Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How to become "THE GURU" in your niche market

Blog Tips Newsletter by Yaro Starak

Here's some wisdom about what
it takes to become the leader
in your market...


Hi There,

I received this email from Eben Pagan and I
thought it was very relevant for bloggers too,
since what we do is build authority in our niche.

Eben uses the word "Guru", but "authority" or
"expert" is the same. What we're talking about
is positioning in the mind of your audience.

If you can create the perception of superiority,
you win.

Here's Eben's advice on how you can do this via
publishing information online...


Watch the video version here.

There's only one way to win big when selling Information
Products online: Become THE GURU of your market.

As you can see everywhere online right now, the world
is looking for "niche experts" to learn from in EVERY

And the way to DOMINATE your niche, make lots of
sales, and secure a high long-term income is to
BECOME the guru of YOUR niche.

How? Three ways:

#1 Way To Become The GURU Of Your Niche Market:

Create products with a high "perceived value." You do
this by understanding how to organize your information so

Some books sell for ten bucks, some books sell for a
hundred bucks, and some sell for a THOUSAND bucks
(yes, some new books sell for this much money).

How do you make a BOOK or other Information Product
worth a thousand dollars?

Good question, and I'll tell you how to find the exact
answer in a minute (Hint: The answer has nothing to do
with what's INSIDE your book!).

But first, let's talk about the second way to dominate your
niche and become a GURU:

#2 Way To Become The GURU Of Your Niche Market:

Create compelling OFFERS that draw people to your
website and get them to opt-in to your list.

One of the most over-looked (and easiest) ways to get
people to join your list is to create a simple product that
you can give away for free.

In fact, this concept now has a name: It's called "Moving
The Free Line."

There's NOTHING as compelling as getting something
that has a very high perceived value for the magic price
of: Free.

Start out with a Special Report that's worth $47, or a
video training that's worth $100. Give it a powerful title
that promises a specific benefit.


You'll draw traffic like a magnet - and build your list FAST.

#3 Way To Become The GURU Of Your Niche Market:

Generate massive amounts of TRAFFIC to your site,
so you become known as the AUTHORITY in your field.

How do you think the "Gurus" are made?

Do you think they're born famous?

Of course not.

But each of them has figured out how to MAKE
themselves famous. And they've done this by getting
a lot of traffic and attention.

The first step to getting lots of traffic and subscribers is
to FOCUS. Narrow the focus of your niche.

You'll notice that each of the big "Gurus" online has a
particular niche (or set of niches) that they specialize
in. That's because they KNOW that the "specialist" is
the one that's more likely to become famous in their


Once you've specialized, then it's time to learn how to
master the art of partnering with others who have big
lists - and creating offers that they want to promote.

Getting affiliate partners to offer your products to their
lists is the fastest, easiest, lowest-risk way to get lots
of traffic and make yourself FAMOUS in your market.

How do all the big product launches work?

You guessed it: Affiliate partners!

So, now that you know the three keys to becoming the
GURU in your niche, it's time to actually DO it.


The Fast-Track To Becoming The GURU Of Your Niche:

These simple ideas that I've just shared with you are
actually a very brief SUMMARY of the concepts taught
inside a brand-new training course that is open again
for one day only - today.

The training is called the "GURU Home Study Course" -
and it was created by the guy that came up with the
phrase "Move The Free Line" - Eben Pagan.

Now, he obviously didn't invent the idea of giving stuff
away for free - but he DOES have a business that sells
over $20 Million per year in Information Products - and
his course is the only one ever created that is
SPECIFICALLY focused on helping you become THE
GURU of your niche.

Go watch this video that he just posted on his website:

How To Become The GURU In Your Niche

Here's to your online success,

Yaro Starak

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