Monday, February 15, 2010

how to create jaw-dropping online video

Hi There,

Today in Brisbane, where I live, the temperature
hit 32C with something like 80% humidity (yes,
we're doing summer down here in Australia).

I was sweating standing still working at my
stand-up desk at home, so I decided to head into
the city to find some air-con and catch up on some
videos I've wanted to watch that were released
last week from Andy Jenkins.

You may have already seen these videos floating
around the Web because lots of people are
promoting them.

I wasn't going to promote them because I'm
trying to reduce the number of affiliate promo
emails I send you, but in this case the videos
themselves are too cool not to show you, so
here's the link -

This is a link to the third video, and you will
need to input your email address to watch it.

I found the third video the most practical,
however you can watch videos 1 and 2 as well by
clicking the links you will find on the page.

Video 4 is due to be released today or tomorrow, so
it might be available by the time you go to the


Andy Jenkins is one of the leaders in the Internet
marketing space and I've come to respect his
skill at creating very compelling online video.

You may have noticed over the last few years more
people use video as part of their pre-launch
process when releasing a new product. I have too.

In my industry, the teaching how to do Internet
marketing industry, pretty much every major launch
video has had some "Andy" in it somehow.

When you go watch this video make sure you note
all the moving parts. Andy's videos are polished,
but not complicated and use some basic effects to
keep your attention.

Keeping attention is one of the hardest things to
do online, so go watch this video just to see how
he does it -

The three videos released so far teach some great
stuff, including -

1. Lots of links to websites where Andy gets
animations from (animations are good for keeping

2. Links to copyright free music, so you can add
emotional impact with sound on your videos

3. Tips on how to get a crisp voice quality

4. How to create a script for your video so you
sound like a pro

5. Plus an intro to how to get traffic to your videos

This only touches on a few of the subjects
covered, and this content you can watch without
paying a cent, right now. 

A word of warning - and you probably saw this
coming - Andy is releasing a full-blown video
marketing course, and these are his pre-launch
videos, but that doesn't mean you have to buy his

The course is something like $2,000, so understandably
not for everyone, but these video are for everyone
because you can get them for just the price of
entering your email address.

The sample vids are great, I wouldn't be telling
you about them otherwise, so go take a look now -

Here's to your video success,

Yaro Starak

P.S. The third video from Andy, which is the link
I gave you in this email, features a homage to the
Google Super Bowl add that recently captured a lot
of attention in the USA. 

Andy's copy is actually quite funny, especially if
you are an Internet marketer. It's at the start of
the video you will see once you enter your email
on this page -

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Have you seen Yaro's training programs?

Make $5,000 to $30,000 a month blogging.

Learn how to plan, create and launch your own
successful membership site or information product.

Step-by-step video training to set-up and profit
from your very own blog. If you like video teaching,
this is the course for you.

If you're serious and committed to growing your
business, Yaro offers an elite, one-on-one
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