Wednesday, August 10, 2011

MDJV Audit - Closing in 24 hours

Final enrollment for the "audit" version of Million
Dollar Joint Ventures closes for good in just 24

That's at the end of the day, tomorrow August 11th.
If you act quickly, you can still enroll and save 50%
off the cost of the mentoring version.

So what does it mean to "audit" a course? It means
you get all the materials, but you don't participate
in the live portion. However, you do get the recordings
of all the live sessions, so in that sense, you're really
getting nearly all the benefit. And you're getting it for
just $1,750 rather than the $3,500 the members
of the full program have paid.

BUT if you let this pass you by, here's just some
of what you'll miss...

An easy way anyone can make $1,750 per hour
with my Middle-Man Joint Ventures strategy

If you've seen the web page with the sales letter for
Million Dollar Joint Ventures, then you know that on
that page, I show you exactly how to make $750 per
hour with a blindingly simple JV strategy.

But in the actual program, I kick this up to an entire
new level. I start by showing you a simple "tweak"
that immediately generates $1,750 per hour instead
of $750. Then I take you step-by-step through a
simple process for building a 6 to 7-figure business
using just this single strategy.

Just added - a case study of how one of my students
made $1.2 million in the first three months of this year

Times are tough and it doesn't look like the economy
is going to get much better. But that hasn't stopped
Roland Frasier from making $1.2 million in just the
first three months of this year with another one of my
Joint Venture strategies.

Fortunately, Roland has agreed to lay his entire
experience out for you and give you a simple blueprint
for modeling his success. This is a simple, powerful
case study you are not going to want to miss out on.

Discover 9 new or improved ways to broker your
own lucrative Joint Venture deals

The majority of the material in this program is brand
new. It's been over three years since I created the
original program and a lot has changed since then.

The old program featured just a couple of ways to
set up your JV deals. Million Dollar Joint Ventures
features 9 different ways. Three of these are
improvements on methods I've discussed before
- and six are entirely new methods that I've never
revealed before.

All of them are easy to apply when you work my
simple, step-by-step system. And all of them are
designed to help you make a 6 to 7-figure income
by brokering Joint Venture deals.

Lock in your spot in the audit version of MDJV
right now - before it's too late

Enrollment for the audit version of Million Dollar
Joint Ventures is still open. But it will close for
good at the end of the day tomorrow. If you delay,
you'll miss out.

So take a minute while it's fresh in your mind right
now to check out the details and get enrolled. Just
click this link for the details:


Bob Serling, Founder
Profit Alchemy, Inc.

2039 Bruceala Court, Cardiff, CA 92007, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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