Monday, May 14, 2012

Will the election be good for the markets?

Will the election be good for the markets?

Dear Trader,

If you expect the presidential election to inspire a stock market rally, you're not alone.

As a matter of fact, a flood of comments about the election and the stock market have created a surprising turn of events.

Here's what happened...

A few weeks ago I told you about a rare opportunity to ride the wealth creating coattails of the 'winning-est trader in history', Chuck Hughes.

Naturally, available spots filled quickly and enrollment closed in just a few days.

But, in the Q & A video about joining, Dr. Dave talked about making 10 times his membership fee in the first 5 months. And then he went on to say...

"I think an election year boon is a definite possibility. And I'm looking forward to taking full advantage, but doing it safely."

And then, a flood of comments came in expressing the same way of thinking!

Isn't it funny how many people seem to expect the presidential election to have a positive effect on the market?

Take a look at the table below and you'll see two things...

First: Election years have NOT been particularly kind to most investors.

Second: Chuck and his followers have been extremely profitable every year... up years, down years, election years... the money just keeps rolling in... and loads of it!.

Election Year** S&P 500 Chuck's Profit
2000** -10.14% $609,213.95
2001 -13.04% $241.300.00
2002 -23.37% $394,151.25
2003 +26.38% $299,925.75
2004** + 8.99% $483,822.24
2005 +3.00% $427,304.95
2006 +13.62% $787,456.80
2007 +3.53% $865,297.88
2008** -38.49% $402,563.04
2009 +23.45% $568,706.45
2010 +12.78% $478,978.81
2011 0% $729,174.05

Please note, these are live trading profits from Chuck Hughes Advisory services... not hypothetical, not computer generated... no baloney.

Now here's the good news...

Because it's an election year... and because your comments made Chuck realize you need his help more than ever.... he decided to give you a second chance...


Now that the initial wave of new members has settled down a bit, Chuck has decided to admit a few more new members.

But only through Thursday, May 17, Midnight

Watch the video and join now.

In case you missed my earlier email, let me tell you a little about Chuck and his incredible organization known as Wealth Creation Alliance.

Much of Chuck's celebrity is because of his record-breaking 7 First Place International Trading trophies... won by achieving audited annual returns as high as 315%... trading real money.

But, aside from the limelight, Chuck also oversees one of the world's most successful advisory services... generating $6.4million in profits over the past 12 years without a single losing year.... And he is the visionary who founded the one and only Wealth Creation Alliance.

Wealth Creation Alliance benefits include:

  • Winning strategies
  • Step-by-step guidance
  • Powerful trading tools
  • Specific trade suggestions from Chuck Hughes
  • And the kind of moral support that has proven to bring the greatest success

In order to provide the highest standards of support for all members... and especially new members who are just learning their way around... membership in the Wealth Creation Alliance is strictly limited.

And, all available slots were filled in less than a week.

He's not saying how many more new members will get in, but I know this for a fact... the number will be small.

The doors close next Thursday.

And, it would not surprise me if he pulled his 2nd chance offer down early... especially if he gets more members than he can handle.

I promise, the Wealth Creation Alliance is so unique you will never find another place like it to get the helping hand you need to achieve the success you deserve.

So, if you have ANY interest at all in getting in, go now to see if any membership positions are still available:

Join now!

Wishing you the best,
Chris Lawrence.

PS. If you missed any of Chuck's complimentary Prime Trade Select training videos, where he reveals his powerful 3-step trade selection process, for a limited time you can still see the training videos here. Watch the video and join here.





















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