Thursday, January 14, 2010

Donate to Haiti relief - and get this free gift

Hi There,

I don't have to tell you that the earthquake in Haiti is
one of the worst disasters we've ever seen.

CNN reports that more than 100,000 people are
reported dead, there are bodies littering the streets,
and countless people are trapped in the rubble
in urgent need of being rescued. The situation is dire.
The people of Haiti need our help and they need
it NOW.

So here's what I'd like to do to help. First, I'm
making a sizable donation myself to one of the
relief funds listed below.

Second, I'd like to ask you to make a donation too,
of any amount. When you do, I'll give you a free
copy of one of my most popular and valuable reports
ever, "The Marketing Repair Manual".

I am NOT collecting your name or email address
and will not benefit monetarily from this in any
way. My only objective is to get as many people
as possible to help in the relief effort.

Here's how this works...

Step 1: Make your donation to any of these charities

The following charities have been recommended as
exceptional sources of helping in the relief effort.
Please click one of these links and make a donation
of any amount. And remember, every dollar helps,
regardless of how small or how large your contribution

Here are the links to connect directly to these charities
and make your donation:


Habitat for Humanity

World Concern


IMPORTANT: If clicking any of these links doe not
work, please cut and paste them into your browser
and they will open up.

Step 2: Download your free copy of "The Marketing
Repair Manual"

When I first sold this manual for $97, I received the
following unsolicited testimonial, which essentially says
it all:

"Just read your manual and I'm not only blown
away about the amount of information in such a
quick, easy-to-read document...but how relevant
it is to anybody running a business.

Actually Bob, I've read the manual three times in
as many days (that's how easy it is to get through
it...and how much information is packed into it). I
initially picked it up to get some ideas to improve
the sales of my products. I'm now using it to
completely rebuild how I've been marketing

Bob, I think this manual should be the first thing
anyone reads before they head off guns-blazing
to do business. It shows exactly how to avoid
the mistakes most of us make (or, if you're like me,
how to recover from them now that you realize
you're making them). It will save people that buy
it a lot of frustration wondering why my things
"don't work."

It's short; not an ounce of fluff, and it contains the
blueprints to ensuring your marketing is doing
what it's suppose to -- attracting qualified leads
that'll buy your products.

I've already used it to ditch an idea I've been
banging my head against for the last month or so.
I read your manual and realized I've been barking
up the wrong tree. (Heck, not even in the right
forest.) It's also totally changed how I look at
copywriting and many new ideas at attracting
my market.

Simply put, it's your insurance policy against
making the mistakes most would make without
it, or are currently making (like me) and want to
figure out how to do it right. Thanks for making
this available Bob!
- Brett Martinson

So, as you can see, it's my feeling that this report
will become one of the most valuable pieces in
your marketing library. And it's yours free if you'll
make a contribution of any amount to help out
in this relief effort.

Once you've made your donation, just click the
following link to download your free copy. The
only information you'll be asked to enter is the
amount you donated so we can track how much
we've raised for the relief effort.

You will NOT be asked for your name or email
address and you will not be sold anything or
contacted ever based on this. Our only intention
is to help relieve the suffering as much as we

Thanks for all your help!


Bob Serling

Power8 Marketing, Inc., 2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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