Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Revealed - full details of my "14-cent secret"

Hi There,

It's always an interesting experience when you first
announce something without giving ALL the details.
A lot of people get very excited, while some people
get downright suspicious.

So naturally, one of the most frequent comments I
got when I announced that I was going to change
the landscape of internet marketing completely - and
give it all to you for just 14 cents per day, was, "Yeah,
but there's gotta be a catch. This is just some ploy
you've come up with to sell some incomplete materials,
then upsell me expensive stuff like everyone else does".

So, in order to put those fears to rest, I've decided
to give you a lot more details of precisely what my
"14-cent secret" really is.

And I'll be frank with you right up front. Because
there are a lot of questions about how I could
possibly deliver everything I promised at so low
a cost, the response to this has been good, but
not great. And unless the response is much stronger
once I reveal the details, I'll probably pull the plug
on this project.

Hey, isn't that a lot different than what most "gurus"
tell you about how great their product is doing, but
they're just too busy driving their exotic cars to do
the project... when the truth is that it isn't performing
well enough? I will always strive to be as direct and
forthcoming with you as possible.

So - let's get on to the details as I lift the curtain
and show you what my "14-cent secret" is all

Then, if you like what you see, you can sign up
for advanced notice and help me decide whether
to move forward with this or not.

My goal: to shake the foundation of how you
learn what's REALLY really effective in all
areas of internet marketing

As I stated in my earlier emails, I'm sick of all the
overly expensive, low quality "magic bullet" programs
that seem to come along every week like clockwork.

I know you are too and my goal is to turn the
internet marketing world on it's ear in a way that
I believe you're going to love.

So here are the facts about my "14-cent secret".
First of all, the "secret" is a new marketing community
called the Online Success Association.

Membership in the Online Success Association is
just $49 per year, with no hidden fees and nothing
held back. If you divide $49 by 365 days, that comes
to 13.4 cents per day - which I rounded up to
14 cents to make it easier to understand. But
the total cost is actually $49 per year.

Here's part of what you'll get with your Association
membership (there's more in the works, but
I don't have commitments from all the players
yet, so I'll announce those components at
a later date):

> Direct access to nearly all the top online marketing
experts in business today. Yes, I mean DIRECT
in-person access that you'd never be able to get
otherwise. I plan to do a series of live calls with
the experts you've said you want to speak with

I'll limit the participation to about 20 people per
call so you can get all your questions in. The
call will also be recorded and made available to
all members. There is no charge for being on the
call or listening to the recording.

People will be chosen randomly to participate
and for the most part, we'll have 20 different
people on each call, giving everyone a lot of
chances to get in on this.

> FREE copies of some of the biggest internet
marketing programs around - before they even
launch. Full blown copies you can use and keep.

The fact is, every expert needs people to test
out their programs and give them feedback and
testimonials. And I've arranged with a number
of the top experts to provide you and other
Association members with copies at no cost.
Of course, you'll have to agree to test it and
provide your feedback in a timely manner.

> "Done-for-you" templates for many of your
most important (and most profitable) online
marketing tasks. Templates for highly profitable
emails, offers, landing pages, videos... and a
whole lot more.

I've also locked up a great group of experts
to provide you with templates of their most
successful marketing pieces. These will be
blueprinted in step-by-step fashion so practically
all you have to do is plug them in and hit the
send key to increase your sales and profits.

> "Power Tips" from just about every big name
online marketing expert you can think of. I can't
reveal the secret behind the structure for these
"Power Tips", but I can promise you'll be blown
away by how easy they are to use once this is

OK, so why can't I reveal the structure right
now? Quite frankly, because I don't want
anyone to swipe it before I'm ready to roll it
out. But I can tell you that you'll get these
powerful tips delivered to your inbox twice
each month.

> A free makeover of your emails, web pages, sales
letters - or any other marketing piece you wish.
Done by top copywriters and marketing experts
you probably couldn't afford without this - and at
no cost whatsoever to you.

Look, one of the best ways to learn ultra successful
marketing strategies and tactics is to see them
applied in real life situations. So I'll be including as
many of these makeovers as possible. And everyone
will have an equal chance to get one at no additional
cost beyond the $49 per year Association membership

By the way, these will be delivered as part of a
monthly print newsletter that will be mailed to your
home or office every month.

> A wealth of free articles, tutorials, videos and
other powerful training materials delivered right to
your inbox. I've lined up the "best of the best" experts
to provide you with the finest material you can find
on all aspects of successful online marketing.

This powerful collection of materials will be updated
regularly and will be available on a password protected
members-only section of the Online Success Association
web site. And you get a full year's access included in
your $49 membership fee.

> Plus a ton more online marketing "goodies" that I just
can't let out of the bag right now. Like I mentioned a
minute ago, some of these components aren't quite
completed yet - but others are so hot I really don't
want anyone to get wind of them before I'm ready
to go live with the Association. So you'll just have to
wait a bit to find out about these.

So that's it in a nutshell - but I still need YOUR help

As I said, I will deliver all of this for the membership
fee of just $49 per year. And there are no hidden
charges or sneaky "bait and switch" offers. That's
the total cost.

But as I also said, because people are naturally
somewhat reluctant to respond without all the
details, while the response has been decent, it
has not been strong enough for me to give this
the green light.

So if you want to see the Online Success
Association become a reality, I need to hear from
you now. You can sign up and get on my "early
notice" list and let me know that you're voting
in favor of the Association becoming a reality.

It doesn't cost anything to sign up and you are
not obligated to purchase a membership if I
do decide to move forward with this. However,
I'd really appreciate it if you only sign up if you're
truly serious about joining, as I'd like to get a
true measure of how much interest there really
is in this.

You can register for early notice and let me know
you're interested by clicking here:

I'll keep this page up for about a week to measure
the response and then let you know if it's a "go".

Thanks for your help. And I promise that if I do
go ahead with this project, it will blow away
anything you've ever seen in the internet marketing


Bob Serling

P.S. Which top marketing expert (or experts) would
you most like direct access to. I'm talking about
my 20 person calls and the 3-way "makeover"
phone calls with just you, me and that expert. Leave
a comment on my blog and I'll round up the experts
that get the most votes:

P.P.S. If you have friends or family who would be interested
in this, please forward this email to them. They'll
thank you once they find out all the details behind
my "14 cent secret".

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

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