Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Get paid more than a CEO (for a fraction of the work)

Let me share a secret with you. When you broker
joint venture deals between companies, you often
get paid more than the CEO. But you're only doing
a fraction of the work.

Let me give you two real life examples to show you
exactly what I mean.

$1.2 million for just a few weeks work

Roland Frasier used my JV brokering strategies
to put together a deal to sell one company's
product to a group of other companies lists.

I happen to know the CEO of the company
with the product and Roland made more on
the deal than the CEO made, with just a
minimum of work. Here's how Roland
describes his results:

"Love your stuff and am a big believer in it.
Thought you'd like to know that the first time
I used the campaign with a JV deal, I brought
in about $98,000 and kept 1/4 of it.

Just a week ago, I did JVs along with my other
marketing and ended up with $1.24 Million in
gross sales on the project, with over 400 sales
of a $3k product, and 174 of them came from
JVs I put together.

From that project, I built a list of about 3,400
people, not including the 400 and some who
paid $3k for the product. Pretty cool. Now, I'm
doing an event for the 400 who bought and
marketing lower end things to the 3,400 who did
not. That after-marketing should be worth another
$400,000 in profit to me, on top of the $800,000
in commissions from the original project. Your
stuff is pretty cool, and I'm a big believer in your
licensing/JV stuff."
- Roland Frasier

Six-figure income - for five years running

Francis Wolff is one of my favorite success stories.
He was just 19 years old when he attended my
first ever JV mentoring program.

I don't remember the exact figures, but I know
that in his first year - without a lick of previous
experience - Francis made over $300,000. And
he's made in the high six-figures every year since
then for over five years now.

Here's how Francis describes just a fraction
of the profits he's enjoying:

"Your strategies are more than just a way to
make lots of money, really fast, regardless of
what the economy is doing. These highly specialized
and smart strategies are on a level most "gurus" won't
ever reach. Right now I have a deal that is going to
pay me over six figures by April... that is the smallest
one. Another will be worth $50,000 to $300,000.
If you spend just a 1/2 hour per day implementing
Bob's strategies you will be successful."
- Francis Wolff

Free teleclass gives you the exact blueprint
Roland and Francis use

Roland and Francis used the simple blueprint that's
the foundation of my Million Dollar Joint Ventures
personal mentoring program. On January 17th,
I'll be presenting a free teleclass that lays out the
entire Million Dollar Joint Ventures blueprint

I'll take you through all the details of how to broker
your own joint venture deals - and how you can
get results like you've just seen whether or not
you have any previous experience.

But that's not all. During this free teleclass, I'll
also give you a simple joint venture strategy
one of my students used to make $750 per
hour on his first deal. Even though he had no
experience whatsoever, he was able to make
serious money on his first deal.

Plus, I'll show you how to accelerate this
strategy to make five-figures or more in the
next couple of weeks. And there are no
strings attached. You get this entire strategy
for free just by attending this free teleclass.

To get on the list to receive all the details about
this teleclass, just click here:


Now, I only have 500 lines available and with
the kind of results you saw above, I expect it to
fill up quickly.

Once all the available lines have been reserved,
I'll be closing down the reservation page. So
jump on this now:



Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy, Inc.

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

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