Friday, March 2, 2012

Scam Alert

Scam Alert

Yes there is some Gary Young controversy on the internet, in fact I am sure some people reading this believe it to.

Just to set the record straight, it all started from this guy....and other people who can't compete with Gary repeat some of this garbage.


Among the people Stephen Barrett attacks on his website are:

D. Gary Young, Andrew Weil, M.D.; Julian Whitaker, M.D.; Deepak Chopra M.D.; Bernie Siegel, M.D.; Ralph Moss, Ph.D.; Earl Mindell, R.Ph.; and Gary Null, Ph.D. Also, the late Dr. John R. Lee, who questioned the wisdom of the now-proven-dangerous Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), is on Barrett's list.

Of Stephen Barrett of and (National Council Against Health Fraud--another shill for the AMA, American Medical Association):

biased and unworthy of credibility" in court of law, Jan 2007

Barrett also had said that he was a legal expert even though he had no formal legal training.

Barrett conceded that he was not a Medical Board Certified psychiatrist because he had failed the certification exam.

Barrett had filed similar defamation lawsuits against almost 40 people across the country within the past few years and had not won one single one at trial.

During the course of his examination, Barrett also had to concede his ties to the AMA, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

The MOST IMPORTANT thing to understand about Stephen Barrett is that... It is common knowledge that Stephen Barrett has been Officially Declared by the US Court System, in a PUBLISHED Appeals Court Decision (NCAHF v King Bio), to be 'Biased, and unworthy of credibility'...What that statement means, in layman's terms, simply, is that it is common knowledge that OFFICIALLY - NOTHING HE SAYS CAN BE LEGALLY RELIED UPON.

In a Canadian lawsuit (see below) Barrett admitted to the following:

The sole purpose of the activities of Barrett & Baratz are to discredit and cause damage and harm to health care practitioners, businesses that make alternative health therapies or products available, and advocates of non-allopathic therapies and health freedom.

Stephen Barrett testifies for money. He claims he's an "expert" in virtually everything. Those "expert witness" fees seem to be a significant part of Barrett's existence.,, the "quackbuster" operation is a conspiracy. It is a propaganda enterprise, one part crackpot, two parts evil. It's sole purpose is to discredit, and suppress, in an "anything goes" attack mode, what is wrongfully named "Alternative Medicine." It has declared war on reality. The conspirators are acting in the interests of, and are being paid, directly and indirectly, by the "conventional" medical-industrial complex.

"They are running a monopoly and they will lie, cheat and steal to keep it that way," Dr Eva Snead.

"Every day, consumers are becoming more educated about the benefits of holistic and alternative methods. This is something that the medical establishment obviously fears and wants to crush with false propaganda."

Failed MD Stephen Barrett

Stephen Barrett - Professional Crackpot...

For those who want more info review the following links

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