Monday, May 25, 2009

How Leslie makes money by giving away stuff

Blog Tips Newsletter by Yaro Starak

Here's a unique method for
making money on the Internet.

You give other people stuff.

It's a bit counter-intuitive, so
in this interview my friend Leslie
explains how he does it...


Hello There,

You can go straight to the interview and download
the MP3 and text transcript here -

Leslie writes a blog about what is called
"freebie trading".

It's sort of like affiliate marketing, but
instead of having to sell other companies
products, you just give away their freebie stuff.

For example you might remember the "get a f-ree
iPod" campaign that was quite prevalent online a
few years back. That was an example of this

I didn't quite understand how it worked, so I
invited Leslie to do an interview with me.

Leslie made $31,000+ in 2008 thanks to freebie
trading and his blog. He also happens to have
studied every single coaching program I've
released so far, so it's fair to say he's
benefited from my training.

What's amazing about Leslie's story is he does
all his online activities AND works a full time
job as a teacher. Teachers are known as hard
workers and often take work home, things like
marking papers, etc.

This is true proof that you can work a full time
job and work after hours on your online business
and get tremendous results. I'm pretty sure
Leslie is thinking about quitting his job pretty
soon too, especially if his income continues along
the same trendline.

I think you will enjoy this interview because
Leslie is very open with how he does things and
being a teacher, is of course great at teaching.

Here's the link to download or read the interview -

Here's to your blogging success,

Yaro Starak

PS. The key to success online is taking action on
a regular basis and doing the right things in the
right order. So many people make the mistake
believing that they can get results by searching
around and reading lots of blogs and websites.

That just isn't a good formula because you don't
get given the right actions, nor are you told when
is the right time to do them. If you have found
yourself floundering about, doing random
activities that don't really connect together,
then you're making a mistake.

Join my coaching program and you get 27 lessons
that are designed to take you through the correct
sequence to build a successful and profitable
blog. There's no guesswork here - it works - and
all the successful case studies from people who
have gone through my program are proof.

Here's the link to find out more -

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