Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The "secret life" of Joint Ventures

My new mentoring program, Million Dollar Joint
Ventures is completely sold out. However, I'm
going to let a limited number of people "audit"
the program and you can do it at 50% off the
cost of the mentoring version.

So what does it mean to "audit" a course? It
means you get all the materials, but you don't
participate in the live portion. However, you do
get the recordings of all the live sessions, so in
that sense, you're really getting nearly all the
benefit. And you're getting it for just $1,750
rather than the $3,500 the members of the full
program have paid.

But here's something else you should know
about. I wasn't going to let the cat out of the
bag until later, but with enrollment for the audit
version of MDJV closing in about a week, I
thought you'd like to know about this now.

I've just added a special bonus for the program
that's going to rock your socks! It's a live
interview with Roland Frasier, the guy who
made $1.2 million in about two months with
my Joint Venture strategies.

There are three excellent reasons why you
should make sure you get in on this - and why
it's easily worth the entire cost of the program.

Reason #1 - Roland will lay out his entire model

I have a lot of successful students and although
some of them have agreed to be interviewed in
the past, many others refuse to be interviewed.
They simply don't want to share their closely
held information with others.

Personally, I think that's a big mistake as there
are far more JV deals available than thousands
of people could ever handle. But I respect
their right to keep their details private.

Roland is quite different. First of all, he already
has another very lucrative business and he
really did his deal as a part-time gig. So he
isn't all that concerned about sharing every
last detail in step-by-step fashion.

But he's also a great guy and very willing
to help others. As with many very successful
people, he realizes that helping others often
pays you back in many ways you wouldn't
have thought of.

So you can be sure that this will be a master
class in putting together large, highly profitable
Toll Gate Joint Ventures with the least amount
of time and effort. And everything will be laid
out in a step-by-step way that's easy to follow
and apply.

Reason #2 - The "secret life" of Joint Ventures

Here's another interesting fact about Roland's
deal. He didn't make all of the $1.2 million in
a single stroke. The first part of his JV paid him
$800,000. And then a second part brought in
the remaining $400,000.

Now, most people miss this part entirely when
doing Joint Ventures. What they don't realize is
that JVs have a "secret life" that enables them to
be leveraged into multiple deals. This is exactly
what Roland did.

You've probably heard that the real money in
any business is in the back end. This means
that once you acquire a customer and gain
their trust, you can make multiple sales to them
again and again.

Well one of the added benefits of Joint Ventures
is that they have an automatic, built in back end.
And Roland and I will reveal exactly how this
built in back end works - and how easy it is for
you to use this knowledge to multiply the value
of all your Joint Venture deals.

Reason #3 - The Toll Gate "avalanche effect"

This is where it gets a bit crazy. When used
properly, not only do your Joint Venture deals
have a built-in back end... but each part of
that back end has an entire back end of it's
own. And each of those additional back ends
has its own back end - and so on!

What this means, is that once you understand
how to harness what I call the "avalanche
effect" of Joint Ventures, each deal can easily
be spun off into 5, 10 or more deals.

Not only that, but the avalanche just keeps
growing and gaining more momentum. And as
it gains momentum, as you can probably see,
the profits that can be produced are often

And I'll be covering all the details of how to
do this starting in the interview with Roland
and continuing through the rest of the program.

Lock in your spot in the audit version of MDJV
right now - before it's too late

Enrollment for the audit version of Million Dollar
Joint Ventures is still open. But it will be closing
down for good in about a week. If you delay,
you'll miss out.

So take a minute while it's fresh in your mind
right now to check out the details and get
enrolled. Just click this link for the details:



Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy, Inc.

P.S. One last thing. The audit version of MDJV
is priced at $1,750 - that's 50% off the
cost of the full mentoring version. Many
people are asking me if there will be a
cheaper home study version.

I've recently closed a Joint Venture deal
for another company to offer the home
study version later this year. BUT that
version is scheduled to sell for between
$2,000 and $3,000. So this is the least
expensive version that will be offered.
And if you wait, you'll end up paying
much more. So jump on this now.


2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

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