Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Want more paying customers?

One of the greatest problems all businesses face
is the quality of the traffic they're able to attract
to their web site. Just the other day I was talking
to a prospect who has a list of 135,000 - but
only 900 of the people on that list are actually
paying customers.

And that's the rub. Just because you can get a
lot of traffic doesn't mean that it's quality traffic.
Because what you really want is a large, steady
stream of pre-qualified prospects - people with
the highest likelihood of actually buying your
product or service.

Fortunately, there's a powerful solution to your
traffic problems. A massive source of traffic
that's easy to attract AND is far easier to
pre-qualify so you're only attracting quality
prospects who really want your product or

And that solution is... drum roll please...

Paid Facebook ads

If you aren't advertising on Facebook, you're
leaving a lot of money on the table

You see, Facebook is by far the best source
of highly targeted, pre-qualified traffic you can
find online. It gives you the ability to drill down to
the deepest level of detail and advertise only to
those people who fit the qualifications you select.

And unlike Google - who wants your money
but constantly and secretively changes its rules
to prevent you from holding top ranking
positions - Facebook actually wants you to
be successful with your advertising. And that's
why they make the deep level of qualification
available to advertisers - so your advertising
will be targeted and successful.

One more important point. There are now
over 500 million users on Facebook. And over
50% of them log on to Facebook every day.
So the sheer number of people you can reach,
based on their own stated preferences, is

That's the good news, now here's the "not so
good" part

In order to take full advantage of the power of
Facebook ads, a lot of different factors come
into play. And if you get any of them wrong, your
results will plunge quickly.

Here's a partial list of what you must do right
in order to capitalize on this almost unlimited
source of pre-qualified traffic:

> You must know exactly how to target your
audience properly. This is by far the most
critical factor in making the most sales with
Facebook ads.

> You must know exactly how to set up your
ads once you've established the proper
targeting. Like most platforms with a large
variety of options, this can be a complex

> You must know exactly how to bid for
your ads to ensure that you get the most
clicks at the lowest cost. And if you bid
incorrectly, which is easy to do, you can
easily wind up with no traffic at all.

> Understanding the two "bid trigger factors"
that can reduce your costs per click by 50%
is also critical to making your ads as profitable
as possible. But Facebook does not share
this information anywhere.

> Now that you have all those factors in place,
the next thing you must do is create a powerful,
compelling ad that gets maximum results - and
does not get you banned. There are dozens of
nuances in this step alone that can quickly make
or break your ad campaign.

> Even if your ads are firing on all cylinders, you're
still not home yet. Next, you must have a landing
page that gets results. And because people go to
Facebook for information and comraderie rather
than to hear a marketing message, your landing
pages must be very different than the kind of
landing pages you're used to creating.

Now, that's the main list of factors that you must
get right in order to be successful, but there are
others as well, and many nuances to all of them.

If all this sounds overwhelming, here's the solution

Instead of spending months and thousands of dollars
trying to figure out how to do Facebook advertising
effectively, why not let my team create your Facebook
ad campaign for you? Because I completely guarantee
your results, it's your fastest, safest route to quickly
attracting a large, steady stream of prospects who
have a strong interest in buying your product or

My team will create your entire Facebook ad campaign
for you and deliver it to you in word-for-word format,
ready to go. So all you have to do is plug it into
Facebook following the simple instructions we give
you, hit the submit key and then watch the highly
qualified traffic start streaming in immediately.

You'll like my fees too

I'm making our Facebook ad campaigns available on
a "sliding fee" scale. The amount of my retainer will
depend on the size of your company and how much
profit you stand to make. But regardless of the size
of your company, I can assure you that the retainer
will be quite reasonable. Then the balance of my fee
is 20% of the profits your Facebook ad campaign
produces for you - but only AFTER you've banked
your profits.

And as I mentioned, your results are completely
guaranteed. If the Facebook ad campaign my team
creates for you isn't profitable, I'll refund every cent
you paid me. So there's really no way you can lose
with this.

If you'd like to get started, here's the next step. Just
use the link below to provide me with some basic
information about your business. When you get to
the request page, you'll be asked for your name,
email address, web url, and a few more details
about your business.

It shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes to fill
in the information and submit your online request.
And submitting your request does not obligate
you to use my services.

I'll review your request and get back to you within
48 hours to let you know if this program makes
sense for you and we should talk a bit more about
it by phone.

Here's the link to submit your request:


I look forward to helping you finally get the
amount and quality of traffic you really need for
your business to be as successful as possible.


Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy, Inc.

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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