Wednesday, March 7, 2012

2 Incredible Stories

2 Incredible Stories.....and The Real Reason Why I Share YL (the other benefits are nice but this is awesome)

The following are conversation excerpts from Facebook

"A friend of mine used YLTG Lemongrass on her breasts for breast cancer. Cancer gone within one month, brain power helped my daughter raise her grades 20 points, another friend who was taking prescription drugs for bi-polar tried Joy essential oil blend and is off her drugs!! The lists goes on and on. People need to be open to natural medicine instead of poisoning themselves with prescription drugs that all have terrible side effects." ---- Dona Miller-Ruger
"Since August I have seen hormones balanced, hot flashes and night sweats disappear, cramping, headaches, heavy bleeding, (mother, ( you have no idea lol) and daughter) go away, pain leave from a kid that had had his leg broken had had a rod inserted . and was walking wrong on his other foot, ADD/ADHD go away from 2 kids.. spider veins disappear in my moms legs, sore throats colds viruses and so much more be avoided and go away ALOT faster than most other families, and I know I am still leaving out so much more!! I am truly grateful for finding out about Young Living Essential Oils! Thank you so much Terry Tillaart and Danielle Minerva and so many more in the Young Living family!! I am blessed to no end.. and of course Gary Young ;)" ------ Stephanie Gordon Ridling


When someone shares something of value with you, and you benefit from it, you should have a moral obligation to share it with others.

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