using
M.O.S.T. produced $121,000 in additional sales I
wouldn't have seen without it. (Plus, I've used it
multiple times since then to generate equally
beneficial results).

But I also realized I had to prove that M.O.S.T.
would work in completely different businesses from
my own. So I quickly enlisted three other companies
to test it - and it came through with flying colors.

For example, a company that sells golf products
reported these results:

"You have almost doubled my best day ever and
it's only been 8 hours since I hit the send key".
- Sam Snowdon, Recovered Balls International

Another client, in a completely different industry
(cosmetic skin procedures) hit it out of the park
on their first effort as well:

"Using your process and investing about two
hours of my time, I collected $150,000 in
pre-paid bookings. Better yet, since I can run
this multiple times, it should easily produce far
more additional business. I've decided to NOT
participate in this recession!"
- Dr. Peter Ursel, Kawartha Skin Care

And yet a third client who sells training programs
reports these results:

"I tried out this campaign and am ecstatic about
the results. I mean all I did was lazily copy and
paste a few emails and I made over 150 sales in
under a week. This is especially great as the
campaign only went out to freebie subscribers
who hadn't bought from me before."
- Dave Gale

Now, the results from the campaigns created by
using the M.O.S.T. process were obviously excellent,
particularly in the middle of this deep recession. But
the most important factor is that these results were
produced by three different businesses in three very
different industries. And this process will work for
nearly any business in any industry.

Ready to start getting similar results - even in a
recessionary economy?

In January, I'll be presenting a new coaching program
called "M.O.S.T. - How to defy the economy and
increase your sales right now (and for as long as
you're in business)".

If you're accepted into this program, I'll personally
work with you on a 1-to-1 basis to generate an
immediate sales surge by applying M.O.S.T. to your
business. And because this process can be repeated
multiple times each year as you saw in the examples
above, you'll also get a simplified M.O.S.T Cheat
Sheet that lets you cut, paste and profit from the
process whenever you want.

The fee for this program will be $3,000 per month
plus 3% of the additional revenue I produce for
you. And you have the option of choosing each
month whether or not to continue. Your decision
will be made before a new month begins, so you'll
never be charged unless you specifically choose
to continue.

In addition, your results are completely guaranteed
in two ways. First, while I can't promise that you'll
make as much as the clients whose results you saw
above, in the first month alone, you must see a
minimum of $15,000 in additional sales from our
work together or it costs you nothing.

In each additional month, if you aren't thoroughly
satisfied that you've received far more than
your money's worth, just let me know and that
month's fee will be refunded immediately.

There is one caveat however. The M.O.S.T. process
is designed to work for companies that have been
in business for at least a couple of years. If you are
in the process of starting a new business, then this
program would not be a good fit for you.

With this in mind, if you'd like to get on the Early
Notice list to receive all the details on the M.O.S.T.
coaching program once they're ready, just click

It's quick - just enter your name and email address
and you're on the Early Notice list. While placing
your name on this list does not obligate you to enroll
in the program, please do NOT sign up unless you're
serious about this and have a strong desire to
participate in the program.

Thanks - and I hope to work with you personally
in the program!


Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy, Inc.

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit: