Thursday, July 10, 2014

Introducing: Email Snooze and Thread Splitting


 Introducing Email Snooze and Thread Splitting

Two magical tools to make you more productive in your inbox.


Email Snooze


We just launched the email snooze feature which lets you hide an email for now, and have it come back later.

When you snooze an email, Streak will archive the the thread now and get it out of your inbox. Then, at the time you specify, it will bring it back to the top of your inbox and mark it as unread.

This is really useful to remind you to follow up on critical emails or help you clear out your inbox by archiving a message until you can deal with it later.

We've also added a lot of other nifty features like showing you a list of all your snoozed messages right in your inbox, as well as the ability to automatically cancel the snooze if someone replies to the thread.

Take the tour below to see how you can be more productive in Gmail.


Thread Splitting


Everyone has experienced a case where Gmail adds messages all to the same thread even when they shouldn't be.

Thread Splitting is another feature that feels magical when you use it. 

It allows you to move specific messages from a thread out and into a new seperate thread. You can split a thread into as many smaller threads as you'd like.

You'll definitely want to take the tour below to see how awesome thread splitting can be!

589 Howard Street
San Francisco
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