Saturday, October 1, 2011

Consultants and coaches - did you miss this?

I sent this email out a few days ago about a new
program and the introductory call I'm holding
for it on Thursday, October 6th. In case you
missed this, here it is again...

If you're a marketing consultant or coach, the two
biggest roadblocks you face are:

1. Generating enough qualified prospects on
an ongoing, consistent basis

2. Having a significant "differentiation factor"
that makes you a superior choice over all
your competitors

If this sounds all too familiar, I have an opportunity
for you to solve both of these problems and actually
turn them into powerful advantages.

In late October, I'm going to be offering an advanced
training and certification program that authorizes you
to market and use my proprietary "Engagement
Marketing" program with your clients. This is the exact
same program I use with all of my own clients.

Having a unique, proven system with a long track
record of success will give you the significant
"differentiation factor" you need to stand out as the
clear choice over all your competitors.

You'll also have the opportunity to work directly with
me and my team personally on projects where we need
more resources. And in order to do this, I'll be giving
you my proven, proprietary lead generation processes
- and even hand delivering some pre-qualified leads
to you. This alone will solve any problems you've had
with prospecting and client acquisition.

No more than 10 people will be accepted for the
first phase of this program. So let me start with some
important details on the program itself and then I'll
show you how to take the next step.

A little background on the Engagement Marketing

In surveying my subscribers, I've discovered that
the majority of people are sick of over the top
subject lines and pushy tactics that get you to
opt-in to a list... the immediate pressure to buy
something now, usually on the thank-you page
right after you opt-in... even greater pressure in
the following days urging you to buy now...
phony scarcity and high-pressure closing tactics...
and just about the entire conventional "marketing

So I've developed and fully tested a new approach
to marketing that replaces the old "funnel" with a
dignified, highly effective approach that prospects
actually enjoy being part of. An approach that builds
the kind of trust and loyalty that results in a
substantial increase in sales.

Here's a quick overview of the Engagement
Marketing process:

INVITE - Instead of beating your prospects
over the head with a sales pitch right from the
beginning, invite them to begin to get to know
you. Give them some valuable content they can
use to get a result they'll remember - and do
this without any sales pitch whatsoever.

ENGAGE - Keep building the relationship
by giving them more content, completely
free of any sales messages. Studies show
that it takes a minimum of 7 contacts like this
to establish a solid bond of trust with your

SOLVE - When it comes time to make a
sale, instead of just showing prospects
your product and it's features and benefits,
demonstrate exactly how it solves a difficult
problem they have or helps them achieve an
important goal.

Sound different than 99% of the marketing
you see? You bet it does. And I'm sure you
can see that by shifting to this style of marketing,
the clients you'll be working with stand to make
a lot more sales than they're making with the
traditional marketing funnel.

What makes this certification program very
different than other programs you've seen

This advanced training and certification program
- called the Engagement Marketing Certified
Consultant program - is for people who already have
serious marketing skills and want to take marketing
consulting and coaching to a much higher level. People
who are serious about making six figures and more
as a marketing consultant.

The main focus of this 12-month program is giving
yourself a unique advantage over other marketing
consultants by being able to use the same program
and materials with your clients that my team uses
with all of my clients.

At the same time, you'll have an entirely new level
of education, support and direct access to me. By
becoming certified in this innovative system (along
with all the prospecting materials and support you'll
get, personal access to me, and even being handed
qualified leads that my in-house system generates),
you'll gain an incomparable advantage over all other
marketing consultants.

Just a partial list of the benefits you get over the
course of this 12-month program includes:

> Immersion training in the use of the entire
Engagement Marketing program

> Every marketing document you need to effectively
sell your services

> Complete, ready to deliver marketing programs
for all aspects of Engagement Marketing

> Two different levels of the program so you can
sell your services to clients with practically any

> A complete array of support and personal coaching
services provided directly by me

> Direct access to me any time you need assistance
with a project

> A featured listing on my web site and use of the
Engagement Marketing branding, testimonials and
case studies

> The opportunity to work directly with me and my
team on some of our projects

> Highly qualified, warm leads delivered directly
to you

> And much more

Who this program is for - and what it costs

The Engagement Marketing Certified Consultant
program is designed for two kinds of people. First,
this program would be ideal for you if you're already
working as a marketing consultant or coach and want
to take your skills and earnings to a much higher level.

It's also for people who have a strong knowledge of
marketing and want to "start at the top" as a marketing
consultant. But the bottom line is that this program is
ONLY for people who have a driving commitment to
being successful.

Who isn't it for? If you're new to marketing, it definitely
is not for you. To perform at this level requires that
you have a strong foundation in marketing and/or

It also isn't right for you if you're a business owner or
employee of a company and thinking about using the
Engagement Marketing program for your business.
That's what you come to me and the members of this
program for!

Now, as I mentioned earlier, membership in this first
phase will be limited to a small group of no more than
10 people. This is so I can make sure you get all the
personalized training, support and attention you

The fee for the Engagement Marketing Certified
Consultant program is $22,500 per year, plus 7.5%
of the profits you generate from using my proven
marketing programs with your clients. While this is
obviously a considerable investment, it's very
reasonable compared to what you can earn.

And it's even more reasonable when you consider
the value of all the marketing materials you'll get for
selling your services... the qualified leads that are
handed to you... the proven marketing programs
you can plug in and profit from... and the in-depth
training and support that delivers all of this to you
in a turn-key, ready to go format.

At the same time, you will be expected to take part
in all aspects of the program and actually implement
what you learn. And I reserve the right to revoke
the membership of anyone who isn't participating.
But I doubt that will ever happen with anyone who
is serious enough to join this program.

Here's what to do next

If you're intrigued by what you've heard so far, I'm
going to be conducting a free introductory call on
Thursday, October 6th where I'll give you all the
details, lay out the Engagement Marketing program
for you, and answer any questions you may have.

To get on the notification list for this call, just click
this link:

IMPORTANT: Please do NOT submit your name if
you aren't extremely serious about this program or if
you can't afford it. Because the participation will be so
limited and the screening process will require quite a
significant amount of my personal time, I'd prefer only
to hear back from you if you're truly serious.

Also, there will not be any scholarships or "creative
financing" deals available for this program. There will
be a payment plan, but it will still require paying the
entire fee over time.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope
to meet you on the introductory call.


Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy, Inc.

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

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