Saturday, November 5, 2011

Consultants and coaches - final notice

I sent this out a couple of days ago, but I'll be
closing this down early next week. Just want
to make sure you get one last chance to take
a look at this, so...

If you're a marketing consultant or coach, the two
biggest roadblocks you face are:

1. Generating enough qualified prospects on
an ongoing, consistent basis

2. Having a significant "differentiation factor"
that makes you a superior choice over all
your competitors

If this sounds all too familiar, I have an opportunity
for you to solve both of these problems and actually
turn them into powerful advantages.

In a couple of weeks, I'm going to be offering an
advanced training and certification program that
authorizes you to market and use my proprietary
"Evergreen Marketing" program with your clients.
This is the exact same program I use with all of
my own clients.

Having a unique, proven system with a long track
record of success will give you the significant
"differentiation factor" you need to stand out as the
clear choice over all your competitors.

You'll also have the opportunity to work directly
with me and my team personally on projects where
we need more resources. And in order to do this,
I'll be giving you my proven, proprietary lead
generation processes.

Plus, I'll even hand deliver a number of warm
pre-qualified leads to you. These two components
alone will solve any problems you've had with
prospecting and client acquisition.

Who this program is for

The Evergreen Marketing Certified Consultant
program is designed for two kinds of people. First,
this program would be ideal for you if you're already
working as a marketing consultant or coach and want
to take your skills and earnings to a much higher level.

It's also for people who have a strong knowledge of
marketing and want to "start at the top" as a marketing
consultant. But the bottom line is that this program is
ONLY for people who have a driving commitment to
being successful.

Who isn't it for? If you're new to marketing, it definitely
is not for you. To perform at this level requires that
you have a strong foundation in marketing and/or

It also isn't right for you if you're a business owner or
employee of a company and thinking about using the
Evergreen Marketing program for your business.
That's what you come to me and the members of
this program for!

Why enrollment is so limited

Since I'll be conducting all of the training and providing
all of the support (including my direct phone number
and email address), I have to limit the membership
to no more than 10 people. This is so I can make
sure you get all the personalized training, support
and attention you deserve.

The fee for the Engagement Marketing Certified
Consultant program is $22,500 per year, plus a
small percentage of the profits you generate from
using my proven marketing programs with your
clients. While this is obviously a considerable
investment, it's very reasonable compared to
what you can earn.

PLUS, if you're accepted for this program
the first thing I'm going to do - before the
program even begins - is give you a powerful
marketing strategy you can use with your
clients to make serious money right away.

And I'll even hand you a number of leads for
people who are eager to use this strategy,
completely pre-qualified and ready to go.

This alone should pay for most or all of your
tuition before the program even begins.

Interested? Then here's where to register and
get the details on this program:


Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy, Inc.

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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