Monday, November 26, 2012

Live Blood & Iridology Results

Live Blood & Iridology Results

Sal & Marcelle have sent me all the test results from the event and WOW!

4% or 2/50 people in the room had good health and rest of the reports all had varied problems.

They all said essentially the same thing.....

.......take care of your health and love yourself NOW....

You don't have to wait until you get a "labeled diagnosis" to start taking care of yourself or wait until your very existence is being threatened.

There is nothing that has to happen for you to be worthy of your own love, you are not a "sinner", there is nothing wrong with you, you were not broken off the factory floor, you are human and they come with "faults" and you don't need society's approval for anything.

The other things I saw on the Live Blood & Iridology tests were....

- Get a desk reference and get empowered to balance your own body
- Get a coach for the imbalances that have gone too far
- Follow all of the basic health principles don't just talk or think about them
- You are worthy of  a life on your own terms pursue them are hereby ordained ready for it and I hereby grant you "qualified and credentialed"
- You can afford to be healthy and get what is necessary for a healthy life the same way you currently afford to be sick.
- Your health, your life, your body/fitness and your future dreams are all worthy of your time/love/priority...delay other things but not these.....

What's the secret of the people with good health?

Being one of them I can say with absolute certainty it is not magic it is following all of he above.

Follow all fundamental health principles and live a non-toxic lifestyle.

Fyi, I have not yet seen all the test results but I am certain they will all say this and serve as a warning sign/wake up call to start today.


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