Saturday, May 8, 2010

Survey - A very different kind of Master Mind

Hi There,

A couple of days ago, I sent out the email below
about a new Master Mind group I'm considering
forming for companies with revenue of $1 million
per year or more.

I realize that only a small segment of the people
on this list will meet that qualification, but if you
do and didn't see my earlier email, I want to make
sure you have the chance to consider this.

Why? Because my format for this Master Mind
is very different than anything you've ever
experienced. To put it bluntly, it can ramp up
your sales and profits at warp speed.

Here's an example of what I mean. The other
day, while I was on the phone with friend,
Mike Koenigs, Co-Founder of Traffic Geyser,
I gave him one of the Master Mind techniques
we'll be using in this group. It's called the
"Opportunity Gap Identifier" and it helps you
instantly identify gaps in your marketing or business
strategies that you aren't taking full advantage of.

Here's what happened next - in a matter of
minutes while we were still on the phone,
according to Mike:

"That tactic you gave me was crazy. It's a very
simple, elegant question that makes you look
at your business in a very different way. For
me, it was like getting whacked in the head
with a brick, but I mean that in the best way
possible. Instantly, it shifted me into seeing
a much broader and very practical way to
market one of my products. This will easily be
worth six figures to my business in the next 90
days. Very impressive!"
- Mike Koenigs, Co-founder
Traffic Geyser

By the way, if the response to this survey is
strong enough to warrant moving ahead with
the Master Mind, I'll be giving you the same
technique I gave Mike BEFORE the Master
Mind ever begins. This alone should more
than pay for your enrollment fee.

Alright, with that in mind, here's the original
email again...

Fasten your seat belt, because this is going to be
one BIG email - not in length, but in potential
value to your business.

After many years of people asking me to create
an executive level Master Mind group, I've finally
agreed to possibly do this and I want to measure
how much interest there is.

Let's cut to the BIG chase

In my career, I've been fortunate to have some big
ideas that let me catapult past my competition - rather
than trying to catch up with them a step at a time.

I've also been fortunate to have the opportunity to
partner with some brilliant people who stretched the
boundaries of how I thought about things.

Together, these two forces have done more for my
business than anything else.

Let me give you a few examples.

As you may know, I created an idea for a new form
of lead generation letter that many people now refer
to as "The $25 Million Letter". That's because this
one and a half page letter landed my client an agreement
for a $25 million deal the first time he used it - mailing
it to just one prospect.

I also invented a very popular skateboard toy that had
the logo of Tony Hawk and many more professional
skateboarders on it, which sold in Toys R Us, Wal-Mart,
Kaybee Toys, Target and hundreds of other stores.

And I was a co-inventor of a software suite for advanced
testing and assessment that's still being sold and used by
companies like General Electric, Johnson & Johnson,
Pioneer, Kaiser Permanente, and more.

So as I mentioned, I've been fortunate to be able to
create some big ideas that produced massive results.

But equally important, I've always recognized the immense
value of working with the right people. For example, my
partner on the Tony Hawk skateboard toy was a
commentator for ESPN and ABC for the X-Games.
And he was definitely connected in the skateboarding

One of my partners in the software company was a
professor in the Graduate School of Education at UCLA,
and my other partner had just sold his previous business
to Bill Gates. You can believe that they both brought
impressive skills to the table.

Great ideas + great people = quantum leaps in success

My formula for success is simple: if you can improve the
quality of your ideas AND improve the quality of people
you associate with, partner with, brainstorm with and
do business with - your success will grow exponentially.

Or put another way, without this, success will come
much more slowly. And sometimes you'll miss the boat
altogether because of opportunities you missed by going
it alone.

With that in mind, let me give you some more details
on what could be one of the most unique and most
profitable opportunities you'll ever be presented with.

My executive level "Big" Master Mind

My idea of a great Master Mind is to focus on three

1. Big marketing, product and business building
ideas that produce quantum leaps in success

2. Solving big problems on the spot

3. Associating and partnering with other people
who think big and take big action

As for the big marketing and product ideas, every major
breakthrough I've ever created, including the few I listed
above, came from an "idea inventing" process I developed
many years ago. Essentially, it consists of a series of
eye opening, mind opening questions. And the results
are often huge, hairy, massively successful ideas.

So this Master Mind group will rely heavily on that
process to create breakthrough ideas at a stunningly
rapid pace. And we'll also use this process, plus the
hard-earned experience of the group members, to
solve problems quickly that otherwise might grow
to the point where they seriously endanger your business.

Finally, the "big people" component comes from you.
And from other like-minded, successful people like
you who can truly carry their weight when it comes to
giving and receiving advice. Even if that advice causes
you to have to stretch beyond your normal boundaries.

Sound like something you'd be interested in? Not so
fast, because there are some strong qualifications you
must meet to even be considered.

Who this group is for - and how to register your

Because the "Big" Master Mind will cover all these
bases, it definitely is not for everyone.

To even be considered, your business must be bringing
in a minimum of $1 million per year in revenue. And you
must be the kind of person who is open to giving and
receiving big ideas. If you're stingy or feel threatened
being in the company of other very successful people,
this definitely will not work for you.

Finally, the annual membership fee is not cheap - but
will easily be one of the best investments you could
ever make in your career. Membership will be in the
neighborhood of $25,000 per year.

So those are some pretty strong qualifications you'll
need to just get past the starting gate.

However, if you're the kind of person that understands
the power of a group of like-minded, highly successful
individuals to leap past problems... create big, powerful,
breakthrough quality ideas... and enjoy the company
and potential deals and partnerships with the other
group members, then I'd like to hear from you.

You can let me know you're interested by clicking

All it takes is about 5 seconds, so you can do
this quickly.

Registering your interest at this point does not obligate
you to apply for membership if I decide to move
forward with this program. But I'd appreciate it if
you'd only register if you're seriously considering
joining. That way, I'll be able to determine whether
there's enough interest in this to move to the next

So thanks for taking the time to read this. And I
look forward to hearing from you if this seems like
a good fit:


Bob Serling, Founder
Power8 Marketing, Inc.

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

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