Saturday, September 13, 2014

[MCF] Day 3: How to create a mini-course

Hey - let's continue with the "Behind The Scenes" Mini-Course Formula method...

Creating a mini-course is the core of MCF, because it's the content that you're sending to your subscribers...

It is what makes your subscribers take action and buy what're you're recommending; again and again.

It is your own money making machine that helps you to make real money online - consistently.

Unfortunately, very few people know how to do this well, or even at all. 

Even most "experts" don't do it as well as they possibly could.

I've never publicly shared what I'm about to teach you...

Only my coaching clients who have paid me have learned what I'll be covering today, so let me point out that you're getting some privileged information that very, very few people know.


Let's get started...

You will be creating a mini-course that delivers content over five consecutive days (five emails).

Now, we use each of the mailings in the mini-course to highlight the benefits of your own niche product.

You can write 5 articles that are specifically centered on just five of the benefits.

[- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Example - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -] 

 "How to Lose 5 Inches Around Your Waist" could instead focus on "looking better in your clothes". 

Another article could be, "3 Ways to Raise Your Metabolism" and could focus on "having more energy".

[- - - - - - - - - - - - - - /Example - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -] 

See how this works?

1. The more benefits that they see in making the purchase, the easier it is to justify them making the purchase. 

2. The more benefits you present, the more likely you'll find the one "hot button" that is especially important to them.

Help the reader to "visualize results".

So how do you make money from it?

At the end of each articles/email, you should point towards an offer.

Of course, in your articles, you should only provide valuable and useful content for your customers.

If you don't know how to write an article, you can even out-source it.

Here's another secret for you to make some more money...

One of the BEST ways you can get people to buy your offer is to offer an additional incentive, perhaps a bonus. 

Now, your bonus can be anything at all - as long as it is appealing and related to the offer in some direct way.It's an extra piece of work, but by doing this, you will be far ahead of the other marketers out there and subsequently making a lot more money.

In order to be successful with your mini-course, you must get your subscribers to actually read your emails...

The good new is, in The Mini-Course Formula, you will learn exactly how to achieve this difficult step.

You will learn how to push all the right buttons to get your subscribers to buy from you, again and again, in your mini course...

Not only that, it is a complete A-Z blueprint for you to maintain an AUTOMATED system to make money from the internet using solely emails...

Here's the page to The Mini-Course Formula:

Warm Regards,

Patric Chan

P.S. In the next email, I will show you how to create a high converting webpage so that you can easily get people to join your mailing list.

P.S.S.Once your prospects have subscribed, they'll receive the five-day mini course that you also learnt in this email.

So, it is *VERY* crucial that you read the next email from me.

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