Monday, April 29, 2013

What's "Unfair" about winning 96.6% of the time?

What's "Unfair" about winning 96.6% of the time?

Dear Trader,

Do you think it's "Unfair" to exploit a flaw in the way options are priced to force the odds of winning in your favor?

What if your advantage over other traders became so great that you won 96.6% of the time... a whopping 707 wins out of 732 trades, to be precise... would that be unfair?

I say... As long as it's legal, count me in!

How about you?

If you feel the same way I do, you DO NOT want to miss Don Fishback's ODDS Advantage 3-part training series.

Click here to watch video #1 now: "Gaining an Unfair Trading Advantage"...

I've been studying wealth creating strategies for many years. And still, the mind blowing revelation contained in this 20-minute training session came as a complete surprise.

And I'm willing to bet it'll be a real eye-opener for you too.


Plus, you'll receive this generous gift just for watching...

Options for Beginners... a 100-page ebook full of easy-to-follow illustrations that take you step-by-step through all the basics of options trading. (normally sells for $14.95).

And to go with it, you'll also receive How To Win At Least 80% of Your Option Trades... 50 Years and Counting!

First be amazed by the video... Then receive a valuable gift... What's not to love about that!


Watch closely as Don step-by-step exposes the truth about your odds of winning any option trade, whether it's stock or index.. Because once you see it all laid out, I think you'll find it makes perfect sense.

And you'll realize, even though it's a bold new concept, he's absolutely 100% correct!

Click here to watch video #1 now: "Gaining an Unfair Trading Advantage"...

My regards,

Chris Lawrence.

P.S. This is one of the most insightful videos I've seen in a long time. And I definitely think you should watch it all the way through. But I'll let you in on a little secret... Even if you don't watch the video you can still download the free gift and discover the proven way [you just used secret in the sentence before] to 80% winning trades. So why not go there now...






































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