Thursday, June 6, 2013

Dr Kim Bloomer On EO's

DrKim Bloomer in summary what would you as an ND say about oils being dangerous? And does quality play a role in the safety factor?

"Absolutely quality plays a major role. The article you shared about Gary Young's first experience with essential oils was very similar to mine. I tried the store bought junk a few times and I had sworn off EOs altogether as being "bogus". Then when my Mastiff had issues and the status quo made things even worse, well I decided it was time to dive headlong into natural health. I began researching and found an ancient healing arts center and met my YL sponsor. He wanted me to try a variety of oils, etc. and I thought - no way not that junk. Well after he sent me the animal products from YL and I tried them on my dog, and they worked. Guess what? I became intrigued. By the way I noticed a HUGE difference in the smell in the Animal Scents Ointment alone. I had not even tried the actual EOs yet. I joined YL but didn't do anything for FOUR months. I joined some YL Yahoo groups like the Joy group and a horse/pet group. I learned a lot. And actually became envious of the healing successes everyone was experiencing. I ordered the basic kit. When I first tried lavender I could not believe it. I slept like a baby that night and fell in love with the eos. Then I ordered SEVERAL kits lol and the EODR. I have not looked back. I would never, ever, ever use any other oils on myself but definitely NEVER with animals. They are too sensitive to even chance it. Those store bought oils or oils that claim to be "therapeutic" with no science backing their claims are just plain dangerous - even more so with animals IMO." -----  Dr. Kim Bloomer

For those of you who missed the excellent call from one of our resident Superstars here it is!

Conference Play Back
Playback Number: (805) 360-1999
Access Code: 557553#

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