Monday, January 25, 2010

I changed my mind...

There - Are you thinking about what
you want to get done this year?

Yeah, me too.

In December of 2008 I returned from traveling

It was a long trip, full of amazing experiences as
I completed a full circle around the planet.  

My trip lasted 8 months, and although I did run
and grow my business while I was traveling, I felt
in 2009 I wanted to travel less and focus on my
business more.

I decided I'd start the year with a bang and
offer something I had never done before but I knew
people wanted - private coaching.

I planned to start a program that would focus only
on a small group of people - about 10 at most -
and work with them personally to help transform
their business and entire lives.

Then something happened.

I remember it clearly. It was January 2009,
exactly one year ago from the time I'm writing
this email to you, and I was planning my next
twelve months.

I was thinking about what I wanted from the year,
what I REALLY wanted. The idea of starting new
business projects was exciting, but it also felt

I felt motivation to improve another aspect of my
life, a pull in a completely different direction.

I knew if I focused the year entirely on business
projects, then I'd neglect this other aspect of
my life, an equally if not more important part.  

Unfortunately, in the past that's exactly what I
had done - buried my head in business and making
money, because it was simpler than dealing with
other parts of my life.  

Making money is easy, and I derive meaning and
purpose from running my business, so why not just
keep doing what works?

At that point I had already set in motion some
systems to find the right people for my private
coaching program, including starting an email list
to find prospective clients.

However it didn't happen - 2009 wasn't the year
I finally started private coaching.

2009, I decided, was going to be different. I was
going to switch gears.

I put the coaching program on hold and completely
redefined what I wanted from the year.  

My new direction focused on relationships,
including business relationships, friendships and
intimate relationships.

I wanted to meet more like minded people, people
running businesses who didn't work the 9-5 grind,
who didn't adopt the same mundane "average joe
worker" mindset and were independent, exciting

I also wanted people around me who I looked
forward to hanging out with when it WASN'T time
to work on business.  

In short, I wanted more fun and to realign the
balance in my life between work, play and

I'm very happy to say that as a result of this
shift, 2009 was literally the best year of my

It was the most fun year, the best for all the
different types of relationships I wanted, and -
you'd never guess - the best year for my BUSINESS

Sometimes working on balance is more important
than working on growth of a specific area, and may
well end up resulting in growth in that area
anyway, because you've made space for it to

I wrote about my shift in focus in my 2009 end of
year wrap-up blog article, which you can read here -


It's January 2010, and yet again I'm planning my
goals for the year ahead.

As you might have guessed, this year, one of my
major goals, is to find some really great people -
some STARS - to work with in my brand new
private coaching program

Yes - I'm finally ready to roll this new program
out and I'm dead serious about making it one of
the most successful, private and personal coaching
programs available.

I'd like to invite you now to take a look and see
if you qualify to take part in this new program.

The information page is on my blog here:


My new private coaching program is called the
"Elite Entrepreneur" program.

It's almost ready to go. I'm just waiting on my
logo to be done, but most of the information is
ready for you to check out.

This is a first come, first served offer. I'm
providing one-on-one time with me, taking time out
of my life to directly guide this special group of
people, so there's a very real cap on how many
I can take on board.

I'm not looking to fill my calendar with private
coaching calls, so this limit on members is the

Make sure you check out the info page today, not
later, because I have no idea what the demand for
this program is going to be like.

This could be your only chance. Once I hit my limit
I'll have to put you on a waiting list for the
second intake in six months time, if I even do a
second intake...

Go review this page now:


I told you the story about my shift in focus for
2009 as a prelude to the invite into my coaching
program for a deliberate reason.

The "Elite Entrepreneur" coaching program is
certainly about helping you grow your business so
you can make more money, but it's about more than

It's also about finding your LIFE balance.

I'm your business coach, but I'm also going to
guide you towards fostering what I think is more
important - designing a lifestyle you love to live.

This is about getting the balance between
business, health, relationships, fun and spirit
all in perfect harmony.

I may have spent the last 10 years earning money
from the Internet, and thus I'm well qualified to
help you create the online business of your
dreams, but I've also spent a lifetime finding
balance, so I'm not just about making money.

You can read exactly how I want to re-wire your
life, by visiting the application page here -

This program isn't for everyone, but with only
ten spots available, it won't last long either.  

You've got a chance to apply today, so don't
waste it.

Here's to working together in harmony in 2010,

Yaro Starak

Follow Yaro on Twitter:

Have you seen Yaro's training programs?

Make $5,000 to $30,000 a month blogging.

Learn how to plan, create and launch your own
successful membership site or information product.

Step-by-step video training to set-up and profit
from your very own blog. If you like video teaching,
this is the course for you.

If you're serious and committed to growing your
business, Yaro offers an elite, one-on-one
coaching program -


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